92 research outputs found

    Deux grandes conceptions de la réception (et leurs places respectives en sociolinguistique francophone)

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    International audienceCe texte met en regard deux grandes conceptions de la réception - dans les courants pragmatistes/cybernétiques d’une part et phénoménologiques/herméneutiques d’autre part - dans l’espoir d’en tirer des éclairages pour l’histoire des idées sociolinguistiques. La première conception sera examinée à travers deux influences majeures qui innervent la sociolinguistique (dans sa version francophone/d’expression française) : la théorie des actes de langage et la formalisation jakobsonienne de la communication, deux influences bien sûr interprétées et ré-interprétées à de multiples reprises, en particulier par les courants de l’ethnographie de la communication et de l’analyse des interactions verbales. En contraste de cette première conception laissant peu de place à l’idée de réception, la vision herméneutique des «langues/langages/discours» est radicalement différente en ce qu’elle accorde une importance primordiale à la réception (ouinterprétation/compréhension). La question découlant de cette comparaison étant de voir ce que cela change/peut changer d’envisager l’économie des échanges linguistiques par un bout plutôt que par l’autre? Quels enjeux/conséquences à se focaliser, en sociolinguistique, sur la production plutôt que sur la réception ? Ces réflexions épistémologiques, sur des idées sociolinguistiques et leur histoire, ne sont pas neutres : la formalisation de la communication entre émission et réception pose aussi une question éthico-politique, celle de la place du débat sur le sens, de son contrôle

    Que fait l’innovation Ă  la didactique des langues ? ÉlĂ©ments d’histoire notionnelle pour une rĂ©flexion (trĂšs) actuelle

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    Comprendre ce que fait l’innovation Ă  la didactique des langues (DDL) suppose de revenir sur l’histoire de cette notion et de ses liens avec l’idĂ©e de progrĂšs, mais aussi avec la technique (au sens de Ellul et Heidegger) et l’économie capitaliste (cf. Schumpeter). La course Ă  l’innovation (nĂ©cessaire, inĂ©luctable) qui semble caractĂ©riser l’histoire du champ de l’enseignement des langues Ă©trangĂšres (et qui paraĂźt s’accĂ©lĂ©rer ces derniĂšres annĂ©es) n’est-elle pas la consĂ©quence directe de son inscription (ancienne) dans un paradigme techniciste, lui-mĂȘme connectĂ© au champ Ă©conomique ? Retracer ces liens gĂ©nĂ©alogiques agissants nous permettra d’envisager les conditions d’une critique de l’innovation en DDL, conduisant Ă  rompre avec un certain dĂ©terminisme et rendre ainsi possible un dĂ©bat sur l’orientation future de notre discipline.Understanding what makes innovation in foreign language didactics suppose to revisit the history of this concept and its relationship with the idea of progress, but also its links with the technique (in the meaning of Heidegger and Ellul) and the capitalist economy (Schumpeter). The race for innovation (necessary, unavoidable) that seems to be a characteristic of the foreign languages teaching domain history (and that seems to accelerate in recent years) is it not the direct result of an (old) inscription in a technical ideology, itself connected to the economic field? To consider these genealogical connections will allow us to think carefully about the conditions for a critic of innovation in foreign language didactics, leading to forsake a definite determinism and thus create a possible debate on the future orientation of our discipline

    Socio-economic and scientific challenges of a qualitative design of distance learning: contextualization and interculturation

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    International audiencePromoted in Europe by the Bologna Process, distance education has increased in recent years. This boom began a major transformation of universities characterized, among others, by a multiplication of exchanges between individuals from different personal, educational and professional backgrounds. However, in this new teaching context, international students and teachers are sometimes destabilized: students in the face of new methods of university work and program content, teachers because they are confronted with diverse student profiles, expectations and needs. The questions raised by the relationship between distance learning and /learners in a FLE/S (French as a Foreign/Second language) perspective are numerous. In the context of this article, we will first consider ODL (Open and Distance Learning) "contextualization"2, which will be discussed in connection with the problems a misguided sense of interculturality in the field of ODL poses. Finally, we will identify what we believe to be fundamentally at the root of these problems: an epistemological continuity in research, which is based on the paradigm of "trace", which can only lead to an essentialized congealing of meaning ... or a solid/culturalist approach of the intercultural (Dervin, 2009a)


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    Les travaux menĂ©s au sein des associations sƓurs que sont la SIHFLES (SociĂ©tĂ© internationale pour l’histoire du français langue Ă©trangĂšre ou seconde), la HSS (Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistics Ideas), la CIRSIL (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Storia degli Insegnamenti Linguistici), l’APHELLE (Association portugaise pour l’histoire de l’enseignement des langues et littĂ©ratures Ă©trangĂšres) et la SEHL (Sociedad Española para la Historia de las Enseñanzas LingĂŒisticas..

    En quĂȘte de la mĂ©thode directe dans le fonds Ferdinand Brunot, rĂ©flexion Ă©pistĂ©mologique fondĂ©e sur un Ă©chec heuristique

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    La bibliothĂšque de l’UniversitĂ© de Tours dĂ©tient depuis 50 ans une importante collection d’ouvrages (prĂšs de 15 000 documents) issue de la bibliothĂšque du cĂ©lĂšbre linguiste et historien de la langue que fut Ferdinand Brunot. AprĂšs avoir soulignĂ© en quoi Brunot nous est apparu comme un personnage digne d’intĂ©rĂȘt pour rĂ©flĂ©chir Ă  la mĂ©thode directe – mĂ©thode qui lui fut contemporaine – Ă  travers l’exploration de sa bibliothĂšque personnelle, nous expliquerons en quoi l’échec relatif de cette exploration aura dĂ©bouchĂ© sur une rĂ©flexion Ă©pistĂ©mologique quant Ă  la maniĂšre de faire de l’histoire du FLE/S.The Tours university library has held for 50 years an important collection of books (nearly 15,000 documents) from the private library of the famous linguist and language historian Ferdinand Brunot. After underlining the reasons why Brunot appeared as a character worthy of interest to study the direct method – a method which emerged during his lifetime – through the exploration of his personal library, we will explain how the relative failure of this exploration has led to an epistemological reflection on the history of French as a Foreign/Second Language

    The Implementation of a High Speed Adaptive FIR Filter on a Field Programmable Gate Array

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    Abstract-Adaptive filters have become a very useful building block in several of today's systems. One of the most common application being Line Echo Cancellation (LEC). The ever increasing data rates used in such communication systems bring along the need for faster adaptive filtering systems that are capable of handling the echo tail generated. This poses two main requirements, i) robust and stable algorithms to ensure efficient functionality under these conditions and ii) more processing power. This paper describes the implementation of such an adaptive filter on a Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA for use in an echo cancellation system

    Aspects institutionnels, appuis thĂ©oriques et pistes d’intervention

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    Ce texte prĂ©sente une rĂ©flexion qui prend place dans le cadre du projet d’universitĂ© europĂ©enne NEOLAIA se donnant pour objectif – parmi d’autres – l’élaboration d’une Charte commune sur la politique linguistique plurilingue et interculturelle des universitĂ©s partenaires, et d’une certification commune pour l'enseignement plurilingue et interculturel. AprĂšs avoir prĂ©sentĂ© les contours de ce projet et de sa mise en Ɠuvre, les choix adoptĂ©s sont situĂ©s en regard de l’histoire des notions de plurilinguisme et de compĂ©tence plurilingue dans l’espace europĂ©en. Le propos dĂ©veloppĂ© vise ainsi Ă  expliciter les arriĂšre-plans thĂ©oriques mobilisĂ©s pour une rĂ©flexion sur l’internationalisation des universitĂ©s qui prenne au sĂ©rieux les enjeux de la diversitĂ© linguistique et culturelle en contexte formatif, au-delĂ  d’une seule vision technique et Ă©conomique de la gestion des langues dans l’enseignement supĂ©rieur. Enfin, une forme de mise en Ɠuvre des rĂ©flexions menĂ©es est prĂ©sentĂ©e Ă  partir du rĂ©cit d’une recherche portant sur les discours d’enseignants et leurs reprĂ©sentations de la diversitĂ© prĂ©sente dans les formations universitaires, du point de vue de leur discipline et des Ă©tudiants prĂ©sents, ainsi que de la façon dont ils y envisagent le(s) rĂŽle(s) des dimensions linguistiques et discursives.This text presents a reflection that falls within the framework of the NEOLAIA European university project, with the aim – among others – of drawing up a common Charter on plurilingual and intercultural language policy for the partner universities, and a common certification for plurilingual and intercultural teaching. After outlining the NEOLAIA project and its implementation, the choices adopted are situated in relation to the history of the notions of plurilingualism and plurilingual competence in Europe. The aim is to clarify the theoretical backgrounds for a reflection on the internationalization of universities that takes seriously the challenges of linguistic and cultural diversity in a training context, going beyond a purely technical and economic vision of language management in higher education. Finally, we present an example of how these ideas can be put into practice, based on a study of teachers' discourses and representations of the diversity present in university training, from the point of view of their discipline and the students involved, as well as the way in which they envisage the role(s) of linguistic and discursive dimensions.Peer Reviewe

    Figures et traitements de la diversité

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    Cet article propose une rĂ©flexion mĂ©thodologique et Ă©pistĂ©mologique sur la notion de diversitĂ© en s’appuyant sur les premiers rĂ©sultats du projet de recherche Didactique du français, formation et diversité / altĂ©ritĂ© en contextes universitaires : pratiques, reprĂ©sentations et Ă©volutions dans diffĂ©rents environnements, financĂ© par l’AUF. Pour mener cette rĂ©flexion, nous Ă©voquerons les traitements paradoxaux de la diversitĂ© au travers de deux « vignettes », aperçus de deux contextes Ă©ducatifs diffĂ©rents, pour interroger, dans un troisiĂšme temps les enjeux et les consĂ©quences – mĂ©thodologiques et Ă©pistĂ©mologiques – d’une conception diversitaire de la diversitĂ©.This paper presents an epistemological and methodological reflection on the notion of diversity, based on the primary results of the research project French Didactics, training and diversity / otherness in university contexts: practices, representations and evolutions in various environments, financed by AUF (Agence universitaire de la Francophonie). To develop this reflection, we will evoke the paradoxical treatments of diversity through two lenses, opening onto two different educative contexts, in order to question the issues and consequences – both methodological and epistemological – of a diversitary conception of diversity

    Computed tomography attenuation of periaortic adipose tissue in abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    Purpose: To assess periaortic adipose tissue attenuation on CT angiography indifferent abdominal aortic aneurysm disease states.Materials and Methods: In a retrospective observational study from January 2018 to December 2022, periaortic adipose tissue attenuation was assessed on CT angiography in patients with asymptomatic or symptomatic (including rupture) abdominal aortic aneurysms, and control individuals without aneurysms. Adipose tissue attenuation was measured using semi-automated software in periaortic aneurysmal and non-aneurysmal segments of the abdominal aorta, and in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue. Periaortic adipose tissue attenuation values between the three groups was assessed using Students t-test and Wilcoxon rank sum test followed by a multi-regression model.Results: Eighty-eight individuals (median age, 70 [IQR, 65-78] years; 78 male and 10 female) were included: 70 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (40 asymptomatic and 30 symptomatic including 24 with rupture), and 18 controls. There was no evidence of differences in the periaortic adipose tissue attenuation in the aneurysmal segment in asymptomatic patients versus controls ((-81.44±7 versus -83.27±9 HU, Hounsfield units, P=0.43) and attenuation in non-aneurysmal segments between asymptomatic patients versus controls (-75.43±8 versus -78.81±6 HU, P=0.08). However, symptomatic patients demonstrated higher periaortic adipose tissue attenuation in both aneurysmal (-57.85±7 HU, P<0.0001) and non-aneurysmal segments (-58.16±8 HU, P<0.0001) when compared with the other two groups.Conclusions: Periaortic adipose tissue CT attenuation was not increased in stableabdominal aortic aneurysm disease. There was a generalised increase in attenuation in patients with symptomatic disease, likely reflecting the systemic consequences of acute rupture
