3 research outputs found

    Right to Information Act -2005: Objectives, Obligations and Opportunities

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    Information is the main element of enlightenment. For speech and express something, information is prerequisite. The aim of this paper is to highlight the primary concept of Right to Information act- 2005. And mainly focuses on the objectives, the obligations and the opportunities recumbent in this act. It is easy to realize something when we are well aware about the objectives of that matter. The prime objectives of RTI act are to ensure citizens access of information, to promote transparency, trust and openness, to improve the accountability and performance in government offices and to fight with the corruption. It also gives the opportunities to the government officials to improve themselves as true public servants. There is an obligation of public authorities, described in this act nevertheless without the cooperation and the assistance of officers this act will not get the taste of success and it is also depending on how much the common people and government officials are aware and educated about their roles and responsibilities.  The poverty and the lack of proper education is the obstruction of the all success of this act. The paper entitle as RTI act- 2005: its 3 O’s is an empirical observation about the basic points of RTI act-2005

    The Concept of Nietzsche’s Morality: Morality for Will to Power

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    As our faces are different in shape so the moralities, our life are determined by the different moralities. And the actions are multidimensional; our actions are not followed by the single principle. Even one can take different principle in different situation. Morality cannot be one of a kind. Morality is now opposed of taste; we learned how to avoid the things that we love. We can never agree on the meaning of morality. Our conscience, our spirits never accept the morality which is not belongs to us. Morality is the guiding principle of our life. And there are many moralities and the finest or suitable morality is called as the virtue. The good and bad is nothing but which is conducive for achieving power. What is morality, kinds of morality, virtue, effects of religious morality, sympathy, cruelty, exploitation and will to power are the some issues which are discusses here in the light of Nietzsche

    The Unknown Sage’s Well- known Thought: The Pleasure Philosophy of Carvaka

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    The most desirable object in this world is obviously the pleasure. There may be different views regarding the origin, nature and class of pleasure, but nobody can deny the pleasure. Pleasure is one of the basic things of our life, without this, human development is impossible. Man can get pleasure in anytime, anywhere, any form and from any object. There are levels of pleasure. As a social and rational being, we should not approve all kinds of pleasure. The definition of pleasure may be differing from person to person and community to community, but the real pleasure should be the one which brings pleasure not only for oneself but for all. And to attaining the pleasure, knowledge is required, avoiding the knowledge one cannot think about pleasure. Pleasure will automatically come out if one lives a life with honor, justice and wisdom.   Justice resides there, where honor or respect is present and without wisdom justice is impossible. So we can say that to attain the pleasure and to staying in the warm of pleasure, wisdom is needed