87 research outputs found

    Equidad en el Acceso, Desigualdad y Utilización de los Servicios de Salud. Una Aplicación al Caso Argentino en 2001

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    In this study the main recent methodological and empirical approaches to quantify income-related inequality in the utilization of health care are reviewed. By using data from the Survey of Living Conditions conducted in Argentina in 2001, concentration indices for visits to health professionals are computed, which are then decomposed in order to identify the causes of inequality. In addition, a measurement of horizontal inequity indices is obtained. It is concluded that the utilization of health care in Argentina is concentrated in the most favoured individuals and that inequality is due in large extent to the influence of non-need variables such as the per capita household income, schooling, having health coverage and the place of residence among others.Health Care Utilization, Concentration Index, Inequality

    Socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol consumption in Argentina: comparative analysis 2009-2013

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    Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, CIECS (UNC-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Carrazana Rivera, Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Research on socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol use has been a topic of increasing concern but not sufficiently understood. Traditionally, research about social inequalities in health suggests that individuals with lower socioeconomic status (SES) have poorer health than those who belong to higher socioeconomic groups (Dalstra, 2006). In regard to alcohol consumption there is sufficient evidence that is concentrated among more favored individuals. Although lower socioeconomic groups exhibit higher rates of abstinence, heavy drinking is more prevalent among these individuals (Bloomfield et. Al, 2006). Low and middle income countries might present different patterns than developed countries. There is some evidence from Brazil showing that higher socioeconomic status is strongly associated with high risk drinking (Almeida-Filho, 2005). In Chile no socioeconomic gradient was found in heavy episodic drinking (HED), whereas heavy volume drinking is concentrated among higher SES individuals (Peña et al, 2017). There is a lack of enough evidence about SES inequalities in alcohol consumption in Argentina. The present study analyses SES inequalities in alcohol consumption and harmful use of alcohol in Argentina. Using data from National Survey of Risk Factors, waves 2009 and 2013, concentration indices (CI) are calculated for monthly prevalence and HED. The monthly prevalence shows a strong socioeconomic gradient, since the highest income quintile concentrates the biggest proportion of consumers in both periods. It is noticeable that the proportion of consumers in the lowest quintile is significantly higher in 2013 than in 2009. The CI for the total sample in both waves are statistically significant and greater than zero, showing that monthly prevalence is concentrated in higher SES individuals. This result indicates that alcohol is a ?normal good?, since its consumption grows with the per capita household income level. In regard with HED, it increased throughout all age groups and income levels, between the two waves. The highest HED prevalence is found in the 18-34 aged group. In spite the CI for HED for the total sample in both waves are pro-poor, CI for subsamples reveal a different pattern of inequality in 2013 respect 2009: HED is pro-rich among young people aged 18-34 living in larger cities, while CI is still pro-poor for the rest. This result contrasts with Peña et al. 2017, and suggest the convenience of targeted alcohol interventions.Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, CIECS (UNC-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Carrazana Rivera, Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Otras Economía y Negocio

    Civismo y preferencias sociales sobre la distribución del ingreso. Una aplicación al caso argentino

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    El presente estudio analiza la asociación entre el grado de apoyo a una mayor igualdad de ingresos y la conducta cívica de los ciudadanos con datos de la Encuesta Mundial de Valores para Argentina empleando las ondas 1995, 1999, 2008 y 2012. En la siguiente sección se presentan las características del modelo de Algan et al. (2012), sobre el que se basa el trabajo y luego se describen los datos empleados y los modelos estimados. Por último se comentan los resultados y las futuras líneas de análisis.http://www.aaep.org.arFil: De Santis, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Otras Economía y Negocio

    El ingreso de los docentes en la Argentina: ¿es alto o bajo?

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    Relative income of teachers is analyzed in Argentina. A Mincerian income equation is estimated for a cross section sample of individuals from 1998 Permanent Household Survey (EPH) over twenty-nine metropolitan areas and a Oaxaca decomposition procedure is followed to ascertain whether characteristics or returns explain better the log mean difference in income of teachers and other relevant groups used for comparison. Hourly income of teachers are found to be higher than the average for the economy, slightly lower than that of workers with post-secondary studies, but lower definite respective of professionals. Characteristics is a critical source of teacher-non-teacher income differential. Its relative weight changes according to the group of comparison chosen. Substracting the effect of characteristics, income difference is reduced by 40 % in the total population, 16% in the post-secondary population but has the reverse effect of penalizing teachers vs professionals.Mincer equation, relative income of teachers, Oaxaca decomposition

    The impact of overeducation on wages of recent economic sciences graduates. An application to the case of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

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    Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, CIECS (UNC-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Gáname, María Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; ArgentinaFil: Gáname, María Cecilia. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, CIECS (UNC-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Moncarz, Pedro Esteban. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Moncarz, Pedro Esteban. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, CIECS (UNC-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Moncarz, Pedro Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Under the human capital theory, wages are determined by the worker productivity, which in its crudest form implies the return to education is not contingent on how the workers´ skills are utilized in the labor market (Sloane, 2002). However, after controlling for other differences, the empirical evidence has shown that workers with the same education can be paid differently. The literature has found young people are more likely to experience a mismatch between their formal education and the one required by the job. While there is not a consensus about the reasons for the mismatch, there is one about the consequences in terms of wages, overeducation means a penalty in terms of income.Our evidence shows that overeducated graduates of the FCE-UNC suffer a wage penalty when compared to those working in a job requiring a university degree. The results are robust to different specifications and to the use of alternative estimators. While the difference is not statistically significant, the penalty for those severely overeducated is larger than for those with a mild level of overeducation. To have working experience while studing at the university helps to reduce the cost of overeducation. The overall impact found for the whole sample appears to be driven by the impact of overeducation on female graduates. While for the case of overeducation we find statistically significant effects, the same is not the case for the level of horizontal match, either in terms of skills and knowledge.Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: De Santis, Mariana. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, CIECS (UNC-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Gáname, María Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; ArgentinaFil: Gáname, María Cecilia. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, CIECS (UNC-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Moncarz, Pedro Esteban. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Moncarz, Pedro Esteban. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, CIECS (UNC-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Moncarz, Pedro Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Economía, Econometrí

    Career path of graduates at the School of Economic Sciences of the National University of Cordoba: an approach through the quality of job. The case of graduates in 2016

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    This paper aims to analyze the job satisfaction of recent graduates that have finished their studies at the School of Economic Sciences of the National University of Córdoba (SES-NUC). Firstly, we study the relationship between graduates’ overall job satisfaction and different values of jobs. Secondly they analyze the relationship between each subdomain of job satisfaction and explanatory variables, which are related with individual characteristics, relationship statuses, personality traits, household context, human capital background, occupational context, institutional background, job status and job adequacy. Preliminary outcomes show that fives subdomains are positively associated with the probability of overall job satisfaction; their estimated coefficients are statistically significant. Subdomains are satisfaction with pay, fringe benefits, general work environment, intellectual challenge and the possibility of professional development. Besides, the econometric analysis shows that each subdomains is affected differently by individual characteristics, social and economic context, personality traits, occupational context, job status, among others. This result gives some support in applying the appropriate methodology of splitting overall job satisfaction into different dimensions in order to identify the sources of the values of job satisfaction differences.http://aaep.org.ar/anales/works/works2017/desantis_ganame.pdfFil: De Santis, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Gáname, María Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Moncarz, Pedro Esteban. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Moncarz, Pedro Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Economía, Econometrí

    Equidad en el Acceso, Desigualdad y Utilización de los Servicios de Salud. Una Aplicación al Caso Argentino en 2001

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    El trabajo revisa los principales abordajes metodológicos y empíricos para cuantificar la desigualdad en el uso de servicios de salud desarrollados recientemente para diferentes sistemas de salud. Empleando datos de la Encuesta de de Condiciones de Vida realizada en Argentina en 2001, se estiman los índices de concentración de las visitas a profesionales de la salud, que permiten cuantificar la desigualdad en los servicios de salud atribuida a factores socioeconómicos. Además, se obtiene una medida de la inequidad horizontal a través de la descomposición de los índices de concentración respectivos. Se concluye que la utilización de los servicios de salud está concentrada en los individuos más favorecidos y que dicha desigualdad se debe en su mayor parte a la influencia de variables de no necesidad, tales como el ingreso per capita del hogar, el nivel educativo, la posesión de cobertura de salud, el lugar de residencia, entre otros

    Benchmarking en el Sector de Saneamiento de Brasil: Una Aplicación de Fronteras Estocásticas con Datos de Panel

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    In this study the technical efficiency of operation and maintenance costs of the providers of water and sanitation in Brazil is estimated using data from the National System of Information on Sanitation (SNIS) during 2004 and 2008. An input distance function is estimated by true random effects (TRE). In addition, the change in total factor productivity in the period and its decomposition into different sources is obtained. The results indicate that, in average, operating cost efficiency showed an annual increase of over 2%, controlling for indicators of production, network dispersion and percentages of treated water. The estimated efficiency by TRE has a low correlation with that obtained by the traditional random effects model due to not assigning the heterogeneity to the constant of the model. In regard with TFP variation in the period, a significant reduction attributable to technical change and scale efficiency is observed; consistent with the low coverage rate of the sector.En este estudio se estima la eficiencia técnica de los costos de operación y mantenimiento de las prestadoras de agua potable y saneamiento en Brasil, utilizando los datos del Sistema Nacional de las Informaciones sobre Saneamiento (SNIS) durante 2004 y 2008. Se estima una función de distancia orientada hacia los insumos empleando el modelo de verdaderos efectos aleatorios (TRE). Adicionalmente, a partir de los resultados del modelo, se obtiene el cambio en la productividad total de los factores en el periodo y se efectúa su descomposición en diferentes fuentes. Los resultados indican que, en promedio, la eficiencia del costo operativo experimentó un incremento anual superior al 2%, controlando por indicadores de la producción y por la dispersión de la red y porcentajes de aguas tratadas. La eficiencia estimada por TRE presenta una baja correlación con la obtenida por el modelo de efectos aleatorios como resultado de asignar la heterogeneidad a la constante del modelo. En cuanto a la variación de la PTF, se aprecia una significativa reducción atribuible al cambio técnico y a la eficiencia de escala, resultado coherente con la reducida tasa de cobertura del sector.

    Preferencias por la distribución del ingreso. Un análisis empírico para Argentina entre 1995 y 2012

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    In this paper the main determinants of the preferences of individuals for income distribution and support for equalizing policies in Argentina are studied. The hypothesis are the demand for redistribution is explained by "self-interest", beliefs about distributive justice and the institutional environment in which individuals interact. Four cross sections between 1995 and 2012 in Argentina of the World Value Survey are used to estimate an ordered bivariate probit model. The main results suggest that not only "self-interest" can explain their preferences for redistribution, but also their beliefs and values, as well as their perceptions regarding the functioning of institutions

    Condiciones económicas y capital social como determinantes de la salud y el bienestar subjetivo. Una aplicación a países sudamericanos en 1995 y 2006

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    Se estima la probabilidad conjunta de ser feliz y tener buena salud controlando el efecto de características económicas, sociales y demográficas. Se estimó un modelo probit bivariado empleando datos de la encuesta World Values Survey para Argentina en 1995 y 2006. Los resultados indican que la probabilidad de tener buena salud y de ser feliz incrementa a medida que lo hace el nivel socioeconómico y el nivel de confianza en las instituciones por parte de los individuos. Se concluye que es posible incrementar la salud y el bienestar subjetivo de las personas en desventaja socioeconómica fortaleciendo el capital social.http://www.aaep.org.ar/anales/works/works2013/desantis.pdfFil: De Santis, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto de Economía y Finanzas; Argentina.Fil: Villagra Torcomian, Ignacio. Santis, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto de Economía y Finanzas; Argentina.Otras Economía y Negocio