10 research outputs found

    Measles and rubella in Italy, e-learning course for health care workers

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    Introduction. Since 2003, strategic plans for the elimination of measles and congenitalrubella have been adopted in the World Health Organization European Region. In Italy,a network of reference laboratories for measles and rubella (MoRoNet) has been recentlyimplemented to ensure high-quality laboratory investigation for the confirmation ofcases and outbreaks. Training among health care workers (HCWs) is one of the tasks ofMoRoNet and an e-learning course was produced to improve the knowledge on internationaland national elimination plans and laboratory surveillance for measles and rubella.Methods. The course, based on the problem based learning methodology, was offeredfree of charge. Data about all participants and those who completed the course havebeen collected and analysed.Results. 5822 participants enrolled and 3995 (69%) completed the course; comparisonbetween pre- and post-test shows a significant improvement in knowledge. The averagescore obtained from the satisfaction questionnaire is 4.5 out of 5.Discussion and conclusions. Course’s results are satisfactory, and data show a significantimprovement in knowledge among participants. Most of them were satisfied withcontent, learning methodology and platform. Moreover, this course represents one ofthe possible strategies to overcome resistance and mistrust about vaccinations amongHCWs

    A Dietary Assessment Training Course Path: The Italian IV SCAI Study on Children Food Consumption

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    The eating patterns in a population can be estimated through dietary surveys in which open-ended assessment methods, such as diaries and interviews, or semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaires are administered. A harmonized dietary survey methodology, together with a standardized operational procedure, in conducting the study is crucial to ensure the comparability of the results and the accuracy of information, thus reducing uncertainty and increasing the reliability of the results. Dietary patterns (i) include several target variables (foods, energy and nutrients, other food components), (ii) require several explanatory variables (age, gender, anthropometric measurements, socio-cultural and economic characteristics, lifestyle, preferences, attitudes, beliefs, organization of food-related activities, etc.), and (iii) have impacts in several domains: imbalance diets; acute and chronic exposures affect health, specifically non-communicable diseases; and then sanitary expenditure. On the other hand, food demand has impacts on the food system: production, distribution, and food services system; food wastes and other wastes generated by food-related activities of the households (e.g., packaging disposal) have consequences on the “health of the planet” which in turn can have effects on human health. Harmonization and standardization of measurement methods and procedures in such a complex context require an ad hoc structured information system made by databases (food nomenclatures, portion sizes, food atlas, recipes) and methodological tools (quantification methods, food coding systems, assessment of nutritional status, data processing to extrapolate what we consider validated dietary data). Establishing a community of professionals specialized in dietary data management could lead to build a surveillance system for monitoring eating habits in the short term, thus reducing costs, and to arrange a training re-training system. Creating and maintaining the dietary data managers community is challenging but possible. In this context, the cooperation between the CREA Research Centre for Food and Nutrition and the Italian National Health Institute (ISS) promoted and supported by the Italian Ministry of Health may represent a model of best practice that can ensure a continuous training for the professional community carrying out a nutritional study

    Problem Based Learning nella formazione a distanza in ambito sanitario

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    L’Istituto Superiore di Sanità eroga formazione a distanza in sanità pubblica dal 2004, sperimentando nuovi modelli basati sull’integrazione di metodi di apprendimento attivo, come il Problem Based Learning (PBL), originariamente concepito per la modalità residenziale, con gli strumenti del web-based learning. Il PBL è un metodo didattico attivo, dove i partecipanti lavorano in piccoli gruppi per risolvere problemi ispirati al loro contesto lavorativo, con l’obiettivo di sviluppare capacità di lifelong learning. In questo lavoro si descrive il modello innovativo di adattamento del PBL alla formazione in rete, sperimentato in un Master di II livello in Governo Clinico per la Medicina Interna. Questo modello ha previsto un elevato livello di interattività rispetto ad altri corsi a distanza precedentemente erogati. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato le potenzialità e le aree di criticità del modello, che è stato quindi modificato per la seconda edizione del Master


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    COVID-19 HEALTH EMERGENCY: CENTRAL ROLE OF THE E-LEARNING COURSE OF THE ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITÀ FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONAL PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE Alessandra Di Pucchio (a), Donatella Barbina (a), Debora Guerrera (a), Andrea Vittozzi (b), Pietro Carbone (a), Alfonso Mazzaccara (a) (a) Training Service, Italian National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy (b) Technical-Scientific Service Research Coordination and Support, Italian National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy Background. On January 31, 2020, Italy declared a public health emergency concerning the novel Coronavirus Disease named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization. On February 28, 2020, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) promptly launched the first e-learning course to train healthcare professionals entitled “Health Emergency from the Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: Preparedness and Response”. Objectives. In this research study, we investigate: 1- Methods and technology of the first e-learning course available on the EDUISS platform in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (https://www.eduiss.it); 2- Efficacy of the e-learning course including completion rate and dropouts, numbers and types of enrolled healthcare professionals; 3- Evaluation of knowledge acquired by participants, their level of satisfaction and course’s quality; 4- Effectiveness of technological infrastructure and participants’ skills using EDUISS. Preliminary Results. Between February 28 and April 28 2020, the ISS launched the first distance course to train Italian healthcare professionals in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The course included three training units for a total of 16 hours based on the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) teaching method and was free of charge. During the delivering, the course significantly exceeded the projected participation rate. The number of participants was more than doubled, totaling 215,000 participants. Preliminary data analyses show that about 70% participants successfully completed the course, improved their professional knowledge with high satisfaction for course contents, methodology and technology. Future perspectives. Since 2004, ISS has been delivering distance training for Public Health by EDUISS platform integrating active methodologies such as PBL with e-learning tools provided by Learning Management System Moodle and recently, Totara Learn. During the national emergency, the EDUISS platform promptly played a central role in the education and training of Italian healthcare professionals becoming a fundamental learning tool after March 2020, when no attendance courses could be held. Considering the clinical and management implication of this pandemic, it is also fundamental to conduct a training needs assessment among the Italian healthcare professionals to identify any gaps or areas to further improve e-learning courses and to support the scientific community in particular during health emergencies

    Convegno nazionale. Tutti i cittadini e gli Uffici Relazioni con il Pubblico. Istituto Superiore di Sanita'. Roma, 13 dicembre 2000

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 , Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    [Omic sciences and capacity building of health professionals: a distance learning training course for Italian physicians, 2017-2018]

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    Background: Nowadays, a strategy to manage the current "omic revolution" is needed in Italy. Actions aimed to improve genetic/omics "literacy" among health professionals and citizens are necessary, based on recommendations outlined in the Italian 2013 Guidelines on genomics in public health, and the 2018 National Plan for the innovation of the health system based on the omic sciences. Materials and methods: In the context of a project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, a distance-learning course entitled "Genetic and Genomic practices" was developed, targeted at medical professionals (mainly general practitioners). The main objective of the course was to train physicians in the responsible use of omic technologies. The course was structured according to the main models of adult learning theory (Problem-based-learning and case studies) and delivered on the institutional platform of the Italian National Institute of Health for one year, from February 2017 to February 2018, with the endorsement of the Italian Society of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine and the Italian Society of Human Genetics. Results: In one year, 3,054 participants registered for the course and 53% completed it. About 21% of participants were primary care physicians, 12% were public health physicians and 11% were hospital paediatricians. The most represented age group of participants was 51-65 years and their geographical distribution was 38.5% southern Italy/islands, 36.3% northern Italy and 25.2% central Italy. Pre-test data showed that training needs of primary care physicians was very high. Conclusions: In the current context, characterized by the "omic revolution", physicians must be able to understand its potential implications for the diagnosis, control and treatment of diseases. It is therefore necessary to work on capacity building of all health professionals involved in various ways in the use of the "omic sciences". Distance-learning training in genetic/genomic practices represents a low-cost, satisfactory and clinically applicable method to improve physicians' knowledge

    Formazione per la preparedness nell’emergenza COVID-19: il case report dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità

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    The report is aimed at citizens, health personnel and stakeholders. It describes and analyzes the experience of active training carried out by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità during the COVID-19 epidemic. It shares ISS’s experience and lessons learned in a preparedness perspective in case of similar future events. The aim is to provide, through consultation forms, useful tools for those who may face similar training needs, but also to present the evidence gathered, through the case report methodology. In the context of a pandemic case scenario, the emergency training system needs to be consolidated and manned. Training represents a strategic element, a determining factor, the preparation and management of which cannot be subsequent to the arise of the emergency, but must be planned and made possible a priori

    Asthma in patients admitted to emergency department for COVID-19: prevalence and risk of hospitalization

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    Assessment of neurological manifestations in hospitalized patients with COVID‐19

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