3,411 research outputs found

    Southern Infrared Proper Motion Survey I: Discovery of New High Proper Motion Stars From First Full Hemisphere Scan

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    We present the first results from the Southern Infrared Proper Motion Survey. Using 2 Micron All Sky Survey data along with that of the SuperCOSMOS sky survey we have been able to produce the first widefield infrared proper motion survey. Having targeted the survey to identify nearby M, L and T dwarfs we have discovered 72 such new objects with proper motions greater than 0.5''/yr with 10 of these having proper motions in excess of 1''/yr. The most interesting of these objects is SIPS1259-4336 a late M dwarf. We have calculated a trigonometric parallax for this object of π=276±41\pi = 276 \pm 41 milliarcseconds yielding a distance of 3.62±0.543.62\pm0.54pc. We have also discovered a common proper motion triple system and an object with a common proper motion with LHS 128. The survey completeness is limited by the small epoch differences between many 2MASS and UKI observations. Hence we only recover 22% of Luyten objects with favourable photometry. However the Luyten study is itself unquantifiably incomplete. We discuss the prospect of enhancing the survey volume by reducing the lower proper motion limit.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Equivalent Axleloads for Pavement Design

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    Proper structural design of highway pavements requires an evaluation of the destructive effects of the anticipated vehicular loading. The concept of load equivalency provides a means for expressing these destructive effects in terms of a single measure, the equivalent axleloads (EAL\u27s). The design EAL\u27s represents the equivalent number of applications of a standard or base axleload anticipated during the design life

    Characteristics of Outdoor Recreational Travel

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    The purpose of this investigation was to examine the characteristics of travel to outdoor recreational areas in Kentucky. Data were obtained by means of a license-plate, origin-destination survey at 160 sites within 42 recreational areas and by means of a continuous vehicle counting program at eight of these sites. A computer algorithm was developed for error detection and subsequent adjustment of the volume data as necessitated by occasional malfunction of the traffic recorders and vandalism. Vehicle occupancy was found to depend of the type of recreational area, distance traveled, and vehicle type. Occupancy increased with increasing distance and was greatest for those vehicles pulling camping trailers. Percentages of the various vehicle types were also influenced by the type of recreational area and the distance traveled. The proportion of camping units in the traffic stream increased with increasing distance of travel. In general, trip lengths were quite short as evidenced by the fact that 60 percent of all vehicles traveled less than 50 miles. However, trip-length distribution was highly dependent of the type and location of the recreational area. Analysis of the distribution of traffic over time verified that recreational travel is much more highly peaked than other forms of highway travel and, with the exception of holidays, is concentrated on Sundays during the spring and summer months. This time period appears most appropriate for the design of highways and parking facilities to serve recreational areas. It is highly recommended that future data collection programs be concentrated on the average summer Sunday to enable collection of the maximum amount of usable traffic data with a minimum of effort. Much of the data reported herein can be used in initial efforts to characterize travel to similar types of recreational areas outside of Kentucky

    Identification of Hazardous Rural Highway Locations

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    An effective procedure was determined for identifying hazardous rural highway locations based on accident statistics. Multiple indicators of accident experience that are necessary include the number of fatal accidents, the total number of accidents, the number of effective-property-damage-only accidents, and the accident rate. Critical levels of these four indicators should vary from state to state depending on the nature of the local safety improvement program as well as local traffic and roadway conditions and prevailing attitudes toward highway safety. Specific recommendations are given for use in Kentucky. Critical accident rates are established using quality control procedures. To identify hazardous highway locations, it is necessary to distinguish between short highway segments (spots) and large segments (sections) and to further classify spots as intersection and non-intersection locations. Intersection spots should include a distance of 0.15 mile (0.24 km) along all approaches; non-intersection spots should be 0.3-mile (0.48-km), floating segments; and sections should be 3-mile (4.8-km), floating segments. Both spots and sections should be classified by highway type and location. The use of dual time intervals of 1 and 2 years for accumulating and evaluating accident statistics was found to be desirable

    A High-Accident Spot-Improvement Program

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    As a result of an extensive before-and-after accident study, the high-accident location, spot-improvement program in Kentucky, although not a costly program, was found to have significantly decreased the number of motor vehicle accidents. Favorable benefit-cost ratios indicated that the cost of the program has represented a good investment in comparison with the resultant savings in accident costs. The spot-improvement program had little effect on average accident severity as measured by a severity index. Detailed analysis of available accident data showed that, for studies of the type reported, the 12-month period immediately prior to the date of identification of a high-accident location is not a reliable period for representing the actual long-term before accident experience. A much more acceptable period is the 12 months beginning 2 years in advance of the date of identification. Further analysis also showed that a route segment of 0.1 mile (0.16 km) is not of sufficient length for properly identifying high-accident locations or for accumulating accident statistics to support a before-and-after study. Since only slightly more than five percent of the identified high-accident locations were judged to warrant improvement, the procedure used in Kentucky for identifying high-accident locations, namely, those having three or more accidents at a 0.1-mile (0.16-km) location during a 12-month period, was found to be inefficient

    Inter-band magnetoplasmons in mono- and bi-layer graphene

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    Collective excitations spectrum of Dirac electrons in mono and bilayer graphene in the presence of a uniform magnetic field is investigated. Analytical results for inter-Landau band plasmon spectrum within the self-consistent-field approach are obtained. SdH type oscillations that are a monotonic function of the magnetic field are observed in the plasmon spectrum of both mono- and bi-layer graphene systems. The results presented are also compared with those obtained in conventional 2DEG. The chiral nature of the quasiparticles in mono and bilayer graphene system results in the observation of π\pi and 2π2\pi Berry's phase in the SdH- type oscillations in the plasmon spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Models of Outdoor Recreational Travel

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    The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate models of travel flow from population centers throughout the United States to outdoor recreational areas in Kentucky. Data were obtained by means of a license-plate, origin-destination survey at 160 sites within 42 recreational areas and by means of a continuous vehicle counting program at eight of these sites. Attempts to simulate distributed travel flows concentrated on various single-equation models, a cross-classification model, and gravity and intervening opportunities models. The cross-classification model was found to be an acceptable means for simulating and predicting outdoor recreational travel flows and was decidedly superior to the other models. From the cross-classification model, per capita distributed flows were found to (1) decrease at a decreasing rate with increasing population of the origin zone, (2) increase at a variable rate with increasing attraction of tbe recreational area, and (3) decrease at a decreasing rate with increasing distance. The intervening opportunities model was found to be unacceptable as a distribution model since it could not effectively accommodate the widely differing sizes of the 42 recreational areas. The gravity model, on the other hand, was quite effective in distributing actual productions and attractions. Problems associated with tbe gravity model were limited to difficulties in accurately estimating trip productions and attractions in the trip generation phase of analysis

    Four new T dwarfs identified in PanSTARRS 1 commissioning data

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    A complete well-defined sample of ultracool dwarfs is one of the key science programs of the Pan-STARRS 1 optical survey telescope (PS1). Here we combine PS1 commissioning data with 2MASS to conduct a proper motion search (0.1--2.0\arcsec/yr) for nearby T dwarfs, using optical+near-IR colors to select objects for spectroscopic followup. The addition of sensitive far-red optical imaging from PS1 enables discovery of nearby ultracool dwarfs that cannot be identified from 2MASS data alone. We have searched 3700 sq. deg. of PS1 y-band (0.95--1.03 um) data to y≈\approx19.5 mag (AB) and J≈\approx16.5 mag (Vega) and discovered four previously unknown bright T dwarfs. Three of the objects (with spectral types T1.5, T2 and T3.5) have photometric distances within 25 pc and were missed by previous 2MASS searches due to more restrictive color selection criteria. The fourth object (spectral type T4.5) is more distant than 25 pc and is only a single-band detection in 2MASS. We also examine the potential for completing the census of nearby ultracool objects with the PS1 3π\pi survey.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, 5 table, AJ accepted, updated to comply with Pan-STARRS1 naming conventio

    One-neutron knockout in the vicinity of the N=32 sub-shell closure: 9Be(57Cr,56Cr+ gamma)X

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    The one-neutron knockout reaction 9Be(57Cr,56Cr + gamma)X has been measured in inverse kinematics with an intermediate-energy beam. Cross sections to individual states in 56Cr were partially untangled through the detection of the characteristic gamma-ray transitions in coincidence with the reaction residues. The experimental inclusive longitudinal momentum distribution and the yields to individual states are compared to calculations that combine spectroscopic factors from the full fp shell model and nucleon-removal cross sections computed in a few-body eikonal approach.Comment: PRC, in pres

    'She's a slut ... And it's wrong': Youth constructions of taxi queens in the Western Cape

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    Recent research on young women’s sexuality highlights the transactional nature of relationships among young people, as well as the increase in intergenerational sexual relationships. These unequal and often coercive sexual practices may increase young women’s vulnerability to unsafe sexual practices. Within this context, while there have been some media reports on the relationship between girls and taxi drivers, there has been little documented research on the phenomenon of ‘taxi queens’. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the understandings and constructions of taxi queens among local youth. A qualitative study involving 13 focus groups were held with youth in the Cape Town Metropole and the southern Cape region and analysed thematically. In general, there was widespread recognition among participants of transactional relationships between young women and usually older drivers. Taxi queens were strongly stigmatised, but their behaviour was also constructed as normative, especially in poor communities, and reflecting contradictory notions of vulnerability and power. However, taxi drivers were less stigmatised. Such constructions allow for the ‘othering’ of these young women, which may undermine their ability to seek help in negotiating safer sexual relationships. At the same time, their concerns need to be understood within the larger context of challenges facing youth, especially in poor South African communities.Web of Scienc
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