39 research outputs found

    Softening of Majorana edge states by long-range couplings

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    The inclusion of long-range couplings in the Kitaev chain is shown to modify the universal scaling of topological states close to the critical point. By means of the scattering approach, we prove that the Majorana states soften, becoming increasingly delocalised at a universal rate which is only determined by the interaction range. This edge mechanism can be related to a change in the value of the bulk topological index at criticality, upon careful redefinition of the latter. The critical point turns out to be topologically akin to the trivial phase rather than interpolating between the two phases. Our treatment moreover showcases how various topological aspects of quantum models can be investigated analytically.Comment: 6 + 6 pages (main body + appendices), 3 figure

    Universal scaling in fractional dimension

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    The concept of universality has shaped our understanding of many-body physics, but is mostly limited to homogenous systems. Here, we present a first study of universality on a non-homogeneous graph, the long-range diluted graph (LRDG). Its scaling theory is controlled by a single parameter, the spectral dimension dsd_s, which plays the role of the relevant parameter on complex geometries. The graph under consideration allows us to tune the value of the spectral dimension continuously and find the universal exponents as continuous functions of the dimension. By means of extensive numerical simulations, we probe the scaling exponents of a simple instance of O(N) symmetric models on the LRDG showing quantitative agreement with the theoretical prediction of universal scaling in fractional dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems with long-range interactions

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    Experimental progress in atomic, molecular, and optical platforms in the last decade has stimulated strong and broad interest in the quantum coherent dynamics of many long-range interacting particles. The prominent collective character of these systems enables novel non-equilibrium phenomena with no counterpart in conventional quantum systems with local interactions. Much of the theory work in this area either focussed on the impact of variable-range interaction tails on the physics of local interactions or relied on mean-field-like descriptions based on the opposite limit of all-to-all infinite-range interactions. In this Report, we present a systematic and organic review of recent advances in the field. Working with prototypical interacting quantum spin lattices without disorder, our presentation hinges upon a versatile theoretical formalism that interpolates between the few-body mean-field physics and the many-body physics of quasi-local interactions. Such a formalism allows us to connect these two regimes, providing both a formal quantitative tool and basic physical intuition. We leverage this unifying framework to review several findings of the last decade, including the peculiar non-ballistic spreading of quantum correlations, counter-intuitive slowdown of entanglement dynamics, suppression of thermalization and equilibration, anomalous scaling of defects upon traversing criticality, dynamical phase transitions, and genuinely non-equilibrium phases stabilized by periodic driving. The style of this Report is on the pedagogical side, which makes it accessible to readers without previous experience in the subject matter.Comment: Review article, 88 + 43 pages and 32 figures. Comments are welcom

    Dynamical criticality and domain-wall coupling in long-range Hamiltonians

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    Dynamical quantum phase transitions hold a deep connection to the underlying equilibrium physics of the quench Hamiltonian. In a recent study [J.~C.~Halimeh \textit{et al.}, arXiv:1810.07187], it has been numerically demonstrated that the appearance of anomalous cusps in the Loschmidt return rate coincides with the presence of bound domain walls in the spectrum of the quench Hamiltonian. Here, we consider transverse-field Ising chains with power-law and exponentially decaying interactions, and show that by removing domain-wall coupling via a truncated Jordan-Wigner transformation onto a Kitaev chain with long-range hopping and pairing, anomalous dynamical criticality is no longer present. This indicates that bound domain walls are necessary for anomalous cusps to appear in the Loschmidt return rate. We also calculate the dynamical phase diagram of the Kitaev chain with long-range hopping and pairing, which in the case of power-law couplings is shown to exhibit rich dynamical criticality including a doubly critical dynamical phase.Comment: journal article, 11 pages, 5 figure

    Vortex supersolid in the XY model with tunable vortex fugacity

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    In this paper, we investigate the XY model in the presence of an additional potential term that independently tunes the vortex fugacity. By increasing the strength of this term and thereby the vortex chemical potential ÎĽ\mu, we observe significant changes in the phase diagram with the emergence of a normal vortex-antivortex lattice as well as a superconducting vortex-antivortex crystal (supersolid) phase. We examine the transition lines between these two phases and the conventional non-crystalline one as a function of both the temperature and the chemical potential. Our findings suggest the possibility of a peculiar tricritical point where second-order, first-order, and infinite-order transition lines meet. We discuss the differences between the present phase diagram and previous results for two-dimensional Coulomb gas models. Our study provides important insights into the behaviour of the modified XY model and opens up new possibilities for investigating the underlying physics of unconventional phase transitions

    Quantum Metric Unveils Defect Freezing in Non-Hermitian Systems

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    Non-Hermiticity in quantum Hamiltonians leads to nonunitary time evolution and possibly complex energy eigenvalues, which can lead to a rich phenomenology with no Hermitian counterpart. In this work, we study the dynamics of an exactly solvable non-Hermitian system, hosting both PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric and PT\mathcal{PT}-broken modes subject to a linear quench. Employing a fully consistent framework, in which the Hilbert space is endowed with a nontrivial dynamical metric, we analyze the dynamics of the generated defects. In contrast to Hermitian systems, our study reveals that PT -broken time evolution leads to defect freezing and hence the violation of adiabaticity. This physics necessitates the so-called metric framework, as it is missed by the oft used approach of normalizing quantities by the time-dependent norm of the state. Our results are relevant for a wide class of experimental systems.Comment: Main text: 7 pages and 3 figure

    Interplay of spin waves and vortices in the 2D XY model at small vortex-core energy

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    The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) mechanism describes universal vortex unbinding in many two-dimensional systems, including the paradigmatic XY model. However, most of these systems present a complex interplay between excitations at different length scales that complicates theoretical calculations of nonuniversal thermodynamic quantities. These difficulties may be overcome by suitably modifying the initial conditions of the BKT flow equations to account for noncritical fluctuations at small length scales. In this work, we perform a systematic study of the validity and limits of this two-step approach by constructing optimised initial conditions for the BKT flow. We find that the two-step approach can accurately reproduce the results of Monte-Carlo simulations of the traditional XY model. In order to systematically study the interplay between vortices and spin-wave excitations, we introduce a modified XY model with increased vortex fugacity. We present large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations of the spin stiffness and vortex density for this modified XY model and show that even at large vortex fugacity, vortex unbinding is accurately described by the nonperturbative functional renormalisation group

    Out-of-equilibrium phase diagram of long-range superconductors

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    Within the ultimate goal of classifying universality in quantum many-body dynamics, understanding the relation between out-of-equilibrium and equilibrium criticality is a crucial objective. Models with power-law interactions exhibit rich well-understood critical behavior in equilibrium, but the out-of-equilibrium picture has remained incomplete, despite recent experimental progress. We construct the rich dynamical phase diagram of free-fermionic chains with power-law hopping and pairing, and provide analytic and numerical evidence showing a direct connection between nonanalyticities of the return rate and zero crossings of the string order parameter. Our results may explain the experimental observation of so-called \textit{accidental} dynamical vortices, which appear for quenches within the same topological phase of the Haldane model, as reported in [Fl\"aschner \textit{et al.}, Nature Physics \textbf{14}, 265 (2018)]. Our work is readily applicable to modern ultracold-atom experiments, not least because state-of-the-art quantum gas microscopes can now reliably measure the string order parameter, which, as we show, can serve as an indicator of dynamical criticality.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted versio