1,657 research outputs found

    Theaters: Cinematic Vintage magnified

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    Exhibition review of the show THEATRES at the Deutsches Film Museum in Frankfurt. The critical text offers a reading of the photo series in light of retro-aesthetics and the concept of vintage

    Poetics and politics of the trace: Notes on surveillance practices through Harun Farocki’s work

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    Found footage and archive images, split-screen or a multiplication of the image on screen, a replacement of the original soundtrack with commentary, a detached voice-over alternating long/silent sequences, an explanatory use of info-graphics and tracking technologies. These elements feature in Harun Farocki’s work on surveillance – work ranging from documentary films to video installations that constitutes a complex imagery based on practices of watching and being watched, control and the gaze, triggered throughout private and public spaces

    Dwelling with Moving Images

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    Some filmmakers or artists decide to put art at the heart of their creation, applying not only the relationship between cinema and art to their concept but also to various aspects of the process of creation. Miriam De Rosa addresses this kind of “art contemporary turn” by examining the different incursions of cinema from the point of view of the contemporary art space: “how the contemporary experience of moving images is articulated when it enters art spaces.” The presence of film in this foreign space, transform- ing it into a different and personalised place, can be observed in recent exhibitions: Sleepwalkers (2007); Marta Minujín’s Menesunda Reloaded (2019) at the New Museum in New York; and Sensitive Environments by the Milan-based collective Studio Azzurro

    Ten years of NECSUS: A birthday card

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    Invited contribution tackling the future of media studies focussing on the experience elicited and lived through the media, their environmentalisation and fluid nature across a variety of (postdigital) media configurations

    Non Non Non – Visiting the exhibition with Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi

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    Interview to Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi on the occasion of the first Italian personal retrospective exhibition Non Non Non at Hangar Bicocca in Milan

    Crowd, Space and the Movie Theater Lure. Notes on Contemporary Off/Online Moviegoing

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    The article combines a reflation on contemporary movie going patterns and one on bottom-up logics of distribution

    Elusioni e rivelazioni. L’ombra come metafora e strategia visuale nella videoarte contemporanea

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    Il saggio affronta la questione dell'ombra come metafora del disorientamento e dei fenomeni di displacement per come sono rappresentati nel film d'artista e nella pratica installativa contemporanei. Il focus proposto per le riflessione e' Guests di Kristof Wodczko

    Innovative persistenze. Ruolo e immaginario della sala al MAshRome Film Fest

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    Sempre più di frequente i Film Studies contemporanei tendono a includere nella propria sfera d’interesse fenomeni testuali e socioculturali che si collocano sullo sfondo di quella che da più parti è stata identificata come una sostanziale “reinvenzione del cinema”. Mash up, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, crossmedialità, Creative Commons, cinema collettivo, creatività, remix, pastiche, re-editing sono soltanto alcune delle modulazioni assunte dall’immagine cinematografica oggi. La riflessione che segue si pone l’obiettivo di provare a comprendere le dinamiche che caratterizzano la sala in questa fase di profonda trasformazione del medium, partendo dall’analisi di un caso di studio e cercando di formulare un’interpretazione dell’attuale “azione di colonizzazione” di nuove aree artistico-mediali attivata dal cinema. In tal senso, si tematizzerà questo meccanismo avvalendosi di un frame teorico mutuato dagli studi postcoloniali
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