22,366 research outputs found

    Pressure inequalities for nuclear and neutron matter

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    We prove several inequalities using lowest-order effective field theory for nucleons which give an upper bound on the pressure of asymmetric nuclear matter and neutron matter. We prove two types of inequalities, one based on convexity and another derived from shifting an auxiliary field.Comment: 16 pages, published journal version - includes inequalities for spin polarized system

    Diffusion of active tracers in fluctuating fields

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    The problem of a particle diffusion in a fluctuating scalar field is studied. In contrast to most studies of advection diffusion in random fields we analyze the case where the particle position is also coupled to the dynamics of the field. Physical realizations of this problem are numerous and range from the diffusion of proteins in fluctuating membranes and the diffusion of localized magnetic fields in spin systems. We present exact results for the diffusion constant of particles diffusing in dynamical Gaussian fields in the adiabatic limit where the field evolution is much faster than the particle diffusion. In addition we compute the diffusion constant perturbatively, in the weak coupling limit where the interaction of the particle with the field is small, using a Kubo-type relation. Finally we construct a simple toy model which can be solved exactly.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Evaluation of SLAR and thematic mapper MSS data for forest cover mapping using computer-aided analysis techniques

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    A set of training statistics for the 30 meter resolution simulated thematic mapper MSS data was generated based on land use/land cover classes. In addition to this supervised data set, a nonsupervised multicluster block of training statistics is being defined in order to compare the classification results and evaluate the effect of the different training selection methods on classification performance. Two test data sets, defined using a stratified sampling procedure incorporating a grid system with dimensions of 50 lines by 50 columns, and another set based on an analyst supervised set of test fields were used to evaluate the classifications of the TMS data. The supervised training data set generated training statistics, and a per point Gaussian maximum likelihood classification of the 1979 TMS data was obtained. The August 1980 MSS data was radiometrically adjusted. The SAR data was redigitized and the SAR imagery was qualitatively analyzed

    Are foreign investors attracted to weak environmental regulations? Evaluating the evidence from China

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    One of the most contentious debates today is whether pollution-intensive industries from rich countries relocate to poor countries with weaker environmental standards, turning them into pollution havens. Empirical studies to date show little evidence to support the pollution haven hypothesis, but suffer potentially from omitted variable bias, specification, and measurement errors. The authors estimate the strength of pollution-haven behavior by examining the location choices of equity joint venture (EJV) projects in China. They derive a location choice model from a theoretical framework that incorporates the firm's production and abatement decision, agglomeration, and factor abundance. The authors estimate conditional logit and nested logit models using new data sets containing information on a sample of EJV projects, effective environmental levies on water pollution, and estimates of Chinese pollution-intensity for 3-digit ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification) industries. Results from 2,886 manufacturing joint venture projects from 1993-96 show that EJVs from all source countries go into provinces with high concentrations of foreign investment, relatively abundant stocks of skilled workers, concentrations of potential local suppliers, special incentives, and less state ownership. Environmental stringency does affect location choice, but not as expected. Low environmental levies are a significant attraction only for joint ventures in highly-polluting industries with partners from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan (China). In contrast, joint ventures with partners from OECD sources are not attracted by low environmental levies, regardless of the pollution intensity of the industry. The authors discuss the likely role of technological differences in explaining these results.Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Water and Industry,Decentralization,Public Health Promotion,Environmental Economics&Policies,Water and Industry,Economic Theory&Research,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,ICT Policy and Strategies

    Effective interactions and the nuclear shell-model

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    This review aims at a critical discussion of the interplay between effective interactions derived from various many-body approaches and spectroscopic data extracted from large scale shell-model studies. To achieve this, our many-body scheme starts with the free nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction, typically modelled on various meson exchanges. The NN interaction is in turn renormalized in order to derive an effective medium dependent interaction. The latter is in turn used in shell-model calculations of selected nuclei. We also describe how to sum up the parquet class of diagrams and present initial uses of the effective interactions in coupled cluster many-body theory.Comment: 61 pages, submitted to Prog. Part. Nucl. Phy

    Multilayer and conformal antennas using synthetic dielectric substrates

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    Dynamical transition for a particle in a squared Gaussian potential

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    We study the problem of a Brownian particle diffusing in finite dimensions in a potential given by ψ=ϕ2/2\psi= \phi^2/2 where ϕ\phi is Gaussian random field. Exact results for the diffusion constant in the high temperature phase are given in one and two dimensions and it is shown to vanish in a power-law fashion at the dynamical transition temperature. Our results are confronted with numerical simulations where the Gaussian field is constructed, in a standard way, as a sum over random Fourier modes. We show that when the number of Fourier modes is finite the low temperature diffusion constant becomes non-zero and has an Arrhenius form. Thus we have a simple model with a fully understood finite size scaling theory for the dynamical transition. In addition we analyse the nature of the anomalous diffusion in the low temperature regime and show that the anomalous exponent agrees with that predicted by a trap model.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures .eps, JPA styl

    Renormalization of Drift and Diffusivity in Random Gradient Flows

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    We investigate the relationship between the effective diffusivity and effective drift of a particle moving in a random medium. The velocity of the particle combines a white noise diffusion process with a local drift term that depends linearly on the gradient of a gaussian random field with homogeneous statistics. The theoretical analysis is confirmed by numerical simulation. For the purely isotropic case the simulation, which measures the effective drift directly in a constant gradient background field, confirms the result previously obtained theoretically, that the effective diffusivity and effective drift are renormalized by the same factor from their local values. For this isotropic case we provide an intuitive explanation, based on a {\it spatial} average of local drift, for the renormalization of the effective drift parameter relative to its local value. We also investigate situations in which the isotropy is broken by the tensorial relationship of the local drift to the gradient of the random field. We find that the numerical simulation confirms a relatively simple renormalization group calculation for the effective diffusivity and drift tensors.Comment: Latex 16 pages, 5 figures ep