59 research outputs found

    Lady nurtures mangrove trees

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    At this time when the depletion ofl mangroves is a hotly debated issue, a woman in Kerala, India fosters the care o f hundreds ofl mangrove trees in a tourist hamlet. For the past 35 years, Ms. Mariamma and her family at Kumarakom, Kottayam have planted and nurtured these trees as if they were her childre

    Shrimp Seed - A Critical Problem Faced by Shrimp Farmers - A Cross Sectional Analysis

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    Seed is a major input in shrimp farming and all the farmers and entrepreneurs depend on hatchery seeds. For expansion of brackishwater shrimp farming, a regular and steady supply of quality shrimp seeds in large quantities at a given time for stocking Is essential. Hatcheries are the source for the supply of quality hatchery seeds and stocking wild seeds Is banned. Presently, in Tamll Nadu there ore 68 shrimp hatcheries with a production capacity of 3000 million post-larvae. The survey was carried out In Nagapattinam and Thanjavur In two districts of Tamil Nadu. A sample of 300 shrimp farmers was Interviewed randomly for the study. This paper presents the prbblems pertaining to shrlmp seed encountered by the farmers and suggestions to overcome the same. The problems encountered by the farmers in both districts were lack of assurance on quality seeds, non-existence of government agency for regulating the price of seeds, high cost of seeds, non-availability of seeds from research institutes, inadequate supply of hatchery seeds, mortality of seeds during transportation, mixed seeds and deceptive method of counting the seeds. Suggestions given by them to overcome the problems were that the government research institutes should set up some mare hatcheries and virus free Nauplius shoutd be supplied to the farmers, assurance about seed quality from research institute and production of improved broodstock from government research laboratories. Since wjthout a heaithy broodstock shrimp farmers cannot hope to get quality seed, PCR was suggested as a sensitive diagnostic tool for detecting viral infection but due to various gaps in training this tool has not been used with consistent results

    Time series modeling for forecasting the adoption behaviour of shrimp farmers

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    Commercial shrimp culture has emerged as a prominent sector of the coastal economy of India by virtue of the foreign exchange returns, rural employment it generates, and the economic viability of the enterprise and high market demand for the produce. The present study was conducted in Nellore and Nagapattinam districts a/India 10 forecast the adoption a/scientific technologies for a period of 17 years from 2004-2020, by the shrimp farmers using time series statistical modeling. The background data collected from 1997 to 2003 on the adoption behaviour of the farmers formed the database for predicting the adoption behaviour of the technologies. The study revealed that of the two statistical methods employed, namely Holt linear model and Holt exponential smoothing model, the goodness of fit generated by the Holt linear model with an R2 value 0/0.97 exhibited a higher degree of model adequacy over the Holt exponential smoothing model which revealed that in the years 2019 and 2020, the overall extent of adoption exceeded 100 percent which implies the development of new technologies by the research system and its subsequent adoption by the farmers. Besides factors such as changes in demography, demands in the export and local markets would motivate the shrimp fanners in future to adopt more of the improved technologies for getting higher yields

    Factors responsible for discriminating between high and low adopter categories of shrimp farmers

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    Shrimp farming on a commercial scale has come to be the main stay, of the coastal economy of the country. Scientific shrimp farming is characterised by the adoption of improved technologies for getting a better yield both in terms of quantity and quality. Adoption of improved technologies is dependent upon a host of factors such as the perceived attributes of the technologyr the cost of the technologies and the policy environment in which the technologies are adopted

    Information source utilisation behaviour of shrimp farmers on shrimp farming technologies

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    Shrimp farming has emerged as an important sector of the Aquaculture industry in the recen t times. Cultured Shrimps contribute about 50 per cent of the total Shrimp exports from lndia

    Lessons from Innovative Institutions in the Marketing of Fish and Fishery Products in India ┬з

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    Abstract This study has been conducted with the objective of understanding the process of innovative marketing models in the fisheries sector and to draw lessons from the success stories to upscale and replicate in a similar socio-politico-economic scenario in other parts of the country. It has been conducted to provide a better understanding of fish marketing by self-help groups (SHGs), producer associations, fisheries development corporations, fisherman cooperatives and private institutions in the southern states of India, namely Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh with the hypothesis that the institutional arrangements in the marketing of fish and fishery products reduce the transaction cost and improve the market access and its efficiency. The study has reported the primary activities of those institutions in the efficient fish marketing, such as inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales promotion and support activities like infrastructural facilities, technological backstopping, price information and procurement. Through these advantages, the fishermen have been found to achieve economies of scale, technological innovations, capacity development, linkage among activities, degree of vertical integration, timing of market entry, product differentiation, market access, credit access, etc. The study has suggested replication of such successful innovative institutions in marketing the fish and fishery products through appropriate policies and programmes. It has also suggested to promote institutions like SHGs, producer / fishermen associations, cooperatives, etc. and allow the entry of private agencies with appropriate regulatory mechanism to improve the efficiency of fish marketing in the country

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    Not AvailableAt this time when the depletion ofl mangroves is a hotly debated issue, a woman in Kerala, India fosters the care o f hundreds ofl mangrove trees in a tourist hamlet. For the past 35 years, Ms. Mariamma and her family at Kumarakom, Kottayam have planted and nurtured these trees as if they were her childrenNot Availabl

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    Not AvailableLivelihood generation through fish culture is an age old practice and especially so in places where fish forms an integral part of both social and cultural life. In sequence to socioeconomic framework of the fish farmer society forms a target for policy formulation to enlarge this economically backward sector. Few studies have been conducted on the socioeconomic aspect of fish farming. The study was conducted in two districts such as Thiruchirappali and Karur districts of Tamil Nadu. The data was collected for this study from 103 respondents of each district randomly sampled through questionnaire survey and a structured interview schedule. The study area is with abundant freshwater resources which can generate food and income if utilized to full potential. This study attempts to the socioeconomic variables of fish farmers on fish production. Socioeconomic profiles of Tamil Nadu fish farmers are presented. The socioeconomic status of fish farmers has to be improved by bringing the new innovative concepts of fish farming to the access way of farmers.Not Availabl
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