24 research outputs found

    Genetički polimorfizam glutation S-transferaze P1 (GSTP1) Ile105Val i osetljivost na aterogenezu kod pacijenata sa dijabetesom tipa 2

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    One of the characteristics of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is the state of persistent oxidative stress (OS) that has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diseases such is atherosclerosis mainly through chronic hyperglycemia that stimulates production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increases OS. Glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) is a member of the cytosolic GST superfamily. It plays an important role in neutralizing OS as an enzyme. Also, it participates in regulation of stress signaling and protects cells against apoptosis via its noncatalytic ligand-binding activity. GSTP1 Ile105Val functional polymorphism influences protein catalytic activity and stability and the aim of this study was to determine whether this gene variation influences susceptibility to atherogenesis in T2DM patients. A total of 240 individuals (140 patients with T2DM, accompanied with clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis, and 100 healthy controls) were included in this study. Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood cells and genotyping was performed using polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. We obtained no statistically significant differences in the distribution of alleles and genotypes between cases and controls (P>0.05) but association between Ile/Val (OR=0.6, 95%CI=0.35-1.05, P=0.08) and Val/Val (OR=0.45, 95%CI=0.18-1.11, P=0.08) genotypes and disease approached significance (P=0.08). Our results indicated that a larger study group is needed to establish the true relationship between potentialiy protective allele Val and the disease, and to determine the influence of other GSTP1 polymorphisms on atherogenesis in T2DM patients.Jedna od osobina tipa 2 dijabetes mellitus (T2DM) je stanje perzistentnog oksidativnog stresa (OS) koji je sastavni deo patogeneze bolesti kao Å”to je ateroskleroza i to najčeŔće putem hronične hiperglikemije koja stimuliÅ”e nastanak reaktivnih vrsta kiseonika (tzv ROS) i povećava nivo OS. Glutation S-transferaza P1 (GSTP1) pripada superfamiliji citosolnih GST. Kao enzim, ima važnu ulogu u neutralizaciji OS. Takođe, učestvuje u regulaciji signalnog puta stresa ali i Å”titi ćelije od apoptoze putem nekatalitičke ligand-vezujuće aktivnosti. Funkcionalni polimorfizam Ile105Val GSTP1 gena utiče na katalitičku aktivnost proteina i na njegovu stabilnost i cilj ove studije je bio da se utvrdi da li ova genska varijanta utiče na osetljivost na aterogenezu kod pacijenata sa T2DM. Ukupno 240 osobe (140 pacijenata sa T2DM i nekom od kliničkih manifestacija ateroskleroze i 100 zdravih kontrola) je bilo uključeno u ovu studiju. Genomska DNK je izolovana iz ćelija periferne krvi a genotipizacija je urađena primenom reakcije lančane polimeraze posle koje je urađena analiza dužine restrikcionih fragmenata (PCR-RFLP analiza). Nismo dobili statistički značajne razlike u raspodeli alela i genotipova između obolelih i kontrola (P>0.05) ali asocijacija između Ile/Val (OR=0.6, 95%CI=0.35-1.05, P=0.08) i Val/Val (OR=0.45, 95%CI=0.18-1.11, P=0.08) genotipova i bolesti se približila značajnosti (P=0.08). NaÅ”i rezultaati pokazuju da je potrebna veća grupa ispitanika da bi se utvrdila prava veza između potencijalno protektivnog alela Val i bolesti kao i da bi se utvrdio uticaj drugih polimorfizama gena GSTP1 na aterogenezu kod T2DM pacijenata

    Genetic polymorphism of glutathion S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) Ile105Val and susceptibility to atherogenesis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    One of the characteristics of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is the state of persistent oxidative stress (OS) that has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diseases such is atherosclerosis mainly through chronic hyperglycemia that stimulates production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increases OS. Glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) is a member of the cytosolic GST superfamily. It plays an important role in neutralizing OS as an enzyme. Also, it participates in regulation of stress signaling and protects cells against apoptosis via its noncatalytic ligand-binding activity. GSTP1 Ile105Val functional polymorphism influences protein catalytic activity and stability and the aim of this study was to determine whether this gene variation influences susceptibility to atherogenesis in T2DM patients. A total of 240 individuals (140 patients with T2DM, accompanied with clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis, and 100 healthy controls) were included in this study. Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood cells and genotyping was performed using polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. We obtained no statistically significant differences in the distribution of alleles and genotypes between cases and controls (P>0.05) but association between Ile/Val (OR=0.6, 95%CI=0.35-1.05, P=0.08) and Val/Val (OR=0.45, 95%CI=0.18-1.11, P=0.08) genotypes and disease approached significance (P=0.08). Our results indicated that a larger study group is needed to establish the true relationship between potentialiy protective allele Val and the disease, and to determine the influence of other GSTP1 polymorphisms on atherogenesis in T2DM patients. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175075

    Pat i analiza korelacija između prinosa i drugih osobina semena suncokreta

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    Ten sunflower commercial female parental lines were evaluated for various parameters under field conditions to estimate genetic parameters, correlation coefficient, and path analyses. Interactions of seed germination, 1000 seed weight, oil and protein content with seed yield were examined. After three years of observations, positive significant correlations were found while comparing seed yield with 1000 seed weight. Negative significant correlations were found by comparing seed yield and seed germination. Positive but not significant correlation was found while comparing seed yield with oil content in sunflower seed. Path coefficient analysis indicates that 1000 seed weight has maximum positive and seed germination maximum negative direct effect on yield.U poljskim uslovima su ispitivani različiti parametri kod 10 komercijalnih linija majke u cilju određivanja genetičkih parametara, koeficijenta korelacije i pat analize. Ispitivana je i interakcija između klijanja semena, mase 1000 semena, sadržaja ulja i proteina i prinosa. Nakon tri godine ispitivanja utvrđena je značajna pozitivna korelacija između prinosa semena i mase 1000 semena. Postojala je i značajna negativna korelacija između prinosa i klijavosti semena. Korelacija između prinosa i sadržaja ulja je bila pozitivna, ali ne i statistički značajna. Pat analiza je pokazala da masa 1000 semena ima najveći pozitivan, a klijavost najveći negativan uticaj na prinos semena

    Evaluation of sunflower inbred lines resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina using different inoculation methods

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    Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid is important pathogen of sunflower and other crops. the pathogen causes charcoal rot, disease named by charcoal coloration of infected tissues. Symptoms of diseases can vary significantly and generally appear in later development stages. Reliable disease evaluation is necessary to obtain valid information about sunflower susceptibility. Introduction of artificial inoculation of host plant is helpful for genotypes comparison. The first objective of this study was to compare two inoculation methods of sunflower with M. phaseolina and spontaneous disease occurrence. Second objective is selection of sunflower inbred lines that could be source of resistance to charcoal rot. Set of 79 sunflower inbred lines from breeding program of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad Serbia was included in research. Inbred lines were inoculated using two methods: toothpick method and Unwounded Stem Base Inoculation method (USBI). Besides two inoculation methods, inbred lines were also grown in natural conditions without artificial inoculation

    Assessment of method efficiency for sunflower inoculation with Macrophomina phaseolina: important step in sunflower tolerance testing

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    The fungal disease, Charcoal rot, caused by Macrophomina phaseolina is becoming one of important pathogen in sunflower production, mostly expressed in areas with high temperatures and dry conditions. Development of tolerant sunflower genotypes is the most reliable way to control this disease. It is important to find proper evaluation method which can provide accurate insight in potential genetic control of tolerance in sunflower. The aim of this work is: to compare two inoculation methods of sunflower with M. phaseolina, to compare the tolerance of inbred lines to this pathogen and to determine which method gives better insight into the inheritance of tolerance in sunflower. The experiment was determined under greenhouse conditions and two methods were used. The Unwounded stem base infection method (USBI), is less aggressive approach where the infection is similar to natural conditions. While for the toothpick method (TM) inoculation it is necessary to puncturing the tissue with the toothpick and create the entrance for pathogen infection. Four inbred lines were used in research which was created at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad (IFVCNS)

    Genetic resources and new breeding tools for sunflower improvement

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    Sunflower is one of the major oil crops of today, however due to its wide distribution, as well as its drought tolerance it may gain even more on its significance and become the main oil crop of the future, especially in the light of global environmental changes. This imposes a great responsibility on sunflower breeders to create more productive sunflower genotypes for future environmental changes. Exploitation of the available genetic resources in combination with the use of modern molecular and breeding tools could lead to considerable improvements in sunflower, especially with regard to different stresses and better adaptation to the climate change. Utilization of sunflower wild relatives for sunflower improvement is a long-term process which requires a lot of resources and work - from collecting of wild relatives, their maintenance, their testing and mining for desirable genes to the valorization in breeding programs. Genome-wide prediction, also known as genomic selection (GS), is one of the tools that could accelerate this process, through efficient and targeted improvement of populations and identification of parents for rapid genetic gains and improved stress resistant varieties. The application of tissue culture techniques and genetic engineering for improving the existing and introducing new traits from wild relatives into cultivated sunflower did not have much success, mainly due to the difficulty of regenerating plants in a reproducible and efficient way. Development of new breeding techniques, such as genome editing, could provide new perspectives for more efficient sunflower breeding. Generally, traits related to stress resistance ate complex phenotypic traits controlled by polvgenes, and it is usually necessary to study more than a single gene or single class of genes to understand molecular mechanisms underlying respective tolerance. Genome editing could be very useful to evaluate and validate the strength of the predictive value of a given candidate gene by easily transferring its best alleles into a set of different genetic backgrounds representative of the diversity of the genetic material used in the selection schemes. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia, handles the largest World collection of sunflower genetic resources, consisting of over 7,000 sunflower inbred lines developed from different genetic sources and 21 perennial and 7 annual species (447 accessions in total). ā€˜he new breeding tools will be used for further exploitation of this collection for improvement of cultivated sunflower and creation of resilient varieties for the areas and traits where classical breeding reached its limits

    Oil crops for 21st century ā€“ new tools for tackling changing environment

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    Creation of new oil crop varieties using classical breeding methods is a long-term process, sometimes not efficient enough to meet demands of changing environment and market demands of 21st century. The development and introduction into breeding programs of new techniques, such as phenotyping, genomic selection and genome editing, opened the way for more efficient introduction of desired traits into commercial varieties. Although all these new techniques have their shortcomings and demand some time for optimization and validation on the given crop/system, it is expected that in the future they will facilitate the identification of target genes and markers for complex traits, as well as adaptation of oil crops to permanent changes in the environment and the market. Researchers from Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS) have already started to work on creation of oil crops for 21st century and the introduction of new techniques of genotyping and phenotyping for more efficient data collection to identify quantitative properties and explain the genetic basis of agronomically important traits. An overview of the projects and research activities of IFVCNS related to introduction of new breeding techniques and their application in IFVCNS oil crops breeding programs is presented in this paper

    New trends in oil crops breeding

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    Oplemenjivanje uljanih biljnih vrsta je kontinuirani proces dizajniran da poveća nivo prinosa i poboljÅ”a otpornost na biotičke i abiotičke stresove. Oplemenjivači su bili uspeÅ”ni u proizvodnji velikog broja sorti koristeći konvencionalne metode oplemenjivanja koje se razlikuju u zavisnosti od vrste. Pojava novih tehnika, kao Å”to je genomska selekcija i izmena genoma, zajedno sa efikasnim platformama za fenotipizaciju, utrle su put efikasnijem unoÅ”enju poželjnih osobina. Novi pristupi u genotipizaciji i fenotipizaciji omogućili su efikasnije prikupljanje podataka za identifikaciju kvantitativnih svojstava i objaÅ”njenje genetske osnove agronomski važnih osobina. Međutim, joÅ” uvek ima prostora za poboljÅ”anje, posebno u prikupljanju podataka i njihovoj integraciji. U radu je dat pregled novih tehnika oplemenjivanja uljanih biljnih vrsta, metoda fenotipizacije i mogućnosti njihove primene, uz osvrt na aktivnosti u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo vezane za njihovo uvođenje i primenu u NS oplemenjivačkim programima.Oil crops breeding and selection is a continual process designed to increase yield levels and improve resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Breeders have been successful in producing a large number of varieties using conventional breeding methods which vary depending on the species. Appearance of new techniques such as genomic selection and genome editing, along with efficioent phenotyping platforms, paved the way of more efficient trait introduction. Novel approaches in genotyping and phenotyping enabled more efficient data collection for identification of quantitative characters and elucidation of the genetic basis of agriculturally important traits. However, there is still room for improvement, especially in data collection and integration. This paper presents an overview of new techniques for oil crops breeding, phenotypic methods and their application, with an overview of the activities of the Institute for Field and Vegetable Crops related to introduction and application of these new techniques in NS breeding programs

    Assessment of stability of seed oil and protein content in confectionery hybrids using the apple AMMI analysis

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    High seed protein content and low oil content are the most important criteria when introducing high protein confectionary hybrids into the production. Testing new hybrids and detection of hybrids that maintain stability of the tested traits under different agro-ecological conditions is an important part of breeding programs. In order to evaluate the stability of seed oil and protein content in NS confectionery sunflower hybrids under different environmental conditions, fifteen confectionery sunflower hybrids developed at IFVCNS were examined during 2015, 2016 and 2017, in a trial set up as a randomized block design with three repetitions at the location of Rimski Šančevi. The REML random model was used for evaluation of the effects of hybrids, years and their interaction, while the AMMI multivariational analysis was applied to determine genotype (hybrid) x environment (year) interaction. The effect of genotypes (G), environments (E), and their interaction (GE) was compared considering their contribution to the total variance. In terms of seed oil content, the effect of G (70.63 %) played a more important role than the effects of E (19.36%) and GE (10%)