512 research outputs found

    Key concepts in consumer and community engagement: A scoping meta-review

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    Background: Although consumer and community engagement (CCE) in health care is receiving increasing attention, research and practice in this area are hampered by the variability of concepts and terminology commonly employed. This scoping meta-review aims to identify key CCE concepts and examine terminology used to describe them. Methods. In a scoping meta-review, an extensive list of 47 phrases and 11 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) was used to undertake a comprehensive and systematic search in PubMed Central, Embase, EBM reviews, CINAHL, APAPsycNET, and Scopus. Results: 59 systematic reviews met the selection criteria and were included in the final analysis. The analysis identified nine different concepts related to CCE: shared decision making, self-management, CCE in health care systems, community-based health promotion, providing access to health care, rehabilitation, participation in research, collaboration in research design and conduct, and peer support. The identified concepts differ from each other in many aspects including the aim of the activity, the role of consumers and the type of professionals' involvement. Each concept was described by a range of terms, with some terms shared by different concepts. In addition, two overlapping concepts of patient-centeredness and patient empowerment were recognised. Conclusions: This study describes CCE-related key concepts and provides new insight into their relationship with different CCE-related terms. Identification of key CCE-related concepts and terms will be useful to focus future studies and initiatives and enhance production of CCE-related evidence. © 2014 Sarrami-Foroushani et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Implementing strategies in consumer and community engagement in health care: Results of a large-scale, scoping meta-review

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    © 2014 Sarrami-Foroushani et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Background: There is growing recognition of the importance of the active involvement of consumers and community members in health care. Despite the long history of consumer and community engagement (CCE) research and practice, there is no consensus on the best strategies for CCE. In this paper, we identify various dimensions of CCE-related strategies and offer a practical model to assist policy-makers, practitioners and researchers. Methods: We undertook a large-scale, scoping meta-review and searched six databases using a list of nine medical subject headings (MeSH) and a comprehensive list of 47 phrases. We identified and examined a total of 90 relevant systematic reviews. Results: Identified reviews show that although there is a significant body of research on CCE, the development of the field is hindered by a lack of evidence relating to specific elements of CCE. They also indicate a diverse and growing enterprise, drawing on a wide range of disciplinary, political and philosophical perspectives and a mix of definitions, targets, approaches, strategies and mechanisms. CCE interventions and strategies aim to involve consumers, community members and the public in general, as well as specific sub-groups, including children and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Strategies for CCE vary in terms of their aim and type of proposed activity, as do the methods and tools which have been developed to support them. Methods and tools include shared decision making, use of decision aids, consumer representation, application of electronic and internet-based facilities, and peer support. The success of CCE is dependent on both the approach taken and contextual factors, including structural facilitators such as governmental support, as well as barriers such as costs, organisational culture and population-specific limitations. Conclusions: The diversity of the field indicates the need to measure each component of CCE. This meta-review provides the basis for development of a new eight stage model of consumer and community engagement. This model emphasises the importance of clarity and focus, as well as an extensive evaluation of contextual factors within specific settings, before the implementation of CCE strategies, enabling those involved in CCE to determine potential facilitators and barriers to the process

    Relationship between patient safety culture and patient experience in hospital settings: a scoping review protocol

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    IntroductionHospitals commonly examine patient safety culture and other quality indicators to evaluate and improve performance in relation to quality and safety. A growing body of research has separately examined relationships between patient safety culture and patient experience on clinical outcomes and other quality indicators. However, there is a knowledge gap regarding the relationship between these two important domains. This article describes the protocol for a scoping review of published literature examining the relationship between patient safety culture and patient experience in hospital settings. The scoping review will provide an overview of research into the relationship between patient safety culture and patient experience in hospital contexts, map key concepts underpinning these domains and identify research gaps for further study.Methods and analysisThe scoping review will be conducted using the five stages of Arksey and O'Malley's framework: identify the research question; identify relevant studies; study selection; chart data; and collate, summarise and report the results. The inclusion criteria will be applied using the Population, Concept and Context Framework. Searches will be conducted in the CINAHL, Cochrane Library, ProQuest, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus and SciELO databases, without applying date range limits. Hand-searching of grey literature will also be performed to find relevant, non-indexed literature. Data will be extracted using a standardised data extraction form developed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Both descriptive and thematic analyses will be undertaken to scope key concepts within the body of reviewed literature.Ethics and disseminationThis type of study does not require an ethics review. The results will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and presented at conferences

    Applying the Theoretical Domains Framework to identify barriers and targeted interventions to enhance nurses' use of electronic medication management systems in two Australian hospitals

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Background: Medication errors harm hospitalised patients and increase health care costs. Electronic Medication Management Systems (EMMS) have been shown to reduce medication errors. However, nurses do not always use EMMS as intended, largely because implementation of such patient safety strategies requires clinicians to change their existing practices, routines and behaviour. This study uses the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) to identify barriers and targeted interventions to enhance nurses' appropriate use of EMMS in two Australian hospitals. Methods: This qualitative study draws on in-depth interviews with 19 acute care nurses who used EMMS. A convenience sampling approach was used. Nurses working on the study units (N = 6) in two hospitals were invited to participate if available during the data collection period. Interviews inductively explored nurses' experiences of using EMMS (step 1). Data were analysed using the TDF to identify theory-derived barriers to nurses' appropriate use of EMMS (step 2). Relevant behaviour change techniques (BCTs) were identified to overcome key barriers to using EMMS (step 3) followed by the identification of potential literature-informed targeted intervention strategies to operationalise the identified BCTs (step 4). Results: Barriers to nurses' use of EMMS in acute care were represented by nine domains of the TDF. Two closely linked domains emerged as major barriers to EMMS use: Environmental Context and Resources (availability and properties of computers on wheels (COWs); technology characteristics; specific contexts; competing demands and time pressure) and Social/Professional Role and Identity (conflict between using EMMS appropriately and executing behaviours critical to nurses' professional role and identity). The study identified three potential BCTs to address the Environmental Context and Resources domain barrier: adding objects to the environment; restructuring the physical environment; and prompts and cues. Seven BCTs to address Social/Professional Role and Identity were identified: social process of encouragement; pressure or support; information about others' approval; incompatible beliefs; identification of self as role model; framing/reframing; social comparison; and demonstration of behaviour. It proposes several targeted interventions to deliver these BCTs. Conclusions: The TDF provides a useful approach to identify barriers to nurses' prescribed use of EMMS, and can inform the design of targeted theory-based interventions to improve EMMS implementation

    Weak lensing forecasts for dark energy, neutrinos and initial conditions

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    Weak gravitational lensing provides a sensitive probe of cosmology by measuring the mass distribution and the geometry of the low-redshift Universe. We show how an all-sky weak lensing tomographic survey can jointly constrain different sets of cosmological parameters describing dark energy, massive neutrinos (hot dark matter) and the primordial power spectrum. In order to put all sectors on an equal footing, we introduce a new parameter β, the second-order running spectral index. Using the Fisher matrix formalism with and without cosmic microwave background (CMB) priors, we examine how the constraints vary as the parameter set is enlarged. We find that weak lensing with CMB priors provides robust constraints on dark energy parameters and can simultaneously provide strong constraints on all three sectors. We find that the dark energy sector is largely insensitive to the inclusion of the other cosmological sectors. Implications for the planning of future surveys are discusse

    Development and application of an indicator assessment tool for measuring health services accreditation programs

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    © 2015 Mumford et al. Background: Hospital accreditation programs are internationally widespread and consume increasingly scarce health resources. However, we lack tools to consistently identify suitable indicators to assess and monitor accreditation outcomes. We describe the development and validation of such a tool. Results: Using Australian accreditation standards as our reference point we: reviewed the research evidence for potential indicators; looked for links with existing external indicators; and assessed relevant state and federal policies. We allocated provisional scores, on a five point Likert scale, to the five accountability criteria in the tool: research; accuracy; proximity; no adverse effects; and specificity. An expert panel validated the use of the purpose designed indicator assessment tool. The panel identified hand hygiene compliance rates as a suitable process indicator, and hospital acquired Staphylococcus aureus infection (SAB) rates as an outcome indicator, with the hypothesis that improved hand hygiene compliance rates and lower SAB rates would correlate with accreditation performance. Conclusions: This new tool can be used to identify, analyse, and compare accreditation indicators. Using infection control indicators such as hand hygiene compliance and SAB rates to measure accreditation effectiveness has merit, and their efficacy can be determined by comparing accreditation scores with indicator outcomes. To verify the tool as a robust instrument, testing is needed in other health service domains, both in Australia and internationally. This tool provides health policy makers with an important means for assessing the accreditation programs which form a critical part of the national patient safety and quality framework

    Nurses' workarounds in acute healthcare settings: A scoping review

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    Background: Workarounds circumvent or temporarily 'fix' perceived workflow hindrances to meet a goal or to achieve it more readily. Behaviours fitting the definition of workarounds often include violations, deviations, problem solving, improvisations, procedural failures and shortcuts. Clinicians implement workarounds in response to the complexity of delivering patient care. One imperative to understand workarounds lies in their influence on patient safety. This paper assesses the peer reviewed empirical evidence available on the use, proliferation, conceptualisation, rationalisation and perceived impact of nurses' use of workarounds in acute care settings. Methods. A literature assessment was undertaken in 2011-2012. Snowballing technique, reference tracking, and a systematic search of twelve academic databases were conducted to identify peer reviewed published studies in acute care settings examining nurses' workarounds. Selection criteria were applied across three phases. 58 studies were included in the final analysis and synthesis. Using an analytic frame, these studies were interrogated for: workarounds implemented in acute care settings by nurses; factors contributing to the development and proliferation of workarounds; the perceived impact of workarounds; and empirical evidence of nurses' conceptualisation and rationalisation of workarounds. Results: The majority of studies examining nurses' workarounds have been published since 2008, predominantly in the United States. Studies conducted across a variety of acute care settings use diverse data collection methods. Nurses' workarounds, primarily perceived negatively, are both individually and collectively enacted. Organisational, work process, patient-related, individual, social and professional factors contribute to the proliferation of workarounds. Group norms, local and organisational culture, 'being competent', and collegiality influence the implementation of workarounds. Conclusion: Workarounds enable, yet potentially compromise, the execution of patient care. In some contexts such improvisations may be deemed necessary to the successful implementation of quality care, in others they are counterproductive. Workarounds have individual and cooperative characteristics. Few studies examine nurses' individual and collective conceptualisation and rationalisation of workarounds or measure their impact. The importance of displaying competency (image management), collegiality and organisational and cultural norms play a role in nurses' use of workarounds. © 2013 Debono et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Scoping Meta-Review: Introducing a New Methodology

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    © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. For researchers, policymakers, and practitioners facing a new field, undertaking a systematic review can typically present a challenge due to the enormous number of relevant papers. A scoping review is a method suggested for addressing this dilemma; however, scoping reviews present their own challenges. This paper introduces the "scoping meta-review" (SMR) for expanding current methodologies and is based on our experiences in mapping the field of consumer engagement in healthcare. During this process, we developed the novel SMR method. An SMR combines aspects of a scoping review and a meta-review to establish an evidence-based map of a field. Similar to a scoping review, an SMR offers a practical and flexible methodology. However, unlike in a traditional scoping review, only systematic reviews are included. Stages of the SMR include: undertaking a preliminary nonsystematic review; building a search strategy; interrogating academic literature databases; classifying and excluding studies based on titles and abstracts; saving the refined database of references; revising the search strategy; selecting and reviewing the full text papers; and thematically analyzing the selected texts and writing the report. The main benefit of an SMR is to map a new field based on high-level evidence provided by systematic reviews

    A Web-Based Service Delivery Model for Communication Training After Brain Injury: Protocol for a Mixed Methods, Prospective, Hybrid Type 2 Implementation-Effectiveness Study.

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    BackgroundAcquired brain injuries (ABIs) commonly cause cognitive-communication disorders, which can have a pervasive psychosocial impact on a person's life. More than 135 million people worldwide currently live with ABI, and this large and growing burden is increasingly surpassing global rehabilitation service capacity. A web-based service delivery model may offer a scalable solution. The Social Brain Toolkit is an evidence-based suite of 3 web-based communication training interventions for people with ABI and their communication partners. Successful real-world delivery of web-based interventions such as the Social Brain Toolkit requires investigation of intervention implementation in addition to efficacy and effectiveness.ObjectiveThe aim of this study is to investigate the implementation and effectiveness of the Social Brain Toolkit as a web-based service delivery model.MethodsThis is a mixed methods, prospective, hybrid type 2 implementation-effectiveness study, theoretically underpinned by the Nonadoption, Abandonment, Scale-up, Spread, and Sustainability (NASSS) framework of digital health implementation. We will document implementation strategies preemptively deployed to support the launch of the Social Brain Toolkit interventions, as well as implementation strategies identified by end users through formative evaluation of the Social Brain Toolkit. We will prospectively observe implementation outcomes, selected on the basis of the NASSS framework, through quantitative web analytics of intervention use, qualitative and quantitative pre- and postintervention survey data from all users within a specified sample frame, and qualitative interviews with a subset of users of each intervention. Qualitative implementation data will be deductively analyzed against the NASSS framework. Quantitative implementation data will be analyzed descriptively. We will obtain effectiveness outcomes through web-based knowledge tests, custom user questionnaires, and formal clinical tools. Quantitative effectiveness outcomes will be analyzed through descriptive statistics and the Reliable Change Index, with repeated analysis of variance (pretraining, posttraining, and follow-up), to determine whether there is any significant improvement within this participant sample.ResultsData collection commenced on July 2, 2021, and is expected to conclude on June 1, 2022, after a 6-month sample frame of analytics for each Social Brain Toolkit intervention. Data analysis will occur concurrently with data collection until mid-2022, with results expected for publication late 2022 and early 2023.ConclusionsEnd-user evaluation of the Social Brain Toolkit's implementation can guide intervention development and implementation to reach and meet community needs in a feasible, scalable, sustainable, and acceptable manner. End user feedback will be directly incorporated and addressed wherever possible in the next version of the Social Brain Toolkit. Learnings from these findings will benefit the implementation of this and future web-based psychosocial interventions for people with ABI and other populations.Trial registrationAustralia and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12621001170819; https://anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?ACTRN=12621001170819, Australia and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12621001177842; https://anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?ACTRN=12621001177842, Australia and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12621001180808; https://anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?ACTRN=12621001180808.International registered report identifier (irrid)DERR1-10.2196/31995
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