101 research outputs found

    Nouvelles données sur les téphras pléistocÚnes piégés dans les remplissages karstiques ardéchois (SE France)

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    Des retombĂ©es volcaniques issues soit du Mont-Dore, soit du Vivarais ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvertes dans plusieurs sites karstiques de la BasseArdĂšche. AprĂšs celle d’Orgnac 3 liĂ©e au paroxysme terminal du Sancy autour de 0,3 Ma et celle de la Baume Moula issue, il y a 72 ± 12 ka, d’un maar appartenant au volcanisme PlĂ©istocĂšne supĂ©rieur de l’ArdĂšche, deux nouvelles retombĂ©es volcaniques ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ă©vidence dans l’aven Marzal II. Dans la partie moyenne du remplissage, une association zircon – sphĂšne est caractĂ©ristique d’un volcanisme diffĂ©renciĂ© typique du MontDore, et pourrait ĂȘtre corrĂ©lĂ©e avec des Ă©missions de pyroclastites situĂ©es vers 0,45 Ma. Dans la partie supĂ©rieure du remplissage, un autre type de retombĂ©e volcanique apparaĂźt nettement avec des minĂ©raux (olivine, orthopyroxĂšnes, diopside, clinopyroxĂšne brun) issus d’un volcanisme basaltique Ă  enclaves mantelliques. Cette association est typique d’une retombĂ©e phrĂ©atomagmatique liĂ©e sans doute Ă  l’éruption d’un maar du Vivarais. Les donnĂ©es biochronologiques et 14C la rattachent Ă  la phase rĂ©cente de ce volcanisme, entre 40 000 et 30 000 ans. Enfin, l’aven du DevĂšs de Reynaud renferme un tĂ©phra d’origine phrĂ©atomagmatique, Ă  relier probablement au volcanisme du Vivarais. Ces dĂ©couvertes montrent l’intĂ©rĂȘt du milieu karstique, favorable Ă  la conservation de phĂ©nomĂšnes dynamiques inconnus en surface.Volcanic ash-falls from Mont-Dore or Vivarais volcanoes have been discovered in different karstic sites of the “Basse-ArdĂšche” region. After the ash-fall of the Sancy volcano dated ca. 0.3 Ma described in Orgnac 3 aven and the ash-fall from an Upper Pleistocene ArdĂšche maar, 72 ± 12 ka ago, found in the Moula rock-shelter, two new tephra have been discovered in the Marzal II aven. The middle part of the filling includes a zircon-sphĂšne association which is typical of a Mont-Dore differentiated volcanism and could be connected with pyroclastic outbursts ca. 0.45 Ma old. In the upper part of the filling, other minerals such as olivine, orthopyroxenes, diopside, brown clinopyroxene, correspond to a basaltic volcanism with mantellic enclaves. This association is typical of a phreatomagmatic ash-fall probably emitted by a maar in the Vivarais region. Biochronological and 14C data situate this latter tephra in the most recent phase of the Vivarais volcanism, between 40 - 30 ka. The DevĂšs de Reynaud aven includes a third tephra also emitted during a phreatomagmatic event, probably due to the eruption of a Vivarais maar. These results show the interest of karstic fillings as they preserve the vestige of dynamic events today unknown on land surface

    New geological and tephrochronological data on the palaeontological site of the SenĂšze maar (Early Pleistocene, Massif Central, France)

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    The volcanic system of SenĂšze (Domeyrat, Haute-Loire) comprises a basanite flow, scoriae, a maar crater and phreatomagmatic products. New field research and detailed cartography clarify their geometry and geological relationships. The maar contains an important palaeontological site of the Early Pleistocene that yielded forty species of mammals attributed to the biozone MNQ 18 (of which it is the reference locality). The excavations undertaken between 2001 and 2006 recovered new fossils and documented their stratigraphic and geodynamic context. The fossiliferous site is located on the shore of the palaeolake and includes several lacustrine and slope deposits linked to the contemporaneous climatic changes which in turn produced a number of locally fossiliferous findspots which appear to be close in age. The discovery of ten tephras emitted by the Mont-Dore strato-volcano, situated 60 km to the NW allowed development of a remarkable tephrochronological framework. Because of the intense weathering of the tephras, their composition is determined by their mineralogical content (feldspars, brown amphiboles, brown and green diopside, titanite, apatite, zircon, biotite-phlogopite, Fe-Ti oxides) and the chemical composition of feldspars (anorthoclase, sodic sanidine and plagioclases). The study of these tephras reveals the importance of the contemporaneous (mainly trachytic) pyroclastic activity and confirms the polyphased deposition of the site. The 40Ar/39Ar laser dating of alkali feldspars from five tephras shows a relatively narrow range of age comprised between 2.09 and 2.21 \textpm 0.02 Ma (1σ, age relative to ACs-2 standard at 1.201 Ma). SenĂšze is thus confirmed as a key Early Pleistocene palaeontological site in Europe

    When were the walls of the Chauvet-Pont d'Arc Cave heated? A chronological approach by thermoluminescence

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    a b s t r a c t Direct chronological data of the ancient heating of calcitic walls at the Chauvet-Pont d'Arc Cave (Ard eche, France) were obtained at the Galerie des M egac eros and at the Eboulis d'Entr ee. Fragments of reddened limestone were extracted from the walls and were studied by thermoluminescence (TL). A novel measurement protocol of the equivalent dose (ED) was implemented and was optimized with respect to the nature of the material being dated (calcite), to the small quantities of sample available and to the relatively low heating of the rock surface in the past (close to 350 C). The presence of a high level of free radon in the cave and 210 Pb in large excess in samples implied the development of a specific irradiation model allowing the evaluation of the mean annual dose over time, taking into account possible scenarios of radon and daughters migration from the bedrock. The following dating results were obtained (in ka before the present and associated total estimated standard deviation): -Galerie des M egac eros, 36.9 ± 2.3 ka. -Eboulis d'Entr ee, 34.3 ± 2.9 ka. These data are in agreement with the calibrated radiocarbon dates of the most ancient periods of human occupation in their respective areas. TL dates indicate that the fires which altered the walls were lighted during the first paleolithic human occupation period. Eventually, TL dating of the heated surface of the bedrock opens a new window on the chronology of human activities in the Chauvet-Pont d'Arc Cave and it makes an alternative contribution to the demonstration of the early chronology of its rock art

    Le cadre de vie des hommes du Paléolithique moyen (stades isotopiques 6 et 5) dans le site de Payre (Rompon, ArdÚche) : d'une grotte à un abri sous roche effondré

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    The Middle Palaeolithic site of Payre is located in the south-east of France, in the Middle Rhone Valey. Since 1990, excavations have yielded a sequence dating from isotopic stages 7 to 5 (6 to 5 for the human occupation levels). The evidence points to a collapsed cave, inhabited several times by human beings ; the last occupation was in a rock shelter. The sequence and the mammal assemblages allow the site morphology during the different settlements to be reconstructed. The also give an idea of the environment chosen by the Neanderthal population for what were probably short periods of occupation.Le gisement paléolithique moyen de Payre est situé dans le sud-est de la France, dans la moyenne vallée du RhÎne. Les fouilles, qui s'y déroulent depuis 1990, livrent une séquence datée des stades isotopiques 7 à 5, 6 à 5 pour les occupations humaines. Les observations à la fouille permettent de visualiser les limites d'une cavité aujourd'hui effondrée. les hommes seraient venus à plusieurs reprises dans cette cavité et auraient occupé en dernier lieu un abri sous roche. Les données du remplissage, associées à celles livrées par l'assemblage osseux, aboutissent à proposer aujourd'hui une reconstitution de la morphologie du site aux différents moments de occupations humaines et à donner une idée du cadre de vie choisi par les hommes, en particulier pour des occupations sans doute de courte durée

    Nonconventional localizations of cytosolic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in yeast and human cells

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    International audienceKeywords: aaRS tRNA Yeast Human Microscopy Fractionation MTS NLS a b s t r a c t By definition, cytosolic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) should be restricted to the cytosol of eukary-otic cells where they supply translating ribosomes with their aminoacyl-tRNA substrates. However, it has been shown that other translationally-active compartments like mitochondria and plastids can simultaneously contain the cytosolic aaRS and its corresponding organellar ortholog suggesting that both forms do not share the same organellar function. In addition, a fair number of cytosolic aaRSs have also been found in the nucleus of cells from several species. Hence, these supposedly cytosolic-restricted enzymes have instead the potential to be multi-localized. As expected, in all examples that were studied so far, when the cytosolic aaRS is imported inside an organelle that already contains its bona fide corresponding organellar-restricted aaRSs, the cytosolic form was proven to exert a nonconventional and essential function. Some of these essential functions include regulating homeostasis and protecting against various stresses. It thus becomes critical to assess meticulously the subcellular localization of each of these cytosolic aaRSs to unravel their additional roles. With this objective in mind, we provide here a review on what is currently known about cytosolic aaRSs multi-compartmentalization and we describe all commonly used protocols and procedures for identifying the compartments in which cytosolic aaRSs relocal-ize in yeast and human cells

    E4-1 — Exoscopie des grains de quartz

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    All quartz grains display features typical of the desert (numerous eolian marks, scaly pellicle of amorphic silica). One grain revealed a marine evolution between two desert periods. These grains come from sediments of the recent Pleistocene or the Holocene. The quartz grain that had evolved in a marine environment came either from the shores of the Red sea or, more probably, from those of the Mediterranean Sea.Tous les grains de quartz ont un aspect dĂ©sertique typique (traces Ă©oliennes nombreuses, pellicule Ă©cailleuse de silice amorphe). Un grain montre une Ă©volution en milieu marin, intercalĂ©e entre deux Ă©pisodes Ă©oliens. Ces grains proviennent de sĂ©diments du PlĂ©istocĂšne rĂ©cent ou de l'HolocĂšne. La prĂ©sence d'un quartz ayant Ă©voluĂ© dans un milieu marin traduit l'apport de grains depuis les rivages de la Mer Rouge ou plus vraisemblablement de la MĂ©diterrannĂ©e.Debard Evelyne. E4-1 — Exoscopie des grains de quartz. In: Nouvelles archives du MusĂ©um d'histoire naturelle de Lyon, tome 25, 1987. pp. 97-100

    Etude sédimentologique du gisement paléontologique des Abßmes de la Fage à Noailles (CorrÚze)

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    The sedimentological study of the la Fage paleontolo-gical site reveals several climatic oscillations. The first layer consisting in allochthonous clayey sands indicates the end of a cold phase. Then takes place a mild and wet period caracterised mainly by clayey deposits. The second cold phase is shown by cryoclastic eboulis. Wetness always interfers. After a short milder period the cold comes again. Less rough eboulis, the apparition of cryoturbation phenomenon might show less hard conditions than those of the preceding phase. The last deposits at La Fage reveal a very wet climate originally wild then warm.L'étude sédimentologique du gisement paléontologique de la Fage montre la présence de plusieurs oscillations climatiques. Le premier niveau composé de sables argileux allochtones marque la fin d'une phase froide. Vient ensuite une période humide et tempérée caractérisée par des dépÎts essentiellement argileux. La deuxiÚme phase froide est représentée par des éboulis cryoclastiques. L'humidité est un facteur constant. AprÚs un petit épisode plus clément, le froid revient. Des éboulis moins grossiers, le développement de phénomÚnes de cryoturbation semblent indiquer des conditions moins rigoureuses que celles de la phase précédente. Les derniers dépÎts de la Fage révÚlent un climat trÚs humide, d'abord tempéré puis chaud.Debard Evelyne. Etude sédimentologique du gisement paléontologique des Abßmes de la Fage à Noailles (CorrÚze). In: Nouvelles archives du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon, tome 11, 1973. Le gisement paléontologique pléistocÚne des abßmes de la Fage à Noailles (CorrÚze) II. pp. 11-29

    E4-1 — Exoscopie des grains de quartz

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    All quartz grains display features typical of the desert (numerous eolian marks, scaly pellicle of amorphic silica). One grain revealed a marine evolution between two desert periods. These grains come from sediments of the recent Pleistocene or the Holocene. The quartz grain that had evolved in a marine environment came either from the shores of the Red sea or, more probably, from those of the Mediterranean Sea.Tous les grains de quartz ont un aspect dĂ©sertique typique (traces Ă©oliennes nombreuses, pellicule Ă©cailleuse de silice amorphe). Un grain montre une Ă©volution en milieu marin, intercalĂ©e entre deux Ă©pisodes Ă©oliens. Ces grains proviennent de sĂ©diments du PlĂ©istocĂšne rĂ©cent ou de l'HolocĂšne. La prĂ©sence d'un quartz ayant Ă©voluĂ© dans un milieu marin traduit l'apport de grains depuis les rivages de la Mer Rouge ou plus vraisemblablement de la MĂ©diterrannĂ©e.Debard Evelyne. E4-1 — Exoscopie des grains de quartz. In: Nouvelles archives du MusĂ©um d'histoire naturelle de Lyon, tome 25, 1987. pp. 97-100

    Les sédiments de l'affluent Robert de Joly et leur histoire

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    Debard Evelyne. Les sédiments de l'affluent Robert de Joly et leur histoire. In: Nouvelles archives du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon, tome 31, 1994. L'autre Padirac. Spéléologie, karstologie, paléontologie et préhistoire, dans l'affluent Robert de Joly. pp. 105-109

    Le gisement pléistocÚne supérieur de Jaurens à Nespouls, CorrÚze, France : Etude sédimentologique du remplissage

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    The filling of Jaurens cave consists in alternative clayey and sandy levels. Most materials are allochtonous and carried by water. The whole reveals a wet climate broken by short and drier periods.Le remplissage de la grotte de Jaurens est formé de l'alternance de niveaux argileux et de niveaux sableux. La plupart des éléments sont allochtones et ont été apportés par l'eau. L'ensemble évoque un climat humide entrecoupé d'épisodes courts et plus secs.Debard Evelyne. Le gisement pléistocÚne supérieur de Jaurens à Nespouls, CorrÚze, France : Etude sédimentologique du remplissage. In: Nouvelles archives du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon, tome 17, 1979. pp. 17-24
