1,145 research outputs found

    X-ray CT analysis after blast of composite sandwich panels

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    Four composite sandwich panels with either single density or graded density foam cores and different face-sheet materials were subjected to full-scale underwater blast testing. The panels were subjected to 1kg PE4 charge at a stand-off distance of 1 m. The panel with graded density core and carbon fiber face-sheets had the lowest deflection. Post-blast damage assessment was carried out using X-ray CT scanning. The damage assessment revealed that there is a trade-off between reduced panel deflection and panel damage. This research has been performed as part of a program sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR)

    Dynamic response of full-scale sandwich composite structures subject to air-blast loading

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    Glass-fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) sandwich structures (1.6 m Ɨ 1.3 m) were subject to 30 kg charges of C4 explosive at stand-off distances 8ā€“14 m. Experiments provide detailed data for sandwich panel response, which are often used in civil and military structures, where air-blast loading represents a serious threat. High-speed photography, with digital image correlation (DIC), was employed to monitor the deformation of these structures during the blasts. Failure mechanisms were revealed in the DIC data, confirmed in post-test sectioning. The experimental data provides for the development of analytical and computational models. Moreover, it underlines the importance of support boundary conditions with regards to blast mitigation. These findings were analysed further in finite element simulations, where boundary stiffness was, as expected, shown to strongly influence the panel deformation. In-depth parametric studies are ongoing to establish the hierarchy of the various factors that influence the blast response of sandwich composite structures

    Optically enhanced single- and multi-stacked 1.55 Ī¼m InAs/InAlGaAs/InP quantum dots for laser applications

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    For the development of InAs/InP quantum dot (QD) lasers for 1.55 Ī¼m telecom wavelength, there are two main challenges: (1) morphological preference for quantum dashes over QDs, and (2) generally poor size uniformity of QDs (dashes). This study addresses the issues, in synchronous, by demonstrating the improved optical properties of 1.55 Ī¼m InAs/InP QDs at room temperature with excellent reproducibility. A high-density (āˆ¼4 Ɨ 1010 cmāˆ’2) dot-like morphology was initially attained via adjusting the growth parameters, albeit with a large full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of āˆ¼80 meV and a peak position of a wavelength longer than 1.55 Ī¼m. For improvement, the indium-flush technique was employed, which enhanced the uniformity of InAs QDs and substantially lowered the FWHM of five (single) stacked QDs to 50.9 meV (47.9 meV). This technique also blue-shifted the emission peak to 1530.2 nm (1522 nm). The InAs/InP QDs presented are appropriate for the fabrication of high-performance 1.55 Ī¼m lasers on InP (001) and, potentially, emerging light sources on the important Si (001)

    Underwater blast loading of partially submerged sandwich composite materials in relation to air blast loading response

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    The research presented in this paper focusses on the underwater blast resilience of a hybrid composite sandwich panel, consisting of both glass-fibre and carbon-fibre. The hybrid fibres were selected to optimise strength and stiffness during blast loading by promoting fibre interactions. In the blast experiment, the aim was to capture full-field panel deflection during large-scale underwater blast using high-speed 3D Digital Image Correlation (DIC). The composite sandwich panel was partially submerged and subjected to a 1 kg PE7 charge at 1 m stand-off. The charge was aligned with the centre of the panel at a depth of 275 mm and mimicked the effect of a near-field subsurface mine. The DIC deflection data shows that the horizontal cross-section of the panel deforms in a parabolic shape until excessive deflection causes core shear cracking. The panel then forms the commonly observed ā€œbathtubā€ deformation shape. DIC data highlighted the expected differences in initial conditions compared to air-blast experiments, including the pre-strains caused by the mass of water (hydrostatic pressure). Furthermore, water depth was shown to significantly influence panel deflection, strain and hence damage sustained under these conditions. Panel deformations and damage after blast was progressively more severe in regions deeper underwater, as pressures were higher and decayed slower compared to regions near the free surface.An identical hybrid composite sandwich panel was subjected to air blast; one panel underwent two 8 kg PE7 charges in succession at 8 m stand-off. DIC was also implemented to record the panel deformations during air blast. The air and underwater blast tests represent two different regimes of blast loading: one far-field in air and one near-field underwater. The difference in deflection development, caused by the differing fluid mediums and stand-off distances, is apparent from the full-field results. During underwater blast the panel underwent peak pressure loading of approximately 52.6 MPa whilst during air blast the panel was subjected to 67.7 kPa followed by 68.9 kPa peak pressure loads in succession. The two experiments demonstrate the response of the same hybrid composite sandwich panel under two differing blast regimes.The post-blast damage and strength of the hybrid panels following air and underwater blasts were evaluated. Post-blast testing revealed that the underwater blast causes significantly more damage compared to air blast, particularly debonding between the skins and core. The air blast panel sustains no visible rear skin/core debonding, whereas 13 regions of rear-face debonds are identified on the underwater blast panel. Sustaining no front-skin breakage was advantageous for retaining a high proportion of the compressive modulus for this hybrid layup following underwater blast. Damage mechanisms were interrelated. Determining the most detrimental type is not straightforward in real explosive and non-idealised experiments, however debonding was understandably shown to be significant. A further study to isolate failure modes and improve in situ instrumentation is ongoing

    A review on stamp forming of continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastics

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    Continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastics (FRTPs) are replacing metals in certain applications in the aerospace industry due to their superior properties e.g., high strength-to-weight ratio and good fatigue resistance. Adopting these lightweight materials in vehicles is a solution for improving vehicle efficiency across the transport industry. Among various manufacturing techniques for FRTP parts, stamp forming is one of the most advantageous when small structures and mass production are targeted. However, a significant barrier for this technique is the quality control of manufacturing. The current paper reviews the development of stamp forming technology, benefits of using such technology and the typical quality issues in stamp forming of FRTP parts. First, advantages of stamp forming, compared to other thermoforming techniques, are discussed, followed by a review of the historical development of the process. Second, deformation mechanisms of FRTPs during stamp forming are examined, with particular focuses on the frictional behaviour and testing thereof. Third, the main defects associated with stamp forming are considered, alongside suggestions towards reducing their presence. Finally, an extensive survey of the effect of process parameters on the mechanical properties of formed parts is included, with generally expected trends highlighted and methodologies for finding optimum conditions presented. Based on the thorough review of state-of-the-art stamp forming, future trends and research gaps to be tackled for widening the applicability of FRTP stamp forming are suggested
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