14 research outputs found

    Lexical development in children with Down syndrome: A communicative perspective

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    Contains fulltext : 173032.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Radboud University, 29 juni 2017Promotores : Verhoeven, L.T.W., Balkom, L.J.M. van Co-promotor : Zaalen, Y. van192 p

    Ondersteunde communicatie

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    Naar schatting zijn er in Nederland meer dan een half miljoen mensen die niet of nauwelijks (meer) kunnen praten of schrijven. Oorzaken kunnen zijn ziekte, ongeval, aangeboren stoornissen of syndromen en de combinaties hiervan. Het zijn vaak kinderen en jongeren met een communicatief meervoudige beperking (CMB) die terecht kunnen bij de specialisten van behandelcentrum Milo. Bij mensen met CMB gaat een taalontwikkelingsstoornis of ernstig gehoorverlies samen met een verstandelijke beperking, al dan niet met motorische stoornissen en gedragsproblemen. Zij hebben ondersteunde communicatie nodig om hun 'stem' te laten horen

    Woordenschatontwikkeling in relatie tot neurosociocognitieve kerndomeinen bij downsyndroom

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    Item does not contain fulltextEen vertraagde en verstoorde taal- en spraakontwikkeling is een belangrijk onderdeel van het downsyndroom-gedragsfenotype. De taalontwikkeling wordt geassocieerd met negen neurosociocognitieve kerndomeinen, welke alle van invloed zijn op en een bijdrage leveren aan taalontwikkeling. Onderzoek naar de achterblijvende woordenschatontwikkeling bij kinderen met downsyndroom heeft zich tot op heden beperkt tot onderzoek naar slechts één of enkele van deze domeinen, terwijl bekend is dat kinderen met downsyndroom op alle negen domeinen hun eigen sterktes en zwaktes hebben. Het doel van dit onderzoek was het gelijktijdig in kaart brengen van de mogelijke samenhang tussen de receptieve en expressieve woordenschat enerzijds en de negen kerndomeinen anderzijds bij kinderen met downsyndroom in de leeftijd van 1-6 jaar. Binnen een vragenlijststudie, die is uitgevoerd bij 123 ouders van kinderen met downsyndroom, zijn kleine, opeenvolgende stappen in de ontwikkeling van de kerndomeinen beoordeeld middels stellingen. Per domein zijn vervolgens de totaalscores bestudeerd en de correlaties berekend. Om te corrigeren voor de invloed van leeftijd en levenservaring zijn de partiële correlaties berekend. Aandacht, cognitieve ontwikkeling, sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling, mobiliteit, fijne motoriek, zelfredzaamheid, adaptatie en oriëntatie toonden alle een significante positieve samenhang met zowel de expressieve als receptieve woordenschat. Deze eerste exploratieve studie laat zien dat ook bij kinderen met downsyndroom deze neurosociocognitieve kerndomeinen samenhangen met de woordenschatontwikkeling. Het is daarmee belangrijk om het functioneren op deze domeinen te betrekken bij interventies en een holistisch perspectief op de taalontwikkeling in te nemen.8 p

    Vocabulary selection in AAC: Application of core vocabulary in atypical populations

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    On the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Community for Special Interest Group 12, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), a community member introduced a discussion related to the selection and use of core vocabulary with students with severe intellectual or multiple disabilities. It was questioned whether or not core vocabulary determined in typically developing children was applicable to AAC intervention in these students. The present article reviewed a vast amount of language sample studies related to core vocabulary in both typical and atypical populations. It was concluded that core vocabulary is comparable for both populations in various contexts, with various communication partners, over various topics, and in various modalities of language use. Core vocabulary is thus of high importance for all AAC users, regardless of physical or intellectual disabilitie

    Handboek interprofessioneel samenwerken in zorg en welzijn

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    Food preferences in young Dutch children and recommendations for feeding intervention in developmental disabilities

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    Contains fulltext : 99344.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Total and chronic food refusal (i.e., the refusal of all types of food during a prolonged period) in young children with developmental disabilities can be treated effectively using a combination of environmental interventions. However, no guidelines for the selection of food items to offer the child in these interventions are available. The aim of the present study was to assess the preferences for specific food items of young Dutch nondisabled children (N = 254) in order to enable trainers to select food items that maximize success of feeding interventions. Results indicate that 54 out of 107 food items were found to be preferred. The mean appreciation scores of boys and girls did not differ significantly for these preferred food items, except for raisins and brown bread. Also, there were no differences between the distinguished age-groups, except for peach. Recommendations for the selection of food items within feeding intervention for total and chronic food refusal in young children with developmental disabilities are given.6 p

    Van verdichting naar verlichting: Leraarcompetenties voor succesvolle communicatie in het PO en SO

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    Thematisch overzichtsartikel: NRO-project in de call Gedrag en Passend Onderwijs, 405-18-63

    Predictors of receptive and expressive vocabulary development in children with Down syndrome

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    Purpose: There is a lack of longitudinal data on predictors of vocabulary development in children with Down syndrome (DS). In typically developing children, many internal and external predictors of vocabulary development have been determined before. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of these variables in the receptive and expressive vocabulary development of children with DS. Method: The present study used a longitudinal design in young children with DS to study the vocabulary development over a period of 1.6 years and investigated the possible predictive role of child-related and environmental variables. Result: Receptive vocabulary development was best predicted by the adaptive level of functioning and early receptive vocabulary skills. Expressive vocabulary development was best predicted by the adaptive level of functioning, receptive vocabulary, maternal educational level, level of communicative intent of the child, attention skills and phonological/phonemic awareness. Conclusion: A wide range of internal and external predictors for vocabulary development of children with DS was found. Predictors resemble those predicting vocabulary development in peers with typical development between 1 and 6 years of age, as identified in other studies

    Van verdichting naar verlichting: Leraarcompetenties voor succesvolle communicatie in het PO en SO

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    Item does not contain fulltextThematisch overzichtsartikel: NRO-project in de call Gedrag en Passend Onderwijs, 405-18-63393 p

    The concurrent and predictive validity of the Dutch version of the Communicative Development Inventory in children with Down Syndrome for the assessment of expressive vocabulary in verbal and signed modalities

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    The expressive vocabulary of children with Down Syndrome (DS) is generally measured with parental reports, such as the Communicative Development Inventory (CDI), given that standardized tests for assessing vocabulary levels may be too difficult for most young children with DS. The CDI provides important insight into the parents' perception of their child's vocabulary development. The CDI has proven to be a valid measurement of expressive vocabulary, spoken and gestural, in typical and atypical populations. The validity in children with DS is not well established and signed vocabulary is often not included. This longitudinal study examined the concurrent and predictive validity of the Dutch version of the CDI (N-CDI) in children with DS between 2;0 and 7;6 years old to assess spoken and signed vocabulary. N-CDI scores were assessed on strength of association with mental age, an expressive vocabulary test and spontaneous language analyses in a play setting with parents at T1 and T2 (1.5 years later), and a therapy setting with speech language pathologists at T1. The results of the present study show that the N-CDI is a valuable and valid measurement of expressive vocabulary in children with DS. Strengths and weaknesses of several assessment methods for expressive vocabulary are discussed