42 research outputs found

    New to ALT and attending ALT-C 2010?

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    This leaflet provides information about ALT activities and sessions for ALT-C 2010 delegates

    ALT Survey 2008/9 Summary Report

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    ALT-Epigeum award for most effective use of video - winner and finalists

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    This document announce the winner and finalists of the 2010 award

    CMALT Prospectus

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    About ALT

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    This document provides information about the Association for Learning Technology (ALT)

    ALT response to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee Short Inquiry into Open Access

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    ALT Learning Environment Review SIG (LERSIG)

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    About LERSIG - Nov 200

    ALT Policy on Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

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    ALT 2016 Trustee and Vice-Chair Nomination Form and AGM Calling Notice

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    The calling notice for the ALT 2016 AGM to be held on 7 September 2016, and the nomination form for: 1) Vice-Chair of the Association (who becomes Chair, then President in successive years) to serve three years; 2) Trustees to serve three years (two vacancies). All nominations should be marked "Nominations" and sent to arrive by Friday 10 June 2015. Items may be submitted by post, to Maren Deepwell, Chief Executive, ALT, Gipsy Lane, Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP, UK, or email to [email protected]