835 research outputs found

    Situated trajectories of learning in vocational training interactions

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    This paper investigates smaller-scale transitions that are part of the longer-term processes of subjective transformation and adaptation to new professional competencies for learners in the field of vocational education. On the conceptual level, it proposes to view transitions as intermediate states in situated trajectories of learning. The notion of trajectory aims to capture that (a) learning occurs through situated and highly contextualized micro activities and (b) that these activities occur within historical sequences of events, which come to form over time dynamic trajectories. The ingredients constitutive of a trajectory of learning are first defined. The notions presented are next applied to the empirical analysis of one sequence of learning, in which we show the transitions undergone by one object of knowledge as it is being taught to different apprentices in a workshop. On the theoretical plane, the paper thus proposes to view transitions as microdynamics of change. On the methodological plane, it contributes to identifying possible empirical sources and methodological frames to study micro-transitional phenomen

    Skiing, Cheese Fondue and Swiss Watches: Analogical Discourse in Vocational Training Interactions

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    When trainers or teachers in the field of initial vocational education explain abstract notions, refer to technical objects or emphasize the specificities of technical skills, they often call forth concepts and practices different from those that are directly salient in the training situations in which they engage. The aim of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the empirical realities associated with such phenomena by promoting a discursive and interactional approach of what we propose to term "analogical discourse”. Considering that analogies are performed and shared trough language and speech, we propose that concepts and methodological tools borrowed from the field of linguistics can be profitably applied to the analysis of analogical discourse. Not only can they reveal the dynamic and collective nature of analogies as they are performed, disseminated and sometimes negotiated amongst participants, but they can also help reflect about the complexities of vocational learning as it takes place in specific material, practical and socio-cultural environments. From that standpoint, the paper proposes to see analogies not only as related to conceptual development and cognitive dimensions of learning, but as a substantial contribution to the social, cultural and relational dimensions of i

    Paroles en conflits. Communication, médiatisation et action collective

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    L’article propose d’explorer, du point de vue de ce qu’une science de la communication peut apporter, l’articulation entre communication, stratégies de communication et médiatisation face à l’enjeu de la conquête de l’opinion publique par des parties en conflit.L’article propose d’explorer, du point de vue de ce qu’une science de la communication peut apporter, l’articulation entre communication, stratégies de communication et médiatisation face à l’enjeu de la conquête de l’opinion publique par des parties en conflit

    Culture d’entreprise, communication interne et stratégies de changement

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    La pragmatique de la communication incite à lire l’entreprise comme un système de comportements et de contextes en interaction. De ce point de vue, l’organisation est donc directement définie en termes de communication. La culture d’entreprise – au sens courant de culture induite par le management – apparaît dès lors comme une perturbation stratégique du système de communication Interne ou, autrement dit, de la culture de l’entreprise. Ce type d’intervention n’est donc pas sans présenter certains paradoxes et poser certaines questions dont la moindre n’est pas de s’accorder sur la notion de communication interne elle-même.Pragmatics of human communication leads to consider the organization as a system of Interactions and contexts. The organization Is directly considered, from this viewpoint, as a human communication system. Then, the « Corporate culture » – this managerial next strategy-becomes a disturbance of the Internal system of communication by the management. In other words, this disturbance appears as an Intervention on the whole cultural dynamic of the organization. Therefore, such managerial strategy shows paradoxes and puts several questions especially about the concepts of corporate culture and organizational communication

    « Click here if you want to know who I am » : Deixis in personal homepages

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    Personal Homepages (HPs) belong to an emerging genre. Confronted with a kind of text which is still rather undefined, whose form and content are not fixed and to which they haven't had exposure before, authors of HPs tend to take as their model other personal HPs, thus ultimately participating in the conventionalization of a genre. By examining the system of deictic elements that can be found in personal HPs, I study these emerging patterns and show rules of function and stylistic characteristics of these texts. This ultimately leads to a tentative definition of the genre of personal HPs

    La « formation-symptôme » intervention et changement dans les organisations

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    L’organisation est un système de communication, un ensemble contextualisé de comportements en interactions. Souvent, des changements s’y produisent en dehors d’une quelconque politique : les membres de l’organisation s’adaptent et innovent. Dans d’autres cas, le management induira le changement face à des problèmes spécifiques. Mettre sur pied un programme de formation est une des réponses possibles. Mais il arrive que l’exigence de formation soit une manière acceptable d’exprimer que des changements d’une autre nature seraient nécessaires. Le recours à la formation prend valeur de symptôme sans qu’il soit certain qu’une telle initiative soit à conseiller pour atteindre les changements escomptés. Le texte situe la stratégie de formation parmi quatre modes d’induction du changement et montre combien il est préférable d’aborder l’intervention dans une posture initiale de recherche ou d’approche clinique.The organization is conceived as a System of communication, a contextualized set of comportments in interaction. Changes occur spontaneously in organizations, independently of any systematic attempt to generale them. Members of the organization adapt to these changes and innovate. Management might also take on to induce change, to respond to some organizational issues. In these cases, training is one possible response to some punctual or recurring difficulty. The need for training may be just a way to express in acceptable terms a need for change of another nature. Training takes on the value of a symptom, when changes of some other kind would be necessary. In these cases, it is doubtful that training should be advised as a mode of action to produce the changes aimed for
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