61 research outputs found

    Smart Cities and challenges of sustainability

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    The paper proposes an idea of smart, secure and inclusive city that generates new directions for architecture and urban spaces, and especially better management, which encourages the use of alternative energy optimization and energy saving in “optical circular urban metabolism”, mobilizing resources and technological behaviors that can make sustainable, and therefore more competitive territory. Future city concept focuses on the optimization of the relationship between technological advancement and challenges of sustainability at the urban scale. A common element in all the cities of the future must be the environmental virtuosity and the participation of smart community. To address the social problems of urban and metropolitan (mobility, security and territorial monitoring, etc.) is not enough to imagine individual services compared to question varied of services, energy control, urban security; policy must be implemented for environmental performance (efficiency and environmental virtuosity) optimizing the participation of the urban community. The implementation of the new idea of the city will strengthen the effective participation of citizens in decision-making: promoting of digital pages and the use of tools that allow you to influence the drafting of policies through electronically dialogue systems. An approach to the city and urban society problems focuses on “prevention”; the answers given by the planning instruments to the new social needs do not end in the “spatialization” of welfare policies. Multiethnic city and security. To elaborate a scientific structure (of knowledge) focused on man, common in multi-ethnic cities in Europe, with the purpose to (evaluate different options) boost the communication and trans-cultural and inter-cultural interaction

    Location based services for wholesale: Where should Orange go?

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    Technology, Policy and Managemen

    Preferences in data usage and the relation to the use of mobile applications

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    Engineering, Systems and ServicesTechnology, Policy and Managemen

    How do business model tools facilitate business model exploration? Evidence from action research

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    Business model tools are commonly used to describe and communicate business model ideas. However, studies do not sufficiently address whether and how business model tools support the early, exploratory phase in which new business models are initiated, conceptualized, assessed and planned. In this exploratory phase, offerings and addressable markets are highly uncertain, which requires extensive idea generation, reframing, comparison and evaluation. This paper examines whether and how business model tools facilitate the process of business model exploration. Through action research, we find three ways in which business model tools can better facilitate the process of exploring, reframing and comparing alternative business models. The paper contributes to business model literature and managerial practice by providing empirical evidence on how tooling facilitates business model exploration.Information and Communication Technolog

    When technological superiority is not enough: The struggle to impose the SIM card as the NFC Secure Element for mobile payment platforms

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    Mobile network operators have long played an essential role in the Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payment ecosystem. In most implementations, the SIM card has been the main technical component to secure payments. Currently, mobile payment providers are increasingly planning to place the Secure Element (SE) for authentication in the handset or cloud, rather than on the SIM card. This paper unveils factors that influence stakeholder preferences for the SE location. To structure the analysis, we use a multi-level framework based on concepts borrowed from multi-sided platform theory. Using interviews with stakeholders, we elicit themes and preferences for each level of the framework (provider, technology, and user). Our findings explain why mobile network operators, despite their superior technology, will likely lose the battle for control in the mobile payment ecosystem.Information and Communication Technolog

    Describing Health Service Platform Architectures: A Guiding Framework

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    Health service platforms (HSPs) facilitate new ways of delivering health care, in order to improve care effectiveness and efficiency. HSPs are a sub-type of digital platforms that have a different purpose compared to market-oriented platforms for product innovation or economic transactions. Hence, traditional descriptions of digital platform architecture, such as the layered modular architecture, may not be sufficient to capture the essential features of HSPs. We create an initial framework for describing HSP architectures in a manner that reflects their purpose, drawing from literature on Service-Dominant Logic and architectural patterns. The framework will be used to guide a multiple-case study of HSP architecture. The results of this research will extend current conceptualizations of digital platform architectures and provide a systematic approach for designing or evolving HSP platform architectures in a manner that better meets patients’ and other health care stakeholders’ needs.Information and Communication Technolog

    Designing business model tooling for business model exploration: An experimental design for evaluation

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    Disruptive technologies drive enterprises to rethink how to create and capture value by revising their business models (BM). Even in cases that the need for BM innovation is clear, how entrepreneurs can do it and what they need to be changed it is not always obvious. That leads to the need for BM exploration. BM tooling can support this process, however, existing BM tools are not widely focused on the BM exploration. In previous steps of our research, we designed and developed a digital tooling for BM exploration. This RiP paper presents the experimental design we plan to use to evaluate the effects of the tooling on the BM exploration. Initial results and future steps are discussed. We expect to contribute to the BM literature by understanding what features of BM tooling contribute to BM exploration.Information and Communication Technolog

    Rethinking consumers' data sharing decisions with the emergence of multi-party computation: An experimental design for evaluation

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    Consumers are increasingly reluctant to share their personal data with businesses due to mounting concerns over privacy and control. Emerging privacy-enhancing technologies like multi-party computation (MPC), which allows generating insights while consumers retain data control, are challenging the current understanding of why consumers share their data. In this research-in-progress paper, we develop and evaluate an instrument and experimental design to investigate the impact of MPC on consumers’ willingness to share data and its antecedents. Preliminary analysis from a pre-study (N=300) indicates a good fit for our model. Also, MPC enhances consumers’ control and trust while reducing privacy concerns and risk, ultimately increasing data sharing willingness. The findings suggest that privacy-enhancing technologies significantly affect both the willingness to share data itself and its typical antecedents. The next step will conduct a large-scale online experiment using the developed instruments to evaluate further the impact of MPC on consumers’ willingness to share data.Information and Communication Technolog

    Consumer studies on digital platforms adoption and continuance: A structured literature review

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    As digital platforms have become the locus of competition and innovation in the digital economy, it is imperative to understand consumer decisions on adoption and usage. Digital platforms have unique traits, as they are extensible and often mediate between users. These traits may require understandings to move beyond generic (post-)adoption theories. This paper reviews the rapidly growing body of empirical consumer studies on digital platforms in order to identify emerging trends in this field. After a structured literature review, we conduct a network analysis using the hypotheses that are supported in the papers. We find a wide variety of over 130 concepts is considered. Factors from generic (post-) adoption theories are often studied, alongside factors related to the concept of network effects. We find differences between the importance of direct, indirect, local and global network effects. We find that studies pay relatively little attention to characteristics that arise from the extensibility of digital platforms, such as openness, control, security and privacy. We posit that IS researchers have the important task of opening up this black box of digital platform characteristics and theorize how notions of extensibility and generativity affect consumer decisions, going beyond mainstream theories on adoption and continuance.Information and Communication Technolog

    Cooperation and knowledge challenges in realizing smart homes: The case of small installer businesses

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    Despite technological advances, smart home concepts are not receiving widespread adoption. Small businesses that install and maintain heating, security and energy-saving systems could play a major role in bringing advanced technologies to home owners. However, the role of such small installer businesses in the smart living industry is generally overlooked in practice as well as academic literature. This paper studies challenges small installer businesses face when offering smart home and smart living services. A survey, as well as in-depth interviews, are conducted. A main pattern across the findings is that small installers, despite their potential role, are reluctant to be involved in the smart living industry. Lack of knowledge and entrepreneurial skills, limited sharing of knowledge and lack of cooperation hinder small installer businesses to offer smart living services.Information and Communication Technolog
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