29 research outputs found

    Reproducibility and responsiveness of the Symptom Severity Scale and the hand and finger function subscale of the Dutch arthritis impact measurement scales (Dutch-AIMS2-HFF) in primary care patients with wrist or hand problems

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    BACKGROUND: To determine the clinimetric properties of two questionnaires assessing symptoms (Symptom Severity Scale) and physical functioning (hand and finger function subscale of the AIMS2) in a Dutch primary care population. METHODS: The first 84 participants in a 1-year follow-up study on the diagnosis and prognosis of hand and wrist problems completed the Symptom Severity Scale and the hand and finger function subscale of the Dutch-AIMS2 twice within 1 to 2 weeks. The data were used to assess test-retest reliability (ICC) and smallest detectable change (SDC, based on the standard error of measurement (SEM)). To assess responsiveness, changes in scores between baseline and the 3 month follow-up were related to an external criterion to estimate the minimal important change (MIC). We calculated the group size needed to detect the MIC beyond measurement error. RESULTS: The ICC for the Symptom Severity Scale was 0.68 (95% CI: 0.54–0.78). The SDC was 1.00 at individual level and 0.11 at group level, both on a 5-point scale. The MIC was 0.23, exceeding the SDC at group level. The group size required to detect a MIC beyond measurement error was 19 for the Symptom Severity Scale. The ICC for the hand and finger function subscale of the Dutch-AIMS2 was 0.62 (95% CI: 0.47–0.74). The SDC was 3.80 at individual level and 0.42 at group level, both on an 11-point scale. The MIC was 0.31, which was less than the SDC at group level. The group size required to detect a MIC beyond measurement error was 150. CONCLUSION: In our heterogeneous primary care population the Symptom Severity Scale was found to be a suitable instrument to assess the severity of symptoms, whereas the hand and finger function subscale of the Dutch-AIMS2 was less suitable for the measurement of physical functioning in patients with hand and wrist problems

    General practitioners apply the usual care for shoulder complaints better than expected – analysis of videotaped consultations

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    BACKGROUND: The education and activation program (EAP) is a newly developed intervention to prevent the development of chronic shoulder complaints (SCs). Trained general practitioners (GPs) administer the EAP. The EAP addresses inadequate cognitions and maladaptive behavior related to the SCs. The effect of the EAP is evaluated in a randomized clinical trial. The aim of the present study is to use videotaped consultations to study (1) the performance of trained GPs administering the EAP and (2) the presence of key features of the EAP already embedded in usual care (UC). METHODS: Five trained GPs were videotaped while treating a standardized patient with EAP. Additionally, five GPs administering UC were videotaped. Two blinded observers evaluated the videotapes in relation to key features of the EAP which were scored on the EAP checklist. RESULTS: The mean total score on the EAP checklist was 4.7 (SD = 2.9) for the UC group and 7.1 (SD = 2.1) for the EAP group. Neither group reached a score higher than 8, which was considered to reflect an acceptable number of key EAP features. CONCLUSION: Our comparison of the presence of key features of EAP shows that the UC and EAP groups differed less than was expected. GPs in the UC group performed above expectation, with a mean total score of 4.7. Moreover, the low number of key features present in the EAP group may very well have led to a reduced effectiveness of the EAP. The results of this study can be used to optimize the training of GPs using the EAP

    Evaluation of an education and activation programme to prevent chronic shoulder complaints: design of an RCT [ISRCTN71777817]

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    BACKGROUND: About half of all newly presented episodes of shoulder complaints (SC) in general practice are reported to last for at least six months. Early interventions aimed at the psychological and social determinants of SC are not common in general practice, although such interventions might prevent the development of chronic SC. The Education and Activation Programme (EAP) consists of an educational part and a time-contingent activation part. The aim of the EAP is to provide patients with the proper cognitions by means of education, and to stimulate adequate behaviour through advice on activities of daily living. DESIGN: The article describes the design of a randomised clinical trial (RCT) to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an EAP in addition to usual care, compared to usual care only, in the prevention of chronic SC after six months. It also describes the analysis of the cost and effect balance. Patients suffering from SC for less than three months are recruited in general practice and through open recruitment. A trained general practitioner or a trained therapist administers the EAP. Primary outcome measures are patient-perceived recovery, measured by self-assessment on a seven-point scale, and functional limitations in activities of daily living. Questionnaires are used to study baseline measures, prognostic measures, process measures and outcome measures. DISCUSSION: The inclusion of patients in the study lasted until December 31(st )2003. Data collection is to end in June 2004

    Conducting research in individual patients: lessons learnt from two series of N-of-1 trials

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    BACKGROUND: Double-blind randomised N-of-1 trials (N-of-1 trials) may help with decisions concerning treatment when there is doubt regarding the effectiveness and suitability of medication for individual patients. The patient is his or her own control, and receives the experimental and the control treatment during several periods of time in random order. Reports of N-of-1 trials are still relatively scarce, and the research methodology is not as firmly established as that of RCTs. Recently, we have conducted two series of N-of-1 trials in general practice. Before, during, and after data-collection, difficulties regarding outcome assessment, analysis of the results, the withdrawal of patients, and the follow-up had to be dealt with. These difficulties are described and our solutions are discussed. DISCUSSION: To prevent or anticipate difficulties in N-of-1 trials, we argue that that it is important to individualise the outcome measures, and to carefully consider the objective, type of randomisation and the analysis. It is recommended to use the same dosages and dosage forms that the patient used before the trial, to start the trial with a run-in period, to formulate both general and individualised decision rules regarding the efficacy of treatment, to adjust treatment policies immediately after the trial, and to provide adequate instructions and support if treatment is adjusted. SUMMARY: Because of the specific characteristics of N-of-1 trials it is difficult to formulate general 'how to do it' guidelines for designing N-of-1 trials. However, when the design of each N-of-1 trial is tailored to the specific characteristics of each individual patient and the underlying medical problem, most difficulties in N-of-1 trials can be prevented or overcome. In this way, N-of-1 trials may be of help when deciding on drug treatment for individual patients

    Cell density related H2 consumption in relation to anoxic Fe(0) corrosion and precipitation of corrosion products by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1

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    In the absence of oxygen, a protective H2 film is formed around an Fe(0) surface, inhibiting the electron flow from this surface. Our study of anoxic corrosion of Fe(0) beads revealed that, in the presence of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, H2 removal and precipitation of Fe mineral particles on the cell surface are determining processes for corrosion. These two biologically mediated processes were governed by cell density. H2 removal by Shewanella oneidensis was detected at cell concentrations of 1.0 × 106 live cells ml−1 and higher and H2 was electron donor for denitrification of NO3–. The removal of the protective H2 layer from Fe(0) beads by Shewanella oneidensis, resulted in an increase of Fe release out of the Fe(0) beads from 153 ± 25 mg l−1 to 196 ± 7 mg l−1 after 20 h. When the cell concentration exceeded 1.0 × 108 live cells ml−1, precipitation of iron minerals on the cell surface was characteristic for the greatest percentage of MR-1 cells, whereas micrometre-scale iron precipitates not associated with culturable cell biomass significantly decreased in number. Addition of supernatant of a corrosion assay with high cell concentration induced metabolic activity in a corrosion assay with low cell concentration, resulting in increased H2 consumption and Fe release from Fe(0) beads. Homoserine lactone-like molecules were detected in the supernatant by a bio-assay, suggesting the involvement of a quorum-sensing regulatory mechanism

    Cleaning of concrete fouled by lichens with the aid of Thiobacilli

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    Concrete specimens weathered for over a decade in the moderate Belgian climate, showing a black organic outer layer that mainly consisted of lichens, were cleaned with a new biological technique. A mixture of sulphur oxidising bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus supplemented with an appropriate nutrient was applied to a fouled concrete surface, either by sprinkling or by submersion. The aim was to remove the fouled layer in such a way that the surface is uniformly cleaned. The general effect of the technique was evaluated by colorimetry and microscopy. Two sets of weathered concrete specimens, containing blast furnace slag cement or ordinary portland cement, were investigated. The effectiveness of the technique depended on the cement type of the concrete specimens. The effect on the ordinary portland cement concrete specimens was in some cases up to a factor 2 stronger than the result on the blast furnace slag cement specimens. The sprinkling treatment was about 50% as effective as the submersion treatment but was very promising in the case of in situ acidification. A side effect was the fort-nation of a gypsum layer on some of the specimens, resulting in a whiter colour