605 research outputs found

    On The L{2}-Solutions of Stochastic Fractional Partial Differential Equations; Existence, Uniqueness and Equivalence of Solutions

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    The aim of this work is to prove existence and uniqueness of L2L^{2}-solutions of stochastic fractional partial differential equations in one spatial dimension. We prove also the equivalence between several notions of L2L^{2}-solutions. The Fourier transform is used to give meaning to SFPDEs. This method is valid also when the diffusion coefficient is random

    Large deviations for 2D-fractional stochastic Navier-Stokes equation on the torus -Short Proof-

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    In this note, we prove the large deviation principle for the 2D-fractional stochastic Navier-Stokes equation on the torus under the dissipation order α[43,2] \alpha \in [\frac43, 2].Comment: Work submitted to CRAS in 08-08-201


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    ABSTRAK Identifikasi pasien merupakan hal mendasar yang perlu diperhatikan oleh tenaga kesehatan dalam penerapan patient safety, dimana kesalahan dalam mengidentifikasi pasien diawal pelayanan akan berdampak pada kesalahan pelayanan pada tahap selanjutnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan supervisi dan motivasi kepala ruangan dengan identifikasi pasien dalam penerapan patient safety oleh perawat pelaksana di ruang rawat inap RSI Ibnu Sina Padang tahun 2015. Desain penelitian ini deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah perawat pelaksana di RSI Ibnu Sina Padang, sampel sebanyak 70 perawat dengan total sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner pada tanggal 17 s/d 22 Januari 2015. Analisa univariat dengan statistik deskriptif berupa distribusi frekuensi dan persentase serta analisis bivariat dengan pengujian chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lebih dari separuh perawat melakukan identifikasi pasien dengan optimal, dan lebih dari separuh supervisi dan motivasi kepala ruangan baik. Terdapat hubungan supervisi kepala ruangan dengan identifikasi pasien dalam penerapan patient safety oleh perawat pelaksana (p=0,000), dan terdapat hubungan motivasi kepala ruangan dengan identifikasi pasien dalam penerapan patient safety oleh perawat pelaksana (p=0,000). Saran untuk RSI Ibnu Sina Padang diharapkan bidang keperawatan mengadakan penyegaran tentang manajemen keperawatan dan uraian tugas kepala ruangan, sehingga fungsi supervisi dan motivasi terhadap pelaksanaan identifikasi pasien dalam penerapan patient safety dapat ditingkatkan lebih baik lagi. Kata kunci : Identitifikasi Pasien, Motivasi, Patient Safety, Supervisi Daftar Pustaka : 39 (2000 - 2014

    Professional development online : showcasing good practice to support open, distance and flexible learning

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    Designing Electronic Learning and Teaching Approaches (DELTA) is an online professional development initiative to support pedagogically-appropriate teaching with technology by showcasing examples of good practice in e-learning. The site aims to increase appreciation of e-learning possibilities for teaching staff through an easy-to-access, just-in-time resource. This paper describes the site and introduces the modular evaluation approach which is being implemented to examine it from different stakeholder perspectives. It then focuses on the first evaluation module which investigates how users perceive and engage with DELTA. The paper provides the initial evaluation findings which will contribute to the ongoing improvement of DELTA as a professional development resource that supports open, distance and flexible learning.<br /

    The Effectiveness of Boosting Public Health Insurance Enrollment Through Community Events

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    Examines the effectiveness of outreach efforts at festivals and other community events to enroll children in Family Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Plus. Includes case summaries. Suggests venues and factors that garner more applications