48 research outputs found

    Comparative proteomic analysis of high cell density cultivations with two recombinant Bacillus megaterium strains for the production of a heterologous dextransucrase

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    High cell density cultivations were performed under identical conditions for two Bacillus megaterium strains (MS941 and WH320), both carrying a heterologous dextransucrase (dsrS) gene under the control of the xylA promoter. At characteristic points of the cultivations (end of batch, initial feeding, before and after induction) the proteome was analyzed based on two dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometric protein identification using the protein database "bmegMEC.v2" recently made available. High expression but no secretion of DsrS was found for the chemical mutant WH320 whereas for MS 941, a defined protease deficient mutant of the same parent strain (DSM319), not even expression of DsrS could be detected. The proteomic analysis resulted in the identification of proteins involved in different cellular pathways such as in central carbon and overflow metabolism, in protein synthesis, protein secretion and degradation, in cell wall metabolism, in cell division and sporulation, in membrane transport and in stress responses. The two strains exhibited considerable variations in expression levels of specific proteins during the different phases of the cultivation process, whereas induction of DsrS production had, in general, little effect. The largely differing behaviour of the two strains with regard to DsrS expression can be attributed, at least in part, to changes observed in the proteome which predominantly concern biosynthetic enzymes and proteins belonging to the membrane translocation system, which were strongly down-regulated at high cell densities in MS941 compared with WH320. At the same time a cell envelope-associated quality control protease and two peptidoglycan-binding proteins related to cell wall turnover were strongly expressed in MS941 but not found in WH320. However, to further explain the very different physiological responses of the two strains to the same cultivation conditions, it is necessary to identify the mutated genes in WH320 in addition to the known lacZ. In view of the results of this proteomic study it seems that at high cell density conditions and hence low growth rates MS941, in contrast to WH320, does not maintain a vegetative growth which is essential for the expression of the foreign dsrS gene by using the xylA promoter. It is conceivable that applications of a promoter which is highly active under nutrient-limited cultivation conditions is necessary, at least for MS941, for the overexpression of recombinant genes in such B. megaterium fed-batch cultivation process. However to obtain a heterologous protein in secreted and properly folded form stills remains a big challenge

    Proteome analysis of a recombinant Bacillus megaterium strain during heterologous production of a glucosyltransferase

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    A recombinant B. megaterium strain was used for the heterologous production of a glucosyltransferase (dextransucrase). To better understand the physiological and metabolic responses of the host cell to cultivation and induction conditions, proteomic analysis was carried out by combined use of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (2-DE/MS) for protein separation and identification. 2-DE method was optimized for the separation of intracellular proteins. Since the genome of B. megaterium is not yet available, peptide sequencing using peptide fragment information obtained from nanoelectrospray ionization quadrupole-time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-QqTOF MS/MS) was applied for protein identification. 167 protein spots were identified as 149 individual proteins, including most enzymes involved in the central carbon metabolic pathways and many enzymes related to amino acid synthesis and protein synthesis. Based on the results a 2-DE reference map and a corresponding protein database were constructed for further proteomic approaches on B. megaterium. For the first time it became possible to perform comparative proteomic analysis on B. megaterium in a batch culture grown on glucose with xylose induction for dextrasucrase production. No significant differences were observed in the expression changes of enzymes of the glycolysis and TCA cycle, indicating that dextransucrase production, which amounted to only 2 % of the entire protein production, did not impose notable metabolic or energetic burdens on the central carbon metabolic pathway of the cells. However, a short-term up-regulation of aspartate aminotransferase, an enzyme closely related to dextransucrase production, in the induced culture demonstrated the feasibility to use 2-DE method for monitoring dextransucrase production. It was also observed that under the cultivation conditions used in this study B. megaterium tended to channel acetyl-CoA into pathways of polyhydroxybutyrate production. No expression increases were found with cytosolic chaperones such as GroEL and DnaK during dextransucrase production and secretion, whereas a strong up-regulation of the oligopeptide-binding protein OppA was observed in correlation with an increased secretion of dextransucrase into the culture medium

    High yield recombinant penicillin G amidase production and export into the growth medium using Bacillus megaterium

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    BACKGROUND: During the last years B. megaterium was continuously developed as production host for the secretion of proteins into the growth medium. Here, recombinant production and export of B. megaterium ATCC14945 penicillin G amidase (PGA) which is used in the reverse synthesis of β-lactam antibiotics were systematically improved. RESULTS: For this purpose, the PGA leader peptide was replaced by the B. megaterium LipA counterpart. A production strain deficient in the extracellular protease NprM and in xylose utilization to prevent gene inducer deprivation was constructed and employed. A buffered mineral medium containing calcium ions and defined amino acid supplements for optimal PGA production was developed in microscale cultivations and scaled up to a 2 Liter bioreactor. Productivities of up to 40 mg PGA per L growth medium were reached. CONCLUSION: The combination of genetic and medium optimization led to an overall 7-fold improvement of PGA production and export in B. megaterium. The exclusion of certain amino acids from the minimal medium led for the first time to higher volumetric PGA activities than obtained for complex medium cultivations

    Protein identification from two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae by combined use of mass spectrometry data and raw genome sequences

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    Separation of proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) coupled with identification of proteins through peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is the widely used technique for proteomic analysis. This approach relies, however, on the presence of the proteins studied in public-accessible protein databases or the availability of annotated genome sequences of an organism. In this work, we investigated the reliability of using raw genome sequences for identifying proteins by PMF without the need of additional information such as amino acid sequences. The method is demonstrated for proteomic analysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae grown anaerobically on glycerol. For 197 spots excised from 2-DE gels and submitted for mass spectrometric analysis 164 spots were clearly identified as 122 individual proteins. 95% of the 164 spots can be successfully identified merely by using peptide mass fingerprints and a strain-specific protein database (ProtKpn) constructed from the raw genome sequences of K. pneumoniae. Cross-species protein searching in the public databases mainly resulted in the identification of 57% of the 66 high expressed protein spots in comparison to 97% by using the ProtKpn database. 10 dha regulon related proteins that are essential for the initial enzymatic steps of anaerobic glycerol metabolism were successfully identified using the ProtKpn database, whereas none of them could be identified by cross-species searching. In conclusion, the use of strain-specific protein database constructed from raw genome sequences makes it possible to reliably identify most of the proteins from 2-DE analysis simply through peptide mass fingerprinting

    Production of a recombinant polyester-cleaving hydrolase from Thermobifida fusca in Escherichia coli

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    The hydrolase (Thermobifida fusca hydrolase; TfH) from T. fusca was produced in Escherichia coli as fusion protein using the OmpA leader sequence and a His(6) tag. Productivity could be raised more than 100-fold. Both batch and fed-batch cultivations yield comparable cell specific productivities whereas volumetric productivities differ largely. In the fed-batch cultivations final rTfH concentrations of 0.5 g L(−1) could be achieved. In batch cultivations the generated rTfH is translocated to the periplasm wherefrom it is completely released into the extracellular medium. In fed-batch runs most of the produced rTfH remains as soluble protein in the cytoplasm and only a fraction of about 35% is translocated to the periplasm. Migration of periplasmic proteins in the medium is obviously coupled with growth rate and this final transport step possibly plays an important role in product localization and efficacy of the Sec translocation process

    Marktdaten zur Biotechnologie : Produkte und Reaktoren

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    Aufgrund der hohen Wachstumsraten, die vielfach fiir den Biotechnologiemarkt prognostiziert werden, und gefördert durch das Biotechnologie-Programm der Bundesregierung, in dem die Entwicklung der Bioverfahrenstechnik einen hohen Stellenwert einnimmt, kann man heute beobachten, daß zahlreiche Anlagen- und Apparatebaufirmen erwägen, sich auf dem Gebiet der Biotechnologie zu betätigen und zu investieren, um so langfristig an diesem Markt teilzunehmen. Auch der Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau eV (VDMA) ist sich der wachsenden Bedeutung der Biotechnologie bewußt und hat 1986 und 1987 Workshops zu diesem Problemkreis organisiert. Allerdings differieren die Erwartungen und Prognosen über den zukünftigen Biotechnologiemarkt außerordentlich stark. Selbst die Erfassung des derzeitigen Marktvolumens ist schwierig. Die Diskrepanzen ergeben sich teilweise durch unklare Definitionen darüber, welche Produkte der Biotechnologie zugeordnet werden. Bei der Abschätzung des Potentials der neuen Biotechnologieprodukte ist besonders deren Markteintritt unsicher. Viele Prognosen sind spekulativ und nicht nachvollziehbar. "Bioprognostik" stellt zur Zeit einen eigenen Markt mit nicht unbeträchtlichem Marktvolumen dar. Nach einem Bericht von N. Rau in BTF-Biotech-Forum 3 (1986) 121 sind über 300 Marktstudien, -analysen und -forschungsberichte über den Bereich der Biotechnologie erhältlich, deren Preis sich aufsummiert auf etwa 2 Mio DM beläuft. Für einzelne Studien sind bis zu 35.000 US $ zu zahlen, Seitenpreise bis zu 100 DM sind keine Seltenheit. Die Vielzahl der Prognosen allein schon verdeutlicht die Verwirrung. Mit der Herausgabe dieses Hefts bemüht sich die GBF, die Diskussion zu versachlichen, indem in Teil I - selbstverständlich ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit - Daten aus Marktstudien und Analysen zusammengestellt wurden, auf deren Basis einige, wie wir meinen, konservative Schlußfolgerungen über den erwarteten Bioboom gezogen werden können. Im Teil II der vorliegenden Studie wird nur der Bioreaktormarkt betrachtet, da viele Anlagen- und Apparatebauer, besonders die, die für die Pharma-, Lebens- und Genußmittelindustrie tätig sind, hier einen günstigen Einstieg in einen lukrativen Markt vermuten

    Instationary Dispersed Plug Flow Model with Linear Rate Processes

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