585 research outputs found

    An Analysis of how Self-Efficacy Relates to the Driver’s of the Active Sport Tourist

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    The active sport tourist is a subset within the tourism industry that can be further analyzed to understand this type of traveler. The driver’s of such a tourist include Risk Theory, Individual’s view, Geographical Approach, Role Theory, Consumer Behavior and Group Based Nostalgia. These drivers are compared and analyzed to self-efficacy and how a sport decision or destination relates to self-efficacy. The sources of self-efficacy are defined and an analysis of the active sport tourist’s relationship through the cognitive, motivational, affective and selection processes are explored

    Lying relies on the truth

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    Cognitive models of deception focus on the conflict-inducing nature of the truth activation during lying. Here we tested the counterintuitive hypothesis that the truth can also serve a functional role in the act of lying. More specifically, we examined whether the construction of a lie can involve a two-step process, where the first step entails activating the truth, based upon which a lie response can be formulated in a second step. To investigate this hypothesis, we tried to capture the covert truth activation in a reaction-time based deception paradigm. Together with each question, we presented either the truth or lie response as distractors. If lying depends on the covert activation of the truth, deceptive responses would thus be facilitated by truth distractors relative to lie distractors. Our results indeed revealed such a "covert congruency" effect, both in errors and reaction times (Experiment 1). Moreover, stimulating participants to use the distractor information by increasing the proportion of truth distractor trials enlarged the "covert congruency" effects, and as such confirmed that the effects operate at a covert response level (Experiment 2). Our findings lend support to the idea that lying relies on a first step of truth telling, and call for a shift in theoretical thinking that highlights both the functional and interfering properties of the truth activation in the lying process

    Cell-mediated immune responses of cattle to Pasteurella haemolytica and responses of goats to alternative routes of exposure to Pasteurella haemolytica

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    Goats were inoculated with Pasteurella haemolytica A1 by three different routes to evaluate a caprine model of reproduction of pneumonic pasteurellosis. Lungs were examined and compared grossly, microscopically, and by bacterial culture. All of three goats inoculated intratracheally, one of three goats inoculated intravenously, and none of three goats inoculated intratonsillarly developed pneumonic lesions. Pneumonic lesions in the intravenously-inoculated goat were similar in gross and microscopic aspects to the lesions present in the lungs of intratracheally-inoculated goats. In a separate study, there was evidence of replication of P. hemolytica organisms in the lungs of cattle after subcutaneous vaccination with a live P. haemolytica vaccine, and evidence that the organisms may have gained access to the lung via the vascular system;Humoral immune responses of cattle to P. haemolytica have been thoroughly studied, and humoral immune responses sometimes do not correlate with protection against experimental disease. Other factors, including cell-mediated immune responses, may be involved in protection against pneumonic pasteurellosis. To evaluate the cell-mediated immune responses to P. haemolytica, calves were vaccinated with a commercial P. haemolytica bacterin, or a commercial live P. haemolytica vaccine, or they were infected intratracheally with P. haemolytica. Lymphocyte cultures from peripheral blood mononuclear cells or lymph node cells were stimulated with antigens prepared from P. haemolytica to evaluate in vitro lymphocyte proliferative responses and gamma interferon production as measures of cell-mediated immunity. In response to stimulation with an outer membrane protein preparation from P. haemolytica, strong proliferative responses and gamma interferon production were detected in lymph node cells from calves vaccinated with the live vaccine and from infected calves;All calves were challenge-exposed to P. haemolytica, and cell-mediated immune and humoral immune responses were correlated with the degree of pneumonia after experimental challenge. Neither of the cell-mediated immune responses nor the humoral immune response was strongly correlated with the degree of pneumonia present after the experimental challenge

    Detoxification of T-2 toxin and feeding behavior changes associated with T-2 toxin

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    Pathogenic effects of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae on porcine tracheal organ cultures and neutrophils in vitro, and porcine respiratory goblet cells in vivo

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    Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae causes enzootic pneumonia in pigs. Mucopurulent exudate, composed primarily of neutrophils and macrophages, is a common feature in airways of infected pigs during early to mid-stage infection. Secondary pneumonia due to bacterial infections with resident flora is often associated with M. hyopneumoniae infection. The effect of infection by this organism on the histochemical characteristics of cell-associated airway mucin and the morphology of epithelial cells of pigs was studied. Bronchial goblet cell sulphomucin and sialomucin were quantitated by image analysis of lung sections stained with high iron diamine/Alcian blue. Goblet cells in bronchi of infected pigs contained significantly less total mucin and sialomucin, and significantly more sulphomucin than goblet cells of age matched control pigs. Increased sulphated mucin may indicate altered glycoprotein production or hypersecretion of mucus in response to infection with M. hyopneumoniae;To determine if M. hyopneumoniae altered neutrophil function, intracellular calcium flux was examined after incubation of porcine neutrophils with or without M. hyopneumoniae. After zymosan stimulation, intracellular calcium levels were significantly increased in neutrophils incubated with M. hyopneumoniae. Enhancement of the zymosan-induced intracellular calcium flux suggested that M. hyopneumoniae may modulate calcium dependent response elements of porcine neutrophils;Mechanisms utilized by this organism to damage ciliated respiratory epithelium were examined using newborn piglet tracheal organ cultures as an in vitro model to measure loss of cilia and/or ciliary activity. The effect of in vivo and in vitro propagation of M. hyopneumoniae strain 232 on cytotoxic potential was examined. Levels of dehydrogenase enzymes or calmodulin in tracheal ring epithelium were not altered even though ciliary loss and ciliostasis induced by low passage M. hyopneumoniae strain 232 was extensive. Cytotoxicity of M. hyopneumoniae for tracheal rings was averted by porcine immune serum or by separating organisms from ciliated epithelium with a membrane. Attachment of M. hyopneumoniae to ciliated epithelium was necessary to induce ciliostasis or loss of cilia in this model;Cytotoxicity of M. hyopneumoniae for tracheal ring epithelium diminished with in vitro passage of the organism. High passage cultures of strain 232 were not induced to cause ciliostasis or loss of cilia when grown in mycoplasma medium supplemented with porcine lung preparations. Passage of M. hyopneumoniae in vitro may alter expression of genes responsible for synthesis or translocation of proteins required for cytotoxicity

    Enzyme Assay in Microsomes Below Zero Degrees

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    Mixed Solvents as Tools to Study the Structural Aspects of Cytochrome P450 in Solution at Sub-Zero Temperatures

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    Cytochromes P450 from various sources are known to have mixtures of different heme-iron electronic configurations, partly in thermodynamic equilibrium, reflecting different configurations of the protein. Organic solvents (such as ethylene glycol or glycerol) as well as temperature changes have a marked but reversible effect on the thermodynamic parameters of these equilibria in the fluid state. The solvent and temperature perturbation of the conformational or spin state equilibrium have been investigated on various redox states of cytochrome P450 in order to gain some insight · into the structure of the heme pocket

    Tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap kualitas pelayanan resep di Apotek Wijaya Kusuma periode April 2019

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    Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Apotek merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari sistem pelayanan kesehatan yang berorientasi pada pelayanan pasien. Pelayanan kefarmasian selain menjadi tuntutan profesionalisme juga sebagai faktor untuk mengevaluasi kepuasan pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan KIE, kecepatan pelayanan, dan keramahan petugas.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan jumlah sampel 320 menggunakan metode non-probability sampling. Hasil penelitian memuaskan terhadap pelayanan kefarmasian pada dimensi kehandalan yang diberikan di Apotek Wijaya Kusuma Madiun dengan data 65 % puas, 28,45 % sangat puas dalam unsur pemberian KIE terkait obat, dan 66,56 % puas, 27,51 % sangat puas pada pemberian informasi lain selain obat yang berhubungan dengan penyakit pasien. Hasil memuaskan pada dimensi ketanggapan yang diberikan di Apotek Wijaya Kusuma Madiun dengan data 61,25 % puas, 35,94 % sangat puas untuk ketanggapan petugas dalam memberikan pelayanan, sebanyak 64,68 % puas, 32,19 % sangat puas untuk pelayanan obat tanpa racikan tidak lebih dari 15 menit dimulai saat penyerahan resep dan 63,75 % puas, 32,19 % sangat puas dalam unsur pelayanan obat racikan tidak lebih dari 25 menit dimulai saat penyerahan resep. Hasil memuaskan pada dimensi keramahan petugas yang diberikan di Apotek Wijaya Kusuma Madiun dengan data 63,43 % puas, 34,69 % sangat puas pada cara dan kesopanan petugas saat penyerahan obat, sebanyak 63,12 % puas, 34,06 % sangat puas untuk kesediaan petugas menjawab pertanyaan pasien dengan baik dan ramah dan 62,81 % puas, 32,19 % sangat puas untuk kesediaan petugas mengulangi informasi obat dengan baik dan ramah jika pasien belum mengert
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