4 research outputs found

    Shifts in food webs and niche stability shaped survivorship and extinction at the end-Cretaceous

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    It has long been debated why groups such as non-avian dinosaurs became extinct whereas mammals and other lineages survived the Cretaceous/Paleogene mass extinction 66 million years ago. We used Markov networks, ecological niche partitioning, and Earth System models to reconstruct North American food webs and simulate ecospace occupancy before and after the extinction event. We find a shift in latest Cretaceous dinosaur faunas, as medium-sized species counterbalanced a loss of megaherbivores, but dinosaur niches were otherwise stable and static, potentially contributing to their demise. Smaller vertebrates, including mammals, followed a consistent trajectory of increasing trophic impact and relaxation of niche limits beginning in the latest Cretaceous and continuing after the mass extinction. Mammals did not simply proliferate after the extinction event; rather, their earlier ecological diversification might have helped them survive

    Self-Mating in the Definitive Host Potentiates Clonal Outbreaks of the Apicomplexan Parasites Sarcocystis neurona and Toxoplasma gondii

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    Tissue-encysting coccidia, including Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis neurona, are heterogamous parasites with sexual and asexual life stages in definitive and intermediate hosts, respectively. During its sexual life stage, T. gondii reproduces either by genetic out-crossing or via clonal amplification of a single strain through self-mating. Out-crossing has been experimentally verified as a potent mechanism capable of producing offspring possessing a range of adaptive and virulence potentials. In contrast, selfing and other life history traits, such as asexual expansion of tissue-cysts by oral transmission among intermediate hosts, have been proposed to explain the genetic basis for the clonal population structure of T. gondii. In this study, we investigated the contributing roles self-mating and sexual recombination play in nature to maintain clonal population structures and produce or expand parasite clones capable of causing disease epidemics for two tissue encysting parasites. We applied high-resolution genotyping against strains isolated from a T. gondii waterborne outbreak that caused symptomatic disease in 155 immune-competent people in Brazil and a S. neurona outbreak that resulted in a mass mortality event in Southern sea otters. In both cases, a single, genetically distinct clone was found infecting outbreak-exposed individuals. Furthermore, the T. gondii outbreak clone was one of several apparently recombinant progeny recovered from the local environment. Since oocysts or sporocysts were the infectious form implicated in each outbreak, the expansion of the epidemic clone can be explained by self-mating. The results also show that out-crossing preceded selfing to produce the virulent T. gondii clone. For the tissue encysting coccidia, self-mating exists as a key adaptation potentiating the epidemic expansion and transmission of newly emerged parasite clones that can profoundly shape parasite population genetic structures or cause devastating disease outbreaks

    Immune response and immunopathology during toxoplasmosis

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    Protein myristoylation in health and disease

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    N-myristoylation is the attachment of a 14-carbon fatty acid, myristate, onto the N-terminal glycine residue of target proteins, catalysed by N-myristoyltransferase (NMT), a ubiquitous and essential enzyme in eukaryotes. Many of the target proteins of NMT are crucial components of signalling pathways, and myristoylation typically promotes membrane binding that is essential for proper protein localisation or biological function. NMT is a validated therapeutic target in opportunistic infections of humans by fungi or parasitic protozoa. Additionally, NMT is implicated in carcinogenesis, particularly colon cancer, where there is evidence for its upregulation in the early stages of tumour formation. However, the study of myristoylation in all organisms has until recently been hindered by a lack of techniques for detection and identification of myristoylated proteins. Here we introduce the chemistry and biology of N-myristoylation and NMT, and discuss new developments in chemical proteomic technologies that are meeting the challenge of studying this important co-translational modification in living systems