755 research outputs found

    Het hart, de ruggengraat en de hersenpan: Perspectieven op gezondheidsgedrag

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    Adolescents Who Intend to Change Multiple Health Behaviours Choose Greater Exposure to an Internet-delivered Intervention

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    Despite a growth of Internet-delivered interventions, exposure rates to such interventions are still low. In total, 35,104 adolescents participated in the E-MOVO project: an Internet-delivered lifestyle intervention aimed at multiple health behaviours. By means of multilevel analyses, we demonstrated the relationship between intention to change behaviour and adolescents' exposure to E-MOVO's functionalities. There was a clustering of intention to change risk taking behaviours in an unhealthy way and energy balance-related behaviours in a healthy way. This should be taken into account with the design of Internet-delivered interventions. AD - Maastricht University, The Netherlands. [email protected]. FAU - Crutzen, Rik AU - Crutzen R FAU - de Nooijer, Jascha AU - de Nooijer J FAU - Candel, Math J J M AU - Candel MJ FAU - de Vries, Nanne K AU - de Vries NK LA - eng PT - Journal Article PL - England TA - J Health Psychol JT - Journal of health psychology JID - 9703616 SB - I

    Motivational stages of adolescent smoking initiation: predictive validity and predictors of transitions

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    Motivational stages of adolescent smoking initiation: predictive validity and predictors of transitions. Kremers SP, de Vries H, Mudde AN, Candel M. Department of Health Education and Health Promotion, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiteit Maastricht, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. [email protected] The present study tested the use and validity of a stage model of adolescent smoking initiation. The model aims to identify adolescents who are currently not smoking, but who are cognitively predisposed to start smoking in the future. Research on subtypes within the precontemplation stage of adolescent smoking initiation and the concept of susceptibility to smoking led to the construction of a motivational stage model of four distinct stages: committer, immotive, progressive, and contemplator. Using longitudinal data on a large international sample of European adolescents (n=7117), the model proved to have value in predicting smoking initiation at 12 months follow up. The odds ratio to take up regular smoking behavior appeared to double with each forward stage transition. Although effect sizes were small to moderate, unique predictors of transitions from the various stages were identified. Implications of the findings are discusse
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