109 research outputs found

    How do harpacticoid grazing rates differ over a tidal cycle? Field verification using chlorophyll-pigment analyses

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    Four species of meiobenthic copepods were examined for diatom feeding. Microscopic analysis of gut-pellet contents from field-collected individuals indicated frequent ingestion of diatoms by 3 harpacticoids (Scottolana canadensis, Microarthridion littorale, Cletocamptus deitersi) while occasional diatom ingestion occurred Paronychocamptus huntsmani. Frustules were usually empty and broken, indicating that contents were digested. Laboratory experiments using 14C-labeling showed assimilation of diatoms by the 3 species examined. Field grazing rate studies were conducted over different portions of a tidal cycle using fluorescent chlorophyll-pigment analysis of gut-contents. Highest diatom consumption (p\u3c0.05) occurred just after the mudflat became exposed (i.e. Early Low Water level, ELW) for S. canadensis, while consumption at Late Low Water (LLW, i.e. after mudflat is exposed for several hours) was reduced. M. littorale showed a somewhat similar pattern in that highest consumption rates (p\u3c0.05) also occurred during ELW. However, during High Water (HW) and LLW a similar (but reduced) feeding rate was measured. P. hunstmani appeared to only ingest diatoms (i.e. chl-pigments) during HW. Relationships of feeding processes over a tidal cycle are discussed with regard to distributional patterns in intertidal and subtidal habitats

    Water-cover influences on diatom ingestion rates by meiobenthic copepods

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    Laboratory experiments on meiobenthic copepods using 14C-diatoms were conducted to investigate whether: (1) feeding rates or (2) food sources (planktonically-suspended foods or benthic sediment-associated foods) vary in response to the presence or absence of water-cover (i.e. simulated Higher-water vs Low-water conditions). Three diatom-feeding harpacticoids were examined. Scottolana canadensis feeds at significantly higher rates (2x) during Higher-water (HW) conditions (P\u3c0.001), at which time it consumes planktonic foods; during Low-water (LW), feeding is greatly reduced. These feeding patterns are related to its burrow-dwelling and to its subtidal habitat. Cletocamptus deitersi remains virtually unaffected by changes in ambient water-cover, feeding at nearly equal rates during HW and LW conditions but always tending to consume more benthic diatoms. Microarthridion littorale consumes food at nearly equal rates during HW and LW conditions, but does so by shifting its feeding mode. During HW-times it makes excursions into the water column, feeding on planktonically-suspended foods. During LW-times it feeds benthically, moving over the sediment surface. Such feeding differences must affect meso-scale distributions of meiobenthos in the field, total benthic consumption and energy-flow estimates over a tidal-cycle, and the coupling of benthic and pelagic systems

    Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPSs) in Ocean Systems

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    Microbial cells (i.e., bacteria, archaea, microeukaryotes) in oceans secrete a diverse array of large molecules, collectively called extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) or simply exopolymers. These secretions facilitate attachment to surfaces that lead to the formation of structured ‘biofilm’ communities. In open-water environments, they also lead to formation of organic colloids, and larger aggregations of cells, called ‘marine snow.’ Secretion of EPS is now recognized as a fundamental microbial adaptation, occurring under many environmental conditions, and one that influences many ocean processes. This relatively recent realization has revolutionized our understanding of microbial impacts on ocean systems. EPS occur in a range of molecular sizes, conformations and physical/chemical properties, and polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and even nucleic acids are actively secreted components. Interestingly, however, the physical ultrastructure of how individual EPS interact with each other is poorly understood. Together, the EPS matrix molecules form a three-dimensional architecture from which cells may localize extracellular activities and conduct cooperative/antagonistic interactions that cannot be accomplished efficiently by free-living cells. EPS alter optical signatures of sediments and seawater, and are involved in biogeomineral precipitation and the construction of microbial macrostructures, and horizontal-transfers of genetic information. In the water-column, they contribute to the formation of marine snow, transparent exopolymer particles (TEPs), sea-surface microlayer biofilm, and marine oil snow. Excessive production of EPS occurs during later-stages of phytoplankton blooms as an excess metabolic by product and releases a carbon pool that transitions among dissolved-, colloidal-, and gel-states. Some EPS are highly labile carbon forms, while other forms appear quite refractory to degradation. Emerging studies suggest that EPS contribute to efficient trophic-transfer of environmental contaminants, and may provide a protective refugia for pathogenic cells within marine systems; one that enhances their survival/persistence. Finally, these secretions are prominent in ‘extreme’ environments ranging from sea-ice communities to hypersaline systems to the high-temperatures/pressures of hydrothermal-vent systems

    Time-courses in the retention of food material in the bivalves \u3cem\u3ePotamocorbula amurensis\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3eMacoma balthica\u3c/em\u3e: significance to the absorption of carbon and chromium

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    Time courses for ingestion, retention and release via feces of microbial food was investigated using 2 bivalves with different feeding strategies, Potamocorbula amurensis, and Macoma balthica. The results showed 2 pathways for the uptake of food material in these clams. The first is represented by an initial label pulse in the feces. The second pathway operates over longer time periods. Inert 51Cr-labeled beads were used to determine time frames for these pathways. The first pathway, involving extracellular digestion and intestinal uptake, is relatively inefficient in the digestion of bacterial cells by P. amurensis but more efficient in M. balthica. The second pathway involving intracellular digestion within the digestive gland of both clams, was highly efficient in absorbing bacterial carbon, and was responsible for most chromium uptake. Differences in the overall retention of microbial 51Cr and 14C relate not to gut passage times but to the processing and release strategies of the food material by these 2 clams

    Humic and fulvic acids: sink or source in the availability of metals to the marine bivalves \u3cem\u3eMacoma balthica\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3ePotamocorbula amurensis\u3c/em\u3e?

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    Humic acids (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) are common forms of organic matter in marine sediments, and are routinely ingested by deposit- and suspension-feeding animals. These compounds may be a sink for metals, implying that once metals are bound to humic substances they are no longer available to food webs. A series of experiments was conducted to quantitatively examine this premise using 2 estuarine bivalves from San Francisco Bay, USA: the suspension feeder Potarnocorbula arnurensis and the facultative deposit feeder Macoma balthica. HA and FA, isolated from marine sediments, were bound as organic coatings to either hydrous ferric oxides (HFO) or silica particles. Cd and Cr(III) were adsorbed to the organic coatings or directly to uncoated HFO and silica particles. Pulse-chase laboratory feeding experiments using 109Cd and 51Cr(III) were then conducted to determine absorption efficiencies of Cd and Cr for individual specimens using each of the particle types. The results demonstrated that: (1) absorption of Cr(III) from all types of non-living particles was consistently low (\u3c 11%). Ingested Cd showed greater bioavailability than Cr(III), perhaps due to differences in metal chemistry. (2) Bivalves absorbed Cd bound to uncoated HFO or silica particles (i.e. with no HA or FA present). (3) The presence of organic coatings on particles reduced Cd bioavailability compared with uncoated particles. (4) Both geochemical and biological conditions affected the food chain transfer of Cd. The data suggest that in marine systems inorganic and organic-coated particles are predominantly a sink for Cr in sediments. In the transfer of Cd to consumer animals, inorganic particles and humic substances can act as a link (although not a highly efficient one) under oxidized conditions

    When Nanoparticles Meet Biofilms — Interactions Guiding the Environmental Fate and Accumulation of Nanoparticles

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    Bacteria are essential components of all natural and many engineered systems. The most active fractions of bacteria are now recognized to occur as biofilms, where cells are attached and surrounded by a secreted matrix of “sticky” extracellular polymeric substances. Recent investigations have established that significant accumulation of nanoparticles (NPs) occurs in aquatic biofilms. These studies point to the emerging roles of biofilms for influencing partitioning and possibly transformations of NPs in both natural and engineered systems. While attached biofilms are efficient “sponges” for NPs, efforts to elucidate the fundamental mechanisms guiding interactions between NPs and biofilms have just begun. In this mini review, special attention is focused on NP–biofilm interactions within the aquatic environment. We highlight key physical, chemical, and biological processes that affect interactions and accumulation of NPs by bacterial biofilms. We posit that these biofilm processes present the likely possibility for unique biological and chemical transformations of NPs. Ultimately, the environmental fate of NPs is influenced by biofilms, and therefore requires a more in-depth understanding of their fundamental properties

    Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPSs) in Ocean Systems

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    Microbial cells (i.e., bacteria, archaea, microeukaryotes) in oceans secrete a diverse array of large molecules, collectively called extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) or simply exopolymers. These secretions facilitate attachment to surfaces that lead to the formation of structured ‘biofilm’ communities. In open-water environments, they also lead to formation of organic colloids, and larger aggregations of cells, called ‘marine snow.’ Secretion of EPS is now recognized as a fundamental microbial adaptation, occurring under many environmental conditions, and one that influences many ocean processes. This relatively recent realization has revolutionized our understanding of microbial impacts on ocean systems. EPS occur in a range of molecular sizes, conformations and physical/chemical properties, and polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and even nucleic acids are actively secreted components. Interestingly, however, the physical ultrastructure of how individual EPS interact with each other is poorly understood. Together, the EPS matrix molecules form a three-dimensional architecture from which cells may localize extracellular activities and conduct cooperative/antagonistic interactions that cannot be accomplished efficiently by free-living cells. EPS alter optical signatures of sediments and seawater, and are involved in biogeomineral precipitation and the construction of microbial macrostructures, and horizontal-transfers of genetic information. In the water-column, they contribute to the formation of marine snow, transparent exopolymer particles (TEPs), sea-surface microlayer biofilm, and marine oil snow. Excessive production of EPS occurs during later-stages of phytoplankton blooms as an excess metabolic by product and releases a carbon pool that transitions among dissolved-, colloidal-, and gel-states. Some EPS are highly labile carbon forms, while other forms appear quite refractory to degradation. Emerging studies suggest that EPS contribute to efficient trophic-transfer of environmental contaminants, and may provide a protective refugia for pathogenic cells within marine systems; one that enhances their survival/persistence. Finally, these secretions are prominent in ‘extreme’ environments ranging from sea-ice communities to hypersaline systems to the high-temperatures/pressures of hydrothermal-vent systems. This overview summarizes some of the roles of exopolymer in oceans

    Dietary assimilation of cadmium associated with bacterial exopolymer sediment coatings by the estuarine amphipod \u3cem\u3eLeptocheirus plumulosus\u3c/em\u3e: effects of Cd concentration and salinity

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    Bacterial extracellular substances (also known as exopolysaccharides, or EPS) may serve as vectors for trophic transfer of metals in benthic systems because these ubiquitous sediment coatings can sorb high concentrations of toxic metals, and because many benthic invertebrates assimilate EPS sediment coatings upon ingestion. We conducted 3 sets of experiments to determine the assimilative bioavailability of EPS-associated Cd to the benthic amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus as a function of Cd concentration and salinity. Bioavailability was measured as L. plumulosus Cd assimilation efficiency (AE) from EPS-coated silica (EPS●Si) and from uncoated silica (NC●Si) using modified pulse-chase methods with the gamma-emitting radioisotope 109Cd. Cd AE was significantly greater from NC●Si than from EPS●Si at 7.5%, but not at 2.5 or 25%. Overall, Cd AE from EPS●Si was between 15.1 and 21.5%. Because EPS●Si sorbed more Cd than NC●Si, EPS coatings magnified the amount of Cd amphipods accumulated at each salinity by up to a factor of 10. Salinity did not directly affect Cd AE from EPS●Si, but because Cd●EPS partitioning increased with decreasing salinity, amphipods accumulated more Cd from EPS at the lowest Cd●EPS incubation salinity (2.5%) than at higher salinities (7.5 and 25%). Finally, Cd concentration in EPS exhibited an inverse relationship with Cd AE at 2.5%, but not at 25%. Specifically, Cd AE was 12 times greater at 1 compared with 10”g Cd ”g-1 EPS. Together, these results show that estuarine benthos can accumulate Cd from EPS sediment coatings, but that the degree to which this phenomenon occurs is dependent upon seawater salinity and Cd concentration in EPS
