3,579 research outputs found

    Simulations of Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction in Laue Geometry

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    A method of computer simulation of Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction (TRXD) in asymmetric Laue (transmission) geometry with an arbitrary propagating strain perpendicular to the crystal surface is presented. We present two case studies for possible strain generation by short-pulse laser irradiation: (i) a thermoelastic-like analytic model; (ii) a numerical model including effects of electron-hole diffusion, Auger recombination, deformation potential and thermal diffusion. A comparison with recent experimental results is also presented.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Energy Conservation Constraints on Multiplicity Correlations in QCD Jets

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    We compute analytically the effects of energy conservation on the self-similar structure of parton correlations in QCD jets. The calculations are performed both in the constant and running coupling cases. It is shown that the corrections are phenomenologically sizeable. On a theoretical ground, energy conservation constraints preserve the scaling properties of correlations in QCD jets beyond the leading log approximation.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 5 figures, .tar.gz version avaliable on ftp://www.inln.unice.fr

    Intermittency and Exotic Channels

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    It is pointed out that accurate measurements of short-range two-particle correlations in like-charge Kπ K\pi and in π0π0 \pi^ 0\pi^ 0 channels should be very helpful in determining the origin of the \lq\lq intermittency\rq\rq\ phenomenon observed recently for the like-charge pion pairs.Comment: 5 p., plain tex, preprint T94/078(Saclay), LPTHE 94/58(Orsay

    Radiative Corrections to Neutralino and Chargino Masses in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model

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    We determine the neutralino and chargino masses in the MSSM at one-loop. We perform a Feynman diagram calculation in the on-shell renormalization scheme, including quark/squark and lepton/slepton loops. We find generically the corrections are of order 6%. For a 20 GeV neutralino the corrections can be larger than 20%. The corrections change the region of μ, M2, tanβ\mu,\ M_2,\ \tan\beta parameter space which is ruled out by LEP data. We demonstrate that, e.g., for a given μ\mu and tanβ\tan\beta the lower limit on the parameter M2M_2 can shift by 20 GeV.Comment: 11 pages, JHU-TIPAC-930030, PURD-TH-93-13, uses epsf.sty, 6 uuencoded postscript figures, added one sentence and a referenc

    Method for Flavor Tagging in Neutral B Meson Decays

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    A method is proposed for tagging the flavor of neutral BB mesons in the study of CP-violating decay asymmetries. The method makes use of a possible difference in interactions in BπB \pi or BπB^* \pi systems with isospins 1/2 and 3/2, and would be particularly clean if the I=1/2I = 1/2 systems can be detected as ``BB^{**}'' resonances.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. 11 pages, LaTeX, Technion-PH-92-40 / PITHA 92/39 / EFI 92-5

    Collider discovery limits for supersymmetric Higgs bosons

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    The prospects for discovery of the five Higgs bosons of the minimal supersymmetric standard model are assessed for existing and planned future colliders, including LEP\,I, LEP\,II, LHC and SSC. As a benchmark for comparisons, we take a top-quark mass mt=150m_t= 150\,GeV and squark mass parameter m~=1\tilde m= 1\,TeV in evaluating one-loop radiative corrections; some results for other mtm_t values are also given. Searches based on the most promising production and decay channels are taken into account. For large regions in parameter space, detectable signals are predicted for one or more of the Higgs bosons, but there remains a region for which no signals would be visible at the above colliders.Comment: 24 pages, 23 postscript figures available on request. MAD/PH/69

    Leptoquark production in ultrahigh-energy neutrino interactions revisited

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    The prospects for producing leptoquarks (LQs) in ultrahigh-energy (UHE) neutrino nucleon collisions are re-examined in the light of recent interpretations of HERA data in terms of leptoquark production. We update predictions for cross-sections for the production of first- and second-generation leptoquarks in UHE nu-N and nubar-N collisions including (i) recent experimental limits on masses and couplings from the LEP and TEVATRON colliders as well as rare processes, (ii) modern parton distributions, and (iii) radiative corrections to single leptoquark production. If the HERA events are due to an SU(2) doublet leptoquark which couples mainly to (e+,q) states, we argue that there are likely other LQ states which couple to neutrinos which are close in mass, due to constraints from precision electroweak measurements.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 3 separate postscript figures. Added 1 reference plus discussion, updated another referenc

    Leptoquark pair production at the Fermilab Tevatron: Signal and backgrounds

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    We perform a Monte-Carlo simulation of scalar leptoquark pair production at the Tevatron (energy =1.8 TeV and luminosity =100 pb^{-1}) with ISAJET. We also investigate the dominant sources of Standard Model background: Z*jj, ZZ production and heavy quark top-antitop. We find that the top-antitop background is the most important except near the Z pole where the Z*jj background is peaked. We also evaluate the signal-to-background ratio and find a discovery reach of 130 GeV (170 GeV) for a branching ratio of B(LQ-> eq)=0.5 (B=1).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, latex (revtex

    Production and Two-photon Decay of the MSSM Scalar Higgs Bosons at the LHC

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    We consider the production and two-photon decay of the CPCP-even Higgs bosons (h0h^0 and H0H^0) of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) at the Large Hadron Collider. We study in detail the dependence of the cross section on various parameters of the MSSM, especially the dependence on the mixing effects in the squark sector due to the Higgs bilinear parameter μ\mu and the soft supersymmetry breaking parameter AA. We find that the cross section for the production of these Higgs bosons has a significant dependence on the parameters which determine the chiral mixing in the squark sector. The cross section times the two-photon branching ratio of h0h^0 is of the order of 15--25~fb in much of the parameter space that remains after imposing the present experimental constraints. For the H0H^0 the two-photon branching ratio is only significant if the H0H^0 is light, but then the cross section times the branching ratio may exceed 200~fb. The QCD corrections due to quark loop contributions are known to increase the cross section by 50\%. We find the dependence of the cross section on the gluon distribution function used to be rather insignificant.Comment: 16 pages, LaTex, plus 9 uuencoded figures attached Full ps file available at ftp://vsfys1.fi.uib.no/anonymous/pub/ as nordita-9548.ps or nordita-9548.ps-gz or via http://vsfys1.fi.uib.no/thpubl/publications.htm

    Bounds on Vector Leptoquarks

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    We derive bounds on vector leptoquarks coupling to the first generation, using data from low energy experiments as well as from high energy accelerators. Similarly to the case of scalar leptoquarks, we find that the strongest indirect bounds arise from atomic parity violation and universality in leptonic pi decays. These bounds are considerably stronger than the first direct bounds of HERA, restricting vector leptoquarks that couple with electromagnetic strength to right-handed quarks to lie above 430 GeV or 460 GeV, and leptoquarks that couple with electromagnetic strength to left-handed quarks to lie above 1.3 TeV, 1.2 TeV and 1.5 TeV for the SU(2)_W singlet, doublet and triplet respectively.Comment: 14 Pages (LaTeX), including 1 uufiled postscript figure. WIS-93/119/Dec-P