5 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Genome-wide association study of lung function and clinical implication in heavy smokers

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    Table S1. Association Results of the Top SNPs (P < 10− 4) with Post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC. Table S2. Association Results of the Top SNPs (P < 10− 4) with Post-bronchodilator % Predicted FEV1.Table S3. Genotype Frequency of rs28929474 in SERPINA1 Stratified by GOLD Stages. Table S4. Prediction Models for Post-bronchodilator Lung Function Using Top 10 SNPs for Post-bronchodilator % Predicted FEV1.Figure S1. Joint analysis of the top10 SNPs for post-bronchodilator % predicted FEV1 in 1075 SPIROMICS non-Hispanic White smokers with COPD. (DOCX 141 kb

    Baseline Characteristics of Study Participants.

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    <p>*Significant difference in Caucasian and African race among ETS and non-ETS group in Non-severe asthma. The P-value (P<0.05) is calculated by the Pearson chi-square test. High dose corticosteroid defined as twice a week inhaled corticosteroids and/or weekly systemic corticosteroids. “Unkown” does not wish to declare or does not know his/her ethnicity.</p