44 research outputs found


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    Agricultural sector in a wide perspective (food crop, animal husbandry, mixed farming) is very potential in helping Indonesian people cope with the effects of global and national economic crisis. The optimization of agricultural potential can lead people in rural areas to food sovereignty and at least reduce hunger. The concept of gender and family empowerment is seen as an entry point to poverty eradication a family is the smallest institution in a society and partnership cooperation between male and female in a family is a foundation for the achievement of family prosperity. Public prosperity is achieved when family prosperity is. Therefore, this study was done in order to assess the characteristics of farmer families seen from various aspects. Results showed that most proportion of husband-wife groups were middle-aged and had highest educational level of elementary school. More than half of husband respondents (61.3% in Tasikmalaya Regency and 60.0% in Ciamis Regency) worked as farmers. More than half of wife respondents (61.3% in Tasikmalaya Regency and 60.0% in Ciamis Regency) were housewives. The highest percentage of respondents (64.0%) had 1-4 family members with total income of less than Rp500,000 per month and an average income of Rp766,421. The highest proportion of respondents spent Rp 183,289 (in Tasikmalaya Regency) and Rp157,857 (in Ciamis Regency) per month for household appliance repair. The highest percentage of respondents (29.3%) stated that individual as source of loan. The most common problem faced by respondents in Tasikmalaya and Ciamis Regencies was financial problem and the least common was food availability. Respondents in Tasikmalaya Regency faced family problems more often than those in Ciamis Regency. The strategy most commonly applied by families in both regencies to save expenses was buying cheaper food. There was a positive relationship between wife age (r = 0.204; p = 0.012), husband age (r = 0.240; p = 0.003), and wife education (r = 0.212; p = 0.009) and family problems. A positive relation was also found between husband education and coping strategy applied (r = 0.163; p =0.046). Number of family member had a positive correlation with amount of debt (r = 0.243; p = 0.003) indicating the more members a family had, the more debt the respondent had


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    Research action of society service project in implementing forages ammoniating technology in increasing sheep performances had been conducted in eight months at Desa Gede Pangrango Kecamatan Kadu Dampit Kabupaten Sukabumi. The project was aim to increase practical ability of sheep farmers in forages ammoniating technology, forages quality, and to anticipate forages supply problems in draft season. Methods to attain the project goal included: education, training, demonstrating, practicing, and feeding ammoniated forages. Afterward, the sheep fed ammoniated forages had been weight monthly for three months. Methods to measure attainment of this goal project included questionnaire based interviewing and field monitoring to sheep farmers, parameters to measure ammoniated forages quality based on physical characteristics of ammoniated forages, whereas sheep responses to ammoniated forages measured by palatability and a three-month live weight gain. Results of the research action concluded that sheep farmers accepted well to introduction of forages ammoniating technology and able to ammoniating forages by themselves. Ammoniated forages-molasses mixes with ratio of 1% urea and 1% molasses of dry basis forages increased live weight gain of sheep 0.87 – 1.44 kg/3 months and higher than the weight gain of sheep fed non-ammoniated forages. Feeding ammoniated forages-molasses mixes increased profitability of sheep farmers as high as 18% (Rp78,354.00) whereas feeding ammoniated cassava peel-molasses mixes generated profit up to 51.44% (Rp222,966.00) higher than feeding non-ammoniated forages. Supporting sheep supply and market assurances will maintain the continuity of feeding of ammoniated forages

    Effects Of Zeolites On Litter Floor On Performent Of Broiler

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    Effect of zeolites-spread litters on broiler performances under different floor spaces had been performed in five weeks. As many as 324 chicks of a day-old Hubbard strain were fed rations contained 3,000 – 3,100 Kcal/Kg ME and 21% crude protein during starter period and fed the ratio contained 20% crude protein with similar energy during finisher period. The chicks were randomly allocated to three different floor spaces (10, 12, and 14 heads/m2) and three different zeolites spread litters (0.0, 2.5, and 5.0 kg zeolites/m2) under completely randomized design with factor 3 x 3 and 3 replications. Parameters concerned of present research including feed intake, live weight gain, and mortality rate were analyzed with analysis of variance and least significant different. Results of the present research showed that there was no interaction effect between floor spaces and zeolites spread litters on all parameters concerned. Floor spaces affected both feed intake and feed conversion significantly (

    Performances of Post-weaned Pasundan Calves Fed Extra Diets in an Extensive Grazing System

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    Changing from the pre-weaning to the post-weaning period is a transition from liquid to solid feed accompanied by a dramatic transformation of the GI tract.  Supplemental solid feeding of grazing post-weaning calves is expected to improve their productivity.  The study aimed to determine the effect of extra diet on the performances of post-weaned Pasundan calves (15 males and 15 females) that were grazed, using a completely randomized design of 2x3 factorials (two sex factors x three diet factors).  The diet treatments were that post-weaned Pasundan calves were grazed: without being given extra diets (grazing/control), extra diets without urea-impregnated zeolite (extra diet-1), and extra diets with urea-impregnated zeolite (extra diet-2).  The parameters were diet consumption (only for extra diets, unmeasured grazing consumption), body weights, and body condition.  The data were analyzed with GLM Univariate.  The results showed: The interaction between diet treatment and sex did not affect all the observed parameters.  Consumption of extra diet-1 (529.37±3.06 g DM/head/day) was higher (P0.05) than extra diet-2 consumption (525.17±1.96 g DM/head/day), but after a correction of body weight, the result was no different.  Sex factors did not affect all observed parameters.  The ADG of post-weaned calves fed extra diet-1 (155.8±27.5 g), or extra-2 diet (124.2±56.3 g) was higher (P0.05) than the grazing (66.67±35.8 g).  The extra diet-1 produced a higher change in body condition (1.8±0.78, P0.05) than extra diet-2 or grazing (1.2±0.42).  In conclusion, feeding extra diet-1 to post-weaned Pasundan calves increased ADG by 234% and improved the body condition by 150% better than calves that were only grazed in an extensive grazing system

    Pengaruh Penaburan Zeolit Pada Lantai Litter Terhadappersentase Karkas Dan Kompqn(en Non Karkas Ayam Pedaging Pada Kepadatan Kandang Yang Berbeda

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    Spreading zeolites on litter floor of broiler house at rate of 5.0 kg/m2 increased broiler carcass percentages up to 5.41 percents. Effect of zeolites-spread litters on broiler carcass and non-carcaSs components under different floor spaces had been performed in five weeks. As many as 324 chicks of a day-old Hubbard strain were fed with rations contained 3,000 -3,100 Kcal/I<g ME and 21 %crude protein during starter period and fed with the ration contained 20% crude protein duringfinisher period. The chicks were allocated to three different floor spaces (10, 12, and 14 heads/m2) and three different zeolites-spread litters (0.0, 2.5, and 5.0 kg zeolites/m2) under completely randomized design with factor 3 x 3 and 3 replications. Parameters concerned of present research including percentages of both carcasses and non-carcass components were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOV A) and least .significant different.Results of the preseqt research showed that there was no interaction effect between floor spaces and zeolites-spread litters on all parameters concerned. Floor spaces affected the percentages of gizzard, kidney, and spleen significantly (p<O.05) but neither carcass nor abdominal fat percentage was af.fectedby the floor space. The zeolites-spread litters only affected significantly (P<O.05) on carcass percentage. Spreading zeolites at rates of5.0 kg/m2 on litter floor resulted in the highest carcass percentage (p<O.05) while rates of 25 kg/m2 resulted the same carcass pen:entage as the rates of 0.0 kg/m2. It was concluded that spreading zeolites at rates of 5.0 kg/m2 on litter floor under different floor spaces increased can:ass percentages up to 5.41 percents


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    Dalam usaha perternakan ruminansia, pakan merupakan hal yang paling dominan dalam hal biaya, biayanya bisa mencapai sekitar 70% – 80%. Ruminansia memerlukan protein sebagai sumber asam amino esensial, Protein sangat berpengaruh bagi kelangsungan sistem reproduksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pemberian pakan tambahan konsetrat dengan kadar protein yang berbeda terhadap respon superovulasi sapi simental. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor sapi Simmental dengan skor kondisi tubuh 2,8 – 3,2 yang memiliki genetik unggul, siklus estrus normal, dan bebas dari penyakit reproduksi menular. Sapi donor dibagi dalam dua perlakuan, R1: Sapi diberikan pakan konsentrat dengan kadar protein 16,88%, R2: Sapi diberikan pakan konsentrat dengan kadar protein 19,08%, perlakuan pakan terhadap sapi donor dilakukan selama satu bulan, konsentrat diberikan sebanyak 1% dari bobot badan terhadap masing-masing perlakkuan. setelah perlakuan pakan, sapi donor dilakukan program superovulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan konsentrat dengan kadar protein berbeda berpengaruh nyata terhadap respon superovulasi. Pemberian pakan dengan kadar protein 19,08% menghasilkan respon, jumlah dan kualitas embrio yang lebih baik serta proporsi embrio layak transfer yang lebih tinggi


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    Tomato (lycopersicon esculentum) is one of Indonesia's local fruits that contain lots of vitamin C and lycopene. Tofu waste is a plant commonly used as an alternative feed to reduce the cost of large feeds. The aims of this research is to find out how far the addition of tomato flour and tofu waste has an influence on the external quality of quail eggs (Coturnix coturnix japanica). The material used in this research was 160 quails, aged 35 weeks with the treatment given : P0 100% control food; P1: 95% control food + 2.5% tomato flour and 2.5% tofu waste; P2: 90% control food + 5% tomato flour and 5% tofu waste; P3: 85% control food + 7.5% tomato flour and 7.5% tofu waste. The design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications with each treatment filled with 13 chickens so that there were 160 quails, then continued with Duncan's multiple range test. Variables observed during the study included egg index, shell thickness and egg weight. The results showed that giving tomato flour and tofu waste to quail feed did not affect the real results on the external quality of quail eggs (egg weight, shell thickness and egg index).Key words : external quality of quail egg, tomato flour, tofu wast


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    Bacterial resistance to antibiotic has made the reduction in the use of antibiotic a concern in animal production.  The restriction of antibiotic application in animal production can be achieved if the antimicrobial strategy is available.  Papaya leaf extract has some antibacterial properties that make it is potential to be used as a substitute for commercial antibiotic.  This study was aimed at assessing the efficacy and potential of papaya leaf extract inclusion in drinking water in controlling pathogenic bacteria and improving the production efficiency and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of layer quails.  The study was conducted from 24 August to 20 September 2016 at the poultry farm of Department of Animal Husbandry, Djuanda University, Bogor.  One-hundred layer quails were allocated into 4 treatments and 3 replicates in a completely randomized design.  The treatments consisted of five levels of papaya leaf extract inclusions in drinking water , namely drinking water + commercial antibiotic of 0.5 g/liter water (R1), drinking water + papaya leaf extract of 10 ml/liter water (R2), drinking water + papaya leaf extract of 20 ml/liter water (R3), and drinking water + papaya leaf extract of 30 ml/liter water (R4).  Data were subjected to an analysis of variance and a Duncan test.  Results showed that the inclusion of papaya leaf extract in drinking water gave significant effects on egg mass, egg production efficiency, FCR, egg quality index, and egg shell thickness but not on feed intake, egg weight, and mortality rate.  It was concluded that papaya leaf extract produced by a boiling method could be used as a substitute for synthetic antibiotic.  Key words: Papaya leaf extract, production efficiency, feed conversion, layer quail.


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    Salah satu cara untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan produktivitas ternak kelinci yaitu dengan cara memberikan air rebusan daun sirih sebagai antibiotik alami untuk memperlancar kerja sistem pencernaan ternak kelinci. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian air rebusan daun sirih dalam air minum terhadap performa kelinci lokal. Ternak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kelinci lokal jantan lepas sapih yang berumur 2 bulan. Jumlah ternak yang digunakan sebanyak 24 ekor dengan bobot badan rata-rata 1.587±154,63 gram. Pakan yang digunakan adalah pakan komersil berbentuk pellet merk Indofeed K-03 Super. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF), terdiri atas 6 perlakuan masing-masing 3 taraf dosis/jumlah daun sirih yang direbus dan 2 taraf waktu/lama perebusan dengan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu faktor pertama (S) jumlah daun sirih sebanyak 3 taraf yaitu : S1 = 250 gram/liter, S2 = 200 gram/liter dan S3 = 150 gram/liter. Faktor kedua, lama perebusan (R) sebanyak 2 taraf yaitu : R1 = 10 menit dan R2 = 20 menit. Peubah yang diamati adalah konsumsi ransum, konsumsi air minum, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi ransum dan mortalitas. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA dan apabila hasilnya berbeda nyata diuji dengan uji LSD dengan selang kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian air rebusan daun sirih terhadap performa kelinci lokal jantan tidak berbeda nyata (P&gt;0,05). Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan performa kelinci lokal tidak dipengaruhi oleh pemberian minum air rebusan daun sirih dengan konsentrasi dan periode rebus yang berbeda