5 research outputs found

    Overview of NASA Glenn Seal Project

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    NASA Glenn is currently performing seal research supporting both advanced turbine engine development and advanced space vehicle/propulsion system development. Studies have shown that decreasing parasitic leakage through applying advanced seals will increase turbine engine performance and decrease operating costs. Studies have also shown that higher temperature, long life seals are critical in meeting next generation space vehicle and propulsion system goals in the areas of performance, reusability, safety, and cost. NASA Glenn is developing seal technology and providing technical consultation for the Agency s key aero- and space technology development programs

    Overview of CEV Thermal Protection System Seal Development

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    NASA GRC supporting design, development, and implementation of numerous seal systems for the Orion CEV: a) HS-to-BS interface. b) Compression pad. HS-to-BS Interface Seal System: a) design has evolved as a result of changes with the CEV TPS. b) Seal system is currently under development/evaluation. Coupon level tests, Arc jet tests, and Validation test development. Compression Pad: a) Finalizing design options. b) Evaluating material candidates

    Overview of NASA Glenn Seal Project

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    NASA Glenn is currently performing seal research supporting both advanced turbine engine development and advanced space vehicle/propulsion system development. Studies have shown that decreasing parasitic leakage by applying advanced seals will increase turbine engine performance and decrease operating costs. Studies have also shown that higher temperature, long life seals are critical in meeting next generation space vehicle and propulsion system goals in the areas of performance, reusability, safety, and cost. Advanced docking system seals need to be very robust resisting space environmental effects while exhibiting very low leakage and low compression and adhesion forces. NASA Glenn is developing seal technology and providing technical consultation for the Agencys key aero- and space technology development programs

    Structural Seal Development

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    NASA currently has aggressive goals for the development of the next generations of Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLV). Many of the goals center around significantly reducing the time and cost of deployment (including payload) for these spacecraft, as well as substantially increasing the safety of the crew and hardware. A core component in the design of these next generation spacecraft is the propulsion system. Many concepts are currently being evaluated including Rocket Based Combined Cycle (RBCC) and Turbine Based Combined Cycle (TBCC) engine technologies, shown