42 research outputs found

    The Genetics of Autism

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    This article is made available for unrestricted research re-use and secondary analysis in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for the duration of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic.This chapter is written to make the fast-paced, expanding field of the genetics of autism accessible to those practitioners who help children with autism. New genetic knowledge and technology have quickly developed over the past 30 years, particularly within the past decade, and have made many optimistic about our ability to explain autism. Among these advances include the sequencing of the human genome (Lander et al., 2001) and the identification of common genetic variants via the HapMap project (International HapMap Consortium, 2005), and the development of cost-efficient genotyping and analysis technologies (Losh, Sullivan, Trembath, & Piven, 2008). Improvement in technology has led to improved visualization of chromosomal abnormality down to the molecular level. The four most common syndromes associated with autism include fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, 15q duplications, and untreated phenylketonuria (PKU; Costa e Silva, 2008). FXS and 15q duplications are discussed within the context of cytogenetics. TSC is illustrated within the description of linkage analysis

    Bruce F. Pennington: Diagnosing Learning Disorders (Second Edition): A Neuropsychological Framework

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    Complete Atrioventricular Heart Block From an Epilepsy Treatment

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    Atrioventricular (AV) heart block without adequate escape rhythm can result in sudden cardiac arrest and death. We report complete (third degree) AV block in a 16 year-old boy as a late effect of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). He experienced brief, daily, complex partial seizures, treated with lamotrigine, levetiracetam, and the placement of Model 102 VNS at age 4. Electroencephalography (EEG) showed generalized slow spike-and-wave discharges consistent with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. At age 12, his VNS was changed to Model 303 PereniaDURA/Model 103 Demipulse generator, set at an output current of 2.25 mA on a standard 30 seconds on, 5 minutes off paradigm. At age 16, he experienced episodes of sudden collapse followed by unconsciousness. Holter monitor showed 15 second symptomatic complete AV block without escape (Figure 1). The patient was taking psychotropic medication with potential cardiac side effects: methylphenidate (tachycardia), guanfacine (first degree AV block), and haloperidol (prolonged QT interval, Torsades de Pointes). Haloperidol, methylphenidate, and VNS were stopped without further symptoms. Off these medications, the VNS was resumed at reduced current (1.25 mA), with re-occurrence of symptomatic AV block. Again, the VNS was stopped and symptoms/heart block ceased. Psychotropic medication was resumed without any side effects

    Neurodevelopmental disorders and microcephaly: how apoptosis, the cell cycle, tau and amyloid-β precursor protein APPly

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    Recent studies promote new interest in the intersectionality between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Alzheimer’s Disease. We have reported high levels of Amyloid-β Precursor Protein (APP) and secreted APP-alpha (sAPPa) and low levels of amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptides 1–40 and 1–42 (Aβ40, Aβ42) in plasma and brain tissue from children with ASD. A higher incidence of microcephaly (head circumference less than the 3rd percentile) associates with ASD compared to head size in individuals with typical development. The role of Aβ peptides as contributors to acquired microcephaly in ASD is proposed. Aβ may lead to microcephaly via disruption of neurogenesis, elongation of the G1/S cell cycle, and arrested cell cycle promoting apoptosis. As the APP gene exists on Chromosome 21, excess Aβ peptides occur in Trisomy 21-T21 (Down’s Syndrome). Microcephaly and some forms of ASD associate with T21, and therefore potential mechanisms underlying these associations will be examined in this review. Aβ peptides’ role in other neurodevelopmental disorders that feature ASD and acquired microcephaly are reviewed, including dup 15q11.2-q13, Angelman and Rett syndrome

    APPlications of amyloid-β precursor protein metabolites in macrocephaly and autism spectrum disorder

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    Metabolites of the Amyloid-β precursor protein (APP) proteolysis may underlie brain overgrowth in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We have found elevated APP metabolites (total APP, secreted (s) APPα, and α-secretase adamalysins in the plasma and brain tissue of children with ASD). In this review, we highlight several lines of evidence supporting APP metabolites’ potential contribution to macrocephaly in ASD. First, APP appears early in corticogenesis, placing APP in a prime position to accelerate growth in neurons and glia. APP metabolites are upregulated in neuroinflammation, another potential contributor to excessive brain growth in ASD. APP metabolites appear to directly affect translational signaling pathways, which have been linked to single gene forms of syndromic ASD (Fragile X Syndrome, PTEN, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex). Finally, APP metabolites, and microRNA, which regulates APP expression, may contribute to ASD brain overgrowth, particularly increased white matter, through ERK receptor activation on the PI3K/Akt/mTOR/Rho GTPase pathway, favoring myelination

    Novel Contribution of Secreted Amyloid-β Precursor Protein to White Matter Brain Enlargement in Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    The most replicated neuroanatomical finding in autism is the tendency toward brain overgrowth, especially in younger children. Research shows that both gray and white matter are enlarged. Proposed mechanisms underlying brain enlargement include abnormal inflammatory and neurotrophic signals that lead to excessive, aberrant dendritic connectivity via disrupted pruning and cell adhesion, and enlargement of white matter due to excessive gliogenesis and increased myelination. Amyloid-β protein precursor (βAPP) and its metabolites, more commonly associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD), are also dysregulated in autism plasma and brain tissue samples. This review highlights findings that demonstrate how one βAPP metabolite, secreted APPα, and the ADAM family α-secretases, may lead to increased brain matter, with emphasis on increased white matter as seen in autism. sAPPα and the ADAM family α-secretases contribute to the anabolic, non-amyloidogenic pathway, which is in contrast to the amyloid (catabolic) pathway known to contribute to Alzheimer disease. The non-amyloidogenic pathway could produce brain enlargement via genetic mechanisms affecting mRNA translation and polygenic factors that converge on molecular pathways (mitogen-activated protein kinase/MAPK and mechanistic target of rapamycin/mTOR), promoting neuroinflammation. A novel mechanism linking the non-amyloidogenic pathway to white matter enlargement is proposed: α-secretase and/or sAPPα, activated by ERK receptor signaling activates P13K/AKt/mTOR and then Rho GTPases favoring myelination via oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) activation of cofilin. Applying known pathways in AD to autism should allow further understanding and provide options for new drug targets

    Impact of acamprosate on plasma amyloid-β precursor protein in youth: a pilot analysis in fragile X syndrome-associated and idiopathic autism spectrum disorder suggests a pharmacodynamic protein marker

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding of the pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) remains limited. Brain overgrowth has been hypothesized to be associated with the development of ASD. A derivative of amyloid-β precursor protein (APP), secreted APPα (sAPPα), has neuroproliferative effects and has been shown to be elevated in the plasma of persons with ASD compared to control subjects. Reduction in sAPPα holds promise as a novel molecular target of treatment in ASD. Research into the neurochemistry of ASD has repeatedly implicated excessive glutamatergic and deficient GABAergic neurotransmission in the disorder. With this in mind, acamprosate, a novel modulator of glutamate and GABA function, has been studied in ASD. No data is available on the impact of glutamate or GABA modulation on sAPPα function. METHODS: Plasma APP derivative levels pre- and post-treatment with acamprosate were determined in two pilot studies involving youth with idiopathic and fragile X syndrome (FXS)-associated ASD. We additionally compared baseline APP derivative levels between youth with FXS-associated or idiopathic ASD. RESULTS: Acamprosate use was associated with a significant reduction in plasma sAPP(total) and sAPPα levels but no change occurred in Aβ40 or Aβ42 levels in 15 youth with ASD (mean age: 11.1 years). Youth with FXS-associated ASD (n = 12) showed increased sAPPα processing compared to age-, gender- and IQ-match youth with idiopathic ASD (n = 11). CONCLUSIONS: Plasma APP derivative analysis holds promise as a potential biomarker for use in ASD targeted treatment. Reduction in sAPP (total) and sAPPα may be a novel pharmacodynamic property of acamprosate. Future study is required to address limitations of the current study to determine if baseline APP derivative analysis may predict subgroups of persons with idiopathic or FXS-associated ASD who may respond best to acamprosate or to potentially other modulators of glutamate and/or GABA neurotransmission

    FMRP Regulates the Nuclear Export of Adam9 and Psen1 mRNAs: Secondary Analysis of an N 6 -Methyladenosine Dataset

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    Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) binds to and regulates the translation of amyloid-β protein precursor (App) mRNA, but the detailed mechanism remains to be determined. Differential methylation of App mRNA could underlie FMRP binding, message localization and translation efficiency. We sought to determine the role of FMRP and N6-methyladeonsine (m6A) on nuclear export of App mRNA. We utilized the m6A dataset by Hsu and colleagues to identify m6A sites in App mRNA and to determine if the abundance of message in the cytoplasm relative to the nucleus is altered in Fmr1 knockout mouse brain cortex. Given that processing of APP to Aβ and soluble APP alpha (sAPPα) contributes to disease phenotypes, we also investigated whether Fmr1KO associates with nuclear export of the mRNAs for APP protein processing enzymes, including β-site amyloid cleaving enzyme (Bace1), A disintegrin and metalloproteinases (Adams), and presenilins (Psen). Fmr1KO did not alter the nuclear/cytoplasmic abundance of App mRNA. Of 36 validated FMRP targets, 35 messages contained m6A peaks but only Agap2 mRNA was selectively enriched in Fmr1KO nucleus. The abundance of the APP processing enzymes Adam9 and Psen1 mRNA, which code for a minor alpha-secretase and gamma-secretase, respectively, were selectively enriched in wild type cytoplasm

    Longitudinal MRI brain findings in the R1349Q pathogenic variant of CACNA1A

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    Pathogenic CACNA1A gene variants are associated with a spectrum of disorders including migraine with or without hemiplegia, ataxia, epilepsy, and developmental disability. We present a case of a pathogenic variant (c.4046G>A, p.R1349Q) in the CACNA1A gene associated with a clinical phenotype of global developmental delay, left hemiparesis, epilepsy, and stroke-like episodes. Longitudinal neuroimaging demonstrates hemispheric encephalomalacia with mismatched perfusion and angiographic imaging, in addition to progressive cerebellar atrophy