475 research outputs found

    Does culture condition of reduced oxygen pressure helps in embryo quality? A prospective randomized study

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    Background: Embryo quality is of paramount importance in an in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) cycle. A healthy embryo leads to a robust pregnancy. Incubation in an ideal atmosphere is essential requirement in an IVF-ET cycle.Methods: Traditionally carbon dioxide incubator with sensors for carbon dioxide levels and temperature has been used widely. We compared the quality of these embryos to incubation in hypoxic condition by addition of nitrogen. Oxygen levels were brought to 5% as compared to 21% in room air.Results: Ladies with high body mass index (BMI) and advanced age had more embryos available for transfer. More embryos reached day 3 and day 5, thus increasing availability for cryopreservation. The fragmentation rate and fertilization failure were less. Pregnancy rate was definitely improved as compared to traditional incubation.Conclusions: Hypoxic incubation condition leads to better embryo health. This translates into improved and efficient cycle outcome

    Evaluation of cases of spontaneous conceptions during COVID-19 outbreak and lock down: multicentric retrospective analytic study

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    Background: With lockdown and cessation of non essential, life saving treatment options couples registered at ART centres were dismayed. The aspirations of numerous couples and their families were left in a lurch. Unexpectedly cases of spontaneous conceptions in this pool of patients were a ray of hope.Methods: In this multicentric retrospective analytic study, we evaluated all cases of spontaneous pregnancies and compared them with the cohort of couples registered at our ART centers. The objective of the study was to study impact of pandemic on ART registered couples.Results: Comparisons showed that the patients who had conceived were younger with a shorter duration of infertility. More of unexplained infertile patients conceived as compared to those with known etiology. Genital tuberculosis remained constant subset of patient who conceived spontaneously as before. Conclusions: Age and duration of infertility remains important prognostic indicator for spontaneous conception in Infertile couples. The pandemic had positive impact on conception rate in our clientele

    Single versus double intrauterine insemination to assess the relevance of double intrauterine insemination: a prospective, randomized multicentric study

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    Background: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a widely used tool as initial treatment option for infertile couples. Being a non-invasive, outpatient department (OPD) based procedure it serves as first modality of assisted reproductive technique. Overtime various modifications in stimulation protocol, sperm preparation techniques and variation in timing has been attempted to improve upon the success rates.Methods: We conducted a multicentric, prospective randomized study and assessment of data of double IUI at three tertiary care centers of armed forces. The data was evaluated to study the patient parameters and various factors affecting the success rate of IUI.Results: We found that duration of infertility, age of couple and body mass index (BMI) are inversely related to success of IUI cycles. Double IUI increases the success rate in borderline male factor infertility, ladies with normal BMI and in cases of secondary infertility with previous live issue. In donor IUI cycles there is a positive correlation with sperm parameters and benefit from double insemination.Conclusions: Double IUI can be offered to selected couples to improve upon the success rate of IUI cycle

    Genetic variability study in F2 population of tetraploid dicoccum wheat crosses

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    The aim of the present investigation was to estimate the genetic variability parameters in Wheat (Triticum dicoccum) F2 population of the cross DDK1025 X ML-1. The traits involved in study were grain yield, threshability, rachis percent and other yield contributing traits such as tiller number, number of grains per spike, number of spikelet’s per spike, etc. and the genetic variability parameters estimated are mean, range, Phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV), Genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), heritability and genetic advance over mean. The results obtained from the study reveals higher mean and wider range for all the traits especially for plant height, tiller number, spikelets per spike, number of grains per spikelet, spike length, grain yield per plant, threshability and rachis. High degree of PCV with moderate GCV was observed for the traits like number of tiller per plant (20.96 PCV and 15.96 GCV), number of grains per spike (21.92 PCV and 18.79 GCV), rachis % (22.5 PCV and 19.10 GCV) and grain yield per plant (20.07 PCV and 18.10) . Heritability and genetic advance was recorded to high for all the traits in both the populations. On the basis of an overall consideration of the genetic variability parameters it may be concluded that F2 population of the cross, DDK-1025 x ML-1 have the potential source for improving the yield and its associated traits and also offering some scope in altering the plant height

    Combined use of cytological, visual and colposcopic examination for evaluation of unhealthy cervix and their histopathological correlation

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    Background: Unhealthy cervix can be a presentation of a broad spectrum of clinical conditions with diverse pathologies like infective, inflammatory, reactive and neoplastic etc. Cervical cancer, having a multifactorial causation, is the second most common cancer in female population. Because of a prolonged preinvasive phase, the cancer can be diagnosed at an earlier stage. Early diagnosis makes it amenable to treatment.Methods: A total 100 ladies attending gynaecology OPD of a tertiary care teaching hospital with unhealthy cervix were evaluated. It involved history taking, cytological assessment by Pap smear, examination of cervix after acetic acid application (VIA), colposcopic assessment and biopsy for histopathological evaluation.Results: Correlation of all these modalities to rule out neoplastic aetiology showed a high specificity of 91.9%. The positive predictive value of combined approach was found to be 65% whereas negative predictive value approached 100%.Conclusions: Combined approach with VIA, Colposcopy, Pap smear and Directed biopsy provide a comprehensive evaluation of unhealthy cervix


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    Objective: Tolterodine tartrate (tolterodine) is used for treating overactive bladder (OAB) with symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency and leakage. Tolterodine is an antimuscarinic (anticholinergic) agent. It works by blocking a chemical that causes contractions of the bladder. Present work involved development of a novel drug delivery system of tolterodine intended to be taken once daily.Methods: Extended release (ER) pellets of tolterodine were prepared and optimized for in vitro drug release. Subsequently, these pellets were filled into a suitable sized capsule. The resulting capsules were evaluated for in vitro drug release. Optimized formulation was subjected to accelerated stability studies for 3 mo and was evaluated for description, average weight, assay and drug release.Results: The optimized ER capsule exhibited similar dissolution profile as that of the reference listed drug (RLD), with approximately 45%, 75% and more than 80% release in 3 h, 5 h and 7 h respectively. Accelerated stability studies indicated good physical and chemical stability of the formulation.Conclusion: ER formulation of tolterodine was optimized and can be used as once a day dosage, reducing the frequency of administration when compared with the immediate release formulation. The developed formulation exhibited similar behavior as that of reference formulation Detrol LA marketed in the US

    LooknLearn: An AR System of Linked Video

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    This paper presents an augmented reality system using video as the primary interface. Using the authoring component of this system, individuals can leave "video streams," consisting of several layers of film, movies, moving pictures, animation, video clips at a location outdoors. Using the navigation component, individuals can watch streams by walking into the area that the stream occupies. Furthermore, stream can be linked together, whereby an individual is directed from one stream to related streams in the area. Keywords: Augmented reality, video stream, navigation, authoring environment, video link

    Preinačena tenektomija mišića m. gastrocnemius sa sačuvanim tkivom tetive dubokog fleksora prstiju radi olakšanja spastičke pareze u volova.

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    Bovine spastic paresis is a neuromuscular disease occurring sporadically in all cattle breeds of the world. The surgical procedure to alleviate spasticity signs has been employed to salvage the calf for slaughter. The surgical procedure of “Modified gastrocnemius tenectomy with intact deep calcaneal tendinous tissues” applied in eight adult bullocks was effective in correcting signs of spastic paresis. The technique, being simpler and economical, could be adopted under field conditions..Spastička pareza goveda je neuromuskularna bolest koja se sporadično javlja diljem svijeta. Za ublažavanje grča primjenjuju se kirurški zahvati. Kirurški postupak preinačene tenektomije mišića m. gastrocnemius sa sačuvanim tkivom tetive dubokog fleksora prstiju primijenjen u osam odraslih volova pokazao se učinkovitim u poboljšanju znakova spastičke pareze. Postupak je vrlo jednostavan i može se primijeniti u terenskim uvjetima

    Study of HSG findings in our clientele: a multicentre retrospective analytical study

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    Background: Infertility is a social morbidity for an infertile couple. The treatment is exhaustive and expensive.Methods: Hysterosalpingography is a basic investigation for an infertile lady. We assessed the findings and outcome of HSG over one year at our tertiary care centers.Results: Bilateral patent fallopian tubes and normal uterine cavity were the commonest finding. Pain was the commonest complication in the procedure. Going for diagnostic hystero-laparoscopic was the commonest surgical intervention following HSG. Starting ATT was the commonest medicine intervention. ART Treatment involved starting intrauterine insemination cycle following HSG. Spontaneous conception was a welcome outcome in a selected subset of patients.Conclusions: HSG is an inexpensive and OPD based investigative modality. It is effective test for evaluation of infertility especially in low-resource settings. It is a stepping stone to guide further treatment in an infertile couple. A well timed and well exposed film can give numerous insights about the options for cure of this morbidity

    Indiscernible topological variations in DAE networks

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    A problem of characterizing conditions under which a topological change in a network of differential–algebraic equations (DAEs) can go undetected is considered. It is shown that initial conditions for which topological changes are indiscernible belong to a generalized eigenspace shared by the nominal system and the system resulting from a topological change. A condition in terms of eigenvectors of the nominal system is derived to check for existence of possibly indiscernible topological changes. For homogeneous networks this condition simplifies to the existence of an eigenvector of the Laplacian of network having equal components. Lastly, a rank condition is derived which can be used to check if a topological change preserves regularity of the nominal network