3 research outputs found
Reviving the village research traditions of Gödöllő at the Faculty of Economic and Social Science of SZIE
The foundation of School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS) 50 years ago was not the beginning,
but was the continuance of the inwardness of predecessor in title of the University’s previously active
institutes. There were valuable workshop of social sciences as the names of contemporary teachers and
students have indicated. Weighty scientific researches had been started by the regional problematic from
the beginning of the 20th century. The country-wide village-researcher front has evolved from it and our
University has joined to it. The aims and inwardness has appeared in wide social layers as it has been a
part of our University’s courses and has made and were now used source of sociographic literature. The
methods and approaches of former village-researcher workshop are still modern and would be exemplar
for the regional-researches in our days. The village-seminar course had started again by the SESS in
2006. The aim of the course is not only to discuss about traditions of village-researches and theoretic
questions but also to do practical investigations in the present-day villages
A GTK 50 évvel ezelőtti megalakulásakor szellemiségében nem kezdete, hanem folytatása volt egy, az Egyetem jogelődjében korábban működő intézetek gondolatiságának. Rangos társadalomtudományi műhelymunka folyt itt, ezt jelzik a korabeli oktatók és hallgatók nevei. A vidékproblematika a 20. sz. elejétől komoly tudományos kutatásokat indított el. Ebből bontakozott ki az az országos falukutató mozgalom, amelyhez Egyetemünk is csatlakozott. Ennek célja és gondolatvilága sokkal szélesebb társadalmi szinteken is megjelent. Így beépült Egyetemünk korabeli kurzusaiba is, és máig forrásértékű szociográfiai irodalmat hozott létre. Az egykori gödöllői falukutató műhely módszerei és szemlélete máig érvényes, folytatása a mai vidékkutatások számára is példa lehet. 2006-ban a SZIE GTK keretei között útjára indult a Faluszeminárium kurzus. A tárgy célja nem csupán az, hogy bemutassa a falukutatás tudományelméleti kérdéseit, hanem vállalt szándéka az is, hogy mindezt a mai falusi helyszíneken a gyakorlatban is megvizsgálja. A 2007 júniusában Siklódon (Románia) hallgatókkal folytatott terepmunkánk eredményeinek bemutatásával azt kívánjuk igazolni, hogy a mai vidékkutatások számára is nagy jelentőségű lehet a tradíciókra épülő, de jelenkori kérdéseket vizsgáló falukutatás
The foundation of Scool of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS) 50 years ago was not the beginning, but was the continuance of the inwardness of predecessor in title of the University’s previously active institutes. There were valuable workshop of social sciences as the names of contemporary teachers and students have indicated. Weighty scientific researches had been started by the regional problematic from the beginning of the 20th century. The country-wide village-researcher front has evolved from it and our University has joined to it. The aims and inwardness has appeared in a wide social layers as it has been a part of our University’s courses and has made an ere now used source of sociographic literature. The methods and approaches of former village-researcher workshop are still modern and would be exemplar for the regional-researches in our days. The village-seminar course had started again by the SESS in 2006. The aim of the course is not only to discuss about traditions of village-researches and theoretic questions but also to do practical investigations in the present-day villages. We would explain by our results of our field-work has done with our students on Siklód (Roumania) in 2007, that the village-researches built on traditions and recent questions would have high importance for the present-day region-researches.11szociográfia, faluszemináriumi kurzus, falukutató táborok, sociography, rural researches, traditions, Public Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,