41 research outputs found

    Spitzer Observations of Long-term Infrared Variability among Young Stellar Objects in Chamaeleon I

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    Infrared variability is common among young stellar objects, with surveys finding daily to weekly fluctuations of a few tenths of a magnitude. Space-based observations can produce highly sampled infrared light curves, but are often limited to total baselines of about 1 month due to the orientation of the spacecraft. Here we present observations of the Chameleon I cluster, whose low declination makes it observable by the Spitzer Space Telescope over a 200-day period. We observe 30 young stellar objects with a daily cadence to better sample variability on timescales of months. We find that such variability is common, occurring in ~80% of the detected cluster members. The change in [3.6]–[4.5] color over 200 days for many of the sources falls between that expected for extinction and fluctuations in disk emission. With our high cadence and long baseline we can derive power spectral density curves covering two orders of magnitude in frequency and find significant power at low frequencies, up to the boundaries of our 200-day survey. Such long timescales are difficult to explain with variations driven by the interaction between the disk and stellar magnetic field, which has a dynamical timescale of days to weeks. The most likely explanation is either structural or temperature fluctuations spread throughout the inner ~0.5 au of the disk, suggesting that the intrinsic dust structure is highly dynamic

    Spitzer Observations of Long-term Infrared Variability among Young Stellar Objects in Chamaeleon I

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    Infrared variability is common among young stellar objects, with surveys finding daily to weekly fluctuations of a few tenths of a magnitude. Space-based observations can produce highly sampled infrared light curves, but are often limited to total baselines of about 1 month due to the orientation of the spacecraft. Here we present observations of the Chameleon I cluster, whose low declination makes it observable by the Spitzer Space Telescope over a 200-day period. We observe 30 young stellar objects with a daily cadence to better sample variability on timescales of months. We find that such variability is common, occurring in ~80% of the detected cluster members. The change in [3.6]–[4.5] color over 200 days for many of the sources falls between that expected for extinction and fluctuations in disk emission. With our high cadence and long baseline we can derive power spectral density curves covering two orders of magnitude in frequency and find significant power at low frequencies, up to the boundaries of our 200-day survey. Such long timescales are difficult to explain with variations driven by the interaction between the disk and stellar magnetic field, which has a dynamical timescale of days to weeks. The most likely explanation is either structural or temperature fluctuations spread throughout the inner ~0.5 au of the disk, suggesting that the intrinsic dust structure is highly dynamic

    A Cool and Inflated Progenitor Candidate for the Type Ib Supernova 2019yvr at 2.6 Years Before Explosion

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope imaging of a pre-explosion counterpart to SN 2019yvr obtained 2.6 years before its explosion as a type Ib supernova (SN Ib). Aligning to a post-explosion Gemini-S/GSAOI image, we demonstrate that there is a single source consistent with being the SN 2019yvr progenitor system, the second SN Ib progenitor candidate after iPTF13bvn. We also analyzed pre-explosion Spitzer/IRAC imaging, but we do not detect any counterparts at the SN location. SN 2019yvr was highly reddened, and comparing its spectra and photometry to those of other, less extinguished SNe Ib we derive E(B−V)=0.51+0.27−0.16E(B-V)=0.51\substack{+0.27\\-0.16} mag for SN 2019yvr. Correcting photometry of the pre-explosion source for dust reddening, we determine that this source is consistent with a log⁥(L/L⊙)=5.3±0.2\log(L/L_{\odot}) = 5.3 \pm 0.2 and Teff=6800+400−200T_{\mathrm{eff}} = 6800\substack{+400\\-200} K star. This relatively cool photospheric temperature implies a radius of 320+30−50R⊙\substack{+30\\-50} R_{\odot}, much larger than expectations for SN Ib progenitor stars with trace amounts of hydrogen but in agreement with previously identified SN IIb progenitor systems. The photometry of the system is also consistent with binary star models that undergo common envelope evolution, leading to a primary star hydrogen envelope mass that is mostly depleted but seemingly in conflict with the SN Ib classification of SN 2019yvr. SN 2019yvr had signatures of strong circumstellar interaction in late-time (>>150 day) spectra and imaging, and so we consider eruptive mass loss and common envelope evolution scenarios that explain the SN Ib spectroscopic class, pre-explosion counterpart, and dense circumstellar material. We also hypothesize that the apparent inflation could be caused by a quasi-photosphere formed in an extended, low-density envelope or circumstellar matter around the primary star.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Seven years of coordinated Chandra–NuSTAR observations of SN 2014C unfold the extreme mass-loss history of its stellar progenitor

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    We present the results from our 7 yr long broadband X-ray observing campaign of SN 2014C with Chandra and NuSTAR. These coordinated observations represent the first look at the evolution of a young extragalactic SN in the 0.3–80 keV energy range in the years after core collapse. We find that the spectroscopic metamorphosis of SN 2014C from an ordinary type Ib SN into an interacting SN with copious hydrogen emission is accompanied by luminous X-rays reaching L x ≈ 5.6 × 1040 erg s−1 (0.3–100 keV) at ∌1000 days post-explosion and declining as L x ∝ t −1 afterwards. The broadband X-ray spectrum is of thermal origin and shows clear evidence for cooling after peak, with T(t)≈20keV(t/tpk)−0.5 . Soft X-rays of sub-keV energy suffer from large photoelectric absorption originating from the local SN environment with NHint(t)≈3×1022(t/400days)−1.4cm−2 . We interpret these findings as the result of the interaction of the SN shock with a dense (n ≈ 105 − 106 cm−3), H-rich disk-like circumstellar medium (CSM) with inner radius ∌2 × 1016 cm and extending to ∌1017 cm. Based on the declining NHint(t) and X-ray luminosity evolution, we infer a CSM mass of ∌(1.2 f–2.0 f)M⊙ , where f is the volume filling factor. We place SN 2014C in the context of 121 core-collapse SNe with evidence for strong shock interaction with a thick circumstellar medium. Finally, we highlight the challenges that the current mass-loss theories (including wave-driven mass loss, binary interaction, and line-driven winds) face when interpreting the wide dynamic ranges of CSM parameters inferred from observations

    Radio analysis of SN2004C reveals an unusual CSM density profile as a harbinger of core collapse

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    We present extensive multifrequency Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) and Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the radio-bright supernova (SN) IIb SN 2004C that span ∌40–2793 days post-explosion. We interpret the temporal evolution of the radio spectral energy distribution in the context of synchrotron self-absorbed emission from the explosion's forward shock as it expands in the circumstellar medium (CSM) previously sculpted by the mass-loss history of the stellar progenitor. VLBA observations and modeling of the VLA data point to a blastwave with average velocity ∌0.06 c that carries an energy of ≈1049 erg. Our modeling further reveals a flat CSM density profile ρCSM ∝ R−0.03±0.22 up to a break radius Rbr ≈ (1.96 ± 0.10) × 1016 cm, with a steep density gradient following ρCSM ∝ R−2.3±0.5 at larger radii. We infer that the flat part of the density profile corresponds to a CSM shell with mass ∌0.021 M☉, and that the progenitor's effective mass-loss rate varied with time over the range (50–500) × 10−5 M☉ yr−1 for an adopted wind velocity vw = 1000 km s−1 and shock microphysical parameters epsilone = 0.1, epsilonB = 0.01. These results add to the mounting observational evidence for departures from the traditional single-wind mass-loss scenarios in evolved, massive stars in the centuries leading up to core collapse. Potentially viable scenarios include mass loss powered by gravity waves and/or interaction with a binary companion

    Evidence for Extended Hydrogen-Poor CSM in the Three-Peaked Light Curve of Stripped Envelope Ib Supernova

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    We present multi-band ATLAS photometry for SN 2019tsf, a stripped-envelope Type Ib supernova (SESN). The SN shows a triple-peaked light curve and a late (re-)brightening, making it unique among stripped-envelope systems. The re-brightening observations represent the latest photometric measurements of a multi-peaked Type Ib SN to date. As late-time photometry and spectroscopy suggest no hydrogen, the potential circumstellar material (CSM) must be H-poor. Moreover, late (>150 days) spectra show no signs of narrow emission lines, further disfavouring CSM interaction. On the contrary, an extended CSM structure is seen through a follow-up radio campaign with Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), indicating a source of bright optically thick radio emission at late times, which is highly unusual among H-poor SESNe. We attribute this phenomenology to an interaction of the supernova ejecta with spherically-asymmetric CSM, potentially disk-like, and we present several models that can potentially explain the origin of this rare Type Ib supernova. The warped disc model paints a novel picture, where the tertiary companion perturbs the progenitors CSM, that can explain the multi-peaked light curves of SNe, and here we apply it to SN 2019tsf. This SN 2019tsf is likely a member of a new sub-class of Type Ib SNe and among the recently discovered class of SNe that undergo mass transfer at the moment of explosionComment: 23 pages, Comments are welcome, Submitted to Ap

    SN 2019ehk: A Double-peaked Ca-rich Transient with Luminous X-Ray Emission and Shock-ionized Spectral Features

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    We present panchromatic observations and modeling of the Calcium-rich supernova (SN) 2019ehk in the star-forming galaxy M100 (d ≈ 16.2 Mpc) starting 10 hr after explosion and continuing for ~300 days. SN 2019ehk shows a double-peaked optical light curve peaking at t = 3 and 15 days. The first peak is coincident with luminous, rapidly decaying Swift-XRT–discovered X-ray emission (L_x ≈ 10⁎Âč erg s⁻Âč at 3 days; L_x ∝ t⁻³), and a Shane/Kast spectral detection of narrow Hα and He II emission lines (v ≈ 500 km s⁻Âč) originating from pre-existent circumstellar material (CSM). We attribute this phenomenology to radiation from shock interaction with extended, dense material surrounding the progenitor star at r (0.1–1) × 10Âč⁷ cm. The photometric and spectroscopic properties during the second light-curve peak are consistent with those of Ca-rich transients (rise-time of t_r = 13.4 ± 0.210 days and a peak B-band magnitude of M_B = −15.1 ± 0.200 mag). We find that SN 2019ehk synthesized (3.1 ± 0.11) × 10⁻ÂČ M_⊙ of ⁔⁶Ni and ejected M_(ej) = (0.72 ± 0.040) M⊙ total with a kinetic energy E_k = (1.8 ± 0.10) × 10⁔⁰ erg. Finally, deep HST pre-explosion imaging at the SN site constrains the parameter space of viable stellar progenitors to massive stars in the lowest mass bin (~10 M_⊙) in binaries that lost most of their He envelope or white dwarfs (WDs). The explosion and environment properties of SN 2019ehk further restrict the potential WD progenitor systems to low-mass hybrid HeCO WD+CO WD binaries