3,127 research outputs found

    Direct Numerical Simulation of Complex Gas-Liquid-Solid Flows using a Combined\ud Immersed Boundary (IB) and Volume Of Fluid (VOF) Approach

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    In this paper a simulation model is presented for the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of complex multi-fluid flows in which simultaneously (moving) deformable (drops or bubbles) and non-deformable (moving) elements (particles) are present, possibly with the additional presence of free surfaces. Our model combines the VOF model developed by van Sint Annaland et al. (2005) and the Immersed Boundary (IB) model The Volume of Fluid (VOF) part features i) an interface reconstruction technique based on piecewise linear interface representation ii) a three-dimensional version of the CSF model of Brackbill et al. (1992). The Immersed Boundary (IB) part incorporates both particle-fluid and particle-particle interaction via a Direct Forcing Method (DFM) and a hard sphere Discrete Particle (DP) approach. In our model a fixed (Eulerian) grid is utilized to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for the entire computational domain. The no-slip condition at the surface of the moving particles is enforced via a momentum source term which only acts in the vicinity of the particle surface. Specifically Lagrangian force points are used which are distributed evenly over the surface of the particle. Dissipative particle-particle and/or particle-wall collisions are accounted via a hard sphere DP approach using a three-parameter particle-particle interaction model accounting for normal and tangential restitution and tangential friction. The capabilities of the hybrid VOF-IB model are demonstrated with a number of examples in which complex topological changes in the interface are encountered

    Mechanism for Spontaneous Growth of Nanopillar Arrays in Ultrathin Films Subject to a Thermal Gradient

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    Several groups have reported spontaneous formation of periodic pillar-like arrays in molten polymer nanofilms confined within closely spaced substrates maintained at different temperatures. These formations have been attributed to a radiation pressure instability caused by acoustic phonons. In this work, we demonstrate how variations in the thermocapillary stress along the nanofilm interface can produce significant periodic protrusions in any viscous film no matter how small the initial transverse thermal gradient. The linear stability analysis of the interface evolution equation explores an extreme limit of B\'{e}nard-Marangoni flow peculiar to films of nanoscale dimensions in which hydrostatic forces are altogether absent and deformation amplitudes are small in comparison to the pillar spacing. Finite element simulations of the full nonlinear equation are also used to examine the array pitch and growth rates beyond the linear regime. Inspection of the Lyapunov free energy as a function of time confirms that in contrast to typical cellular instabilities in macroscopically thick films, pillar-like elongations are energetically preferred in nanofilms. Provided there occurs no dewetting during film deformation, it is shown that fluid elongations continue to grow until contact with the cooler substrate is achieved. Identification of the mechanism responsible for this phenomenon may facilitate fabrication of extended arrays for nanoscale optical, photonic and biological applications.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Gas-solid two-phase turbulent flow in a circulating fluidized bed riser: an\ud experimental and numerical study

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    Hydrodynamics of gas-particle two-phase turbulent flow in a circulating fluidized bed riser is studied experimentally by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and numerically with the use of a 3D discrete hard sphere particle model (DPM). Mean particle velocities and RMS velocities are obtained and the influence of turbulence on the flow is investigated. The experimental data are analyzed and compared with the numerical results showing a reasonable agreement

    Analysis of the fluidization behaviour and application of a novel spouted bed\ud apparatus for spray granulation and coating

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    Spouted beds are well known for their good mixing of the solid phase and for their intensive heat\ud and mass transfers between the fluid phase and the solid phase. Nearly isothermal conditions are\ud enabled which is of advantage for the treatment of granular solid materials in granulation,\ud agglomeration or coating processes. In this work the hydrodynamic behaviour of a novel spouted\ud bed apparatus with two horizontal and slit-shaped gas inlets is investigated by high-frequency\ud recordings of the gas phase pressure fluctuations over the entire bed. The hydrodynamic stable\ud operation domain, which is of importance for operating the apparatus, will be identified and\ud depicted in the Re-G-Ar-diagram by Mitev [1]. Another focus of this work is the simulation of the\ud spouting process by application of a continuum approach in FLUENT 6.2. The effect of the\ud frictional stresses on the hydrodynamic behaviour is examined by performing simulations with and\ud without consideration of friction. The angle of internal friction fi in Schaeffer`s [10] model will be\ud varied and the simulation results will be compared with experiments. It was found that the influence\ud of friction is not very big by application of the quite simple and empirical frictional viscosity model\ud by Schaeffer [10] basing on soil mechanical principles. Also the simulation results under negligence\ud of friction were similar to those under consideration of friction. Another part of this work is the\ud industrial application of the novel spouted bed in granulation and coating processes. Compared to\ud classical fluidized beds, a much narrower particle size distribution, a higher yield and a higher\ud product quality was obtained in the novel spouted be

    Nation-State Hacking: Uniting Policy and Code to Limit the Threat

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    This article examines nation-state hacking and analyzes some possible defenses against these attacks by combining policy and code level defense. The article examines some recent incidents of nation-state hacking and evaluates the actions taken by the attacker and the effected parties. This work focuses on a variety of nation-state hacking incidents and provides a critical perspective on how policy and code level controls could be combined to defend against these attacks. Nation-state hacking continues to be an important issue on the United States security agenda. Advanced nation-state hacking threats can adversely affect the day to day operations of a nation effectively crippling it with nearly complete anonymity. In 2013, the U.S. issued E.O. 13636, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. On December 1, 2016, President Obama unveiled the National Cybersecurity Plan to increase awareness of the threat that lack of appropriate cybersecurity controls presents

    Direct numerical simulation of heat transport in dispersed gas-liquid two-phase flow using a front tracking approach

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    In this paper a simulation model is presented for the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of heat transport in dispersed gas-liquid two-phase flow using the Front Tracking (FT) approach. Our model extends the FT model developed by van Sint Annaland et al. (2006) to non-isothermal conditions. In FT an unstructured dynamic mesh is used to represent and track the interface explicitly by a number of interconnected marker points. The Lagrangian representation of the interface avoids the necessity to reconstruct the interface from the local distribution of the fractions of the phases and, moreover, allows a direct and accurate calculation of the surface tension force circumventing the (problematic) computation of the interface curvature. The extended model is applied to predict the heat exchange rate between the liquid and a hot wall kept at a fixed temperature. It is found that the wall-to-liquid heat transfer coefficient exhibits a maximum in the vicinity of the bubble that can be attributed to the locally decreased thickness of the thermal boundary layer

    Validation of the granular temperature prediction of the kinetic theory of granular flow by particle image velocimetry and discrete particle model

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    In order to give a detailed description of the hydrodynamics in large industrial scale fluidized beds, continuum models are required. Continuum models often use the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) to provide closure equations for the internal momentum transport in the particulate phase. In this work the outcome of the continuum model is compared with both an experimental technique and detailed simulations, i.e. particle image velocimetry (PIV) and the discrete particle model (DPM).\ud PIV is used for the measurement of an instantaneous velocity field of the flow in the front plane of a fluid bed. The classical PIV analysis is extended to enable the measurement of the local velocity fluctuations in the interrogation area, i.e. the granular temperature. In the DPM, each particle is tracked individually. In this model detailed collision models can be incorporated, rendering the DPM a valuable research tool to validate the underlying assumptions in the KTGF concerning the particle-particle interactions and the particle velocity distribution functions.\ud The aforementioned experimental and numerical techniques are used to measure the granular temperature distribution around a single bubble rising in a gas-fluidized bed. It was found that the results of PIV and the DPM are very similar. Although the initial bubble shape and size are well predicted by the continuum model, it fails once the bubble has detached from the bottom plate. Further research in the area of KTGF closures is needed to improve the predictions of the TFM

    Detailed investigation of granulation processes using a fibre-optical probe and discrete element simulations

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    Spout fluidized beds are frequently used for the production of granules or particles through granulation, which are widely applied for example in the production of detergents, pharmaceuticals, food and fertilizers. Spout fluidized beds have a number of advantageous properties, such as high mobility of the particles preventing undesired agglomeration and enabling excellent heat transfer control. The particle growth mechanism in a spout fluidized bed as function of the particle-droplet interaction has a profound influence on the particle morphology and thus on the product quality. Nevertheless, little is known about the details of the granulation process. This is mainly due to the fact that it is not visually accessible. In this work we use fundamental, deterministic models to enable the detailed investigation of granulation behavior in a spout fluidized bed
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