57 research outputs found

    Adjuvancy and reactogenicity of N-acetylglycosaminyl-N-acetylmuramyl-dipeptide (GMDP) orally administered just prior to trivalent influenza subunit vaccine. A double-blind placebo-controlled study in nursing home residents.

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    One hundred and fifty-three nursing home residents received 0, 5, 25 or 50 mg N-acetylglucosaminyl-N-acetylmuramyl-dipeptide (GMDP) orally, and trivalent influenza subunit vaccine intramuscularly. One day after intervention, there was a strong increase of total leucocytes, monocytes and neutrophils in the groups receiving 25 or 50 mg GMDP. A GMDP dose dependent increase in systemic, but not in local, vaccine side-effects was observed. No significant differences in post-vaccination haemagglutination inhibiting serum antibody titres were observed between the four groups, indicating that oral administration of GMDP together with influenza vaccination, does not lead to a higher vaccine efficacy

    Management system for optimizing public transport networks: GPS record

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    As cities continue to grow in size and population, the design of public transport networks becomes complicated, given the wide diversity in the origins and destinations of users [1], as well as the saturation of vehicle infrastructure in large cities despite their attempts to adapt it according to population distribution. This indicates that, in order to reduce users’ travel time, it is necessary to implement alternative road solutions to the use of cars, increasing investment in public transportation [2, 3] by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the state of transportation. This situation has made appear the solutions and development oriented to transportation based on Internet of Things (IoT) which allows, in a first stage, monitoring of public transport systems, in order to optimize the deployment of transport units and thus reduce the time of transfer of users through the cities [4]. These solution proposals are focused on information collected from user resources (data collected through smart phones) to create a common database [5]. The present study proposes the development of an intelligent monitoring and management system for public transportation networks using a hybrid communication architecture based on wireless node networks using IPv6 and cellular networks (LTE, LTE-M)

    How false theories can yield genuine understanding

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    Groene ruimte in de Randstad: een evaluatie van het rijksbeleid voor bufferzones en de Randstadgroenstructuur; achtergronddocument bij Natuurbalans 2004

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    ertoe geleid dat in de directe omgeving van steden grote open gebieden onbebouwd zijn gebleven. Bovendien zijn er grote groene recreatiegebieden aangelegd die zeer in trek zijn bij omwonenden. Planologische onduidelijkheid, onvoldoende bestuurlijke regie en, daarmee samenhangend, ontwikkelingen op de grondmarkt hebben ertoe geleid dat de aanleg van groengebieden de afgelopen jaren stagneert. Recentelijk is het rijksbeleid overgedragen aan provincies. Deze hebben echter nog moeite om de integrale ontwikkeling van grote groengebieden in samenhang met rood te regisseren. Vooral ervaring en middelen ontbreken. Omdat projectontwikkelaars inmiddels aanzienlijke grondposities in strategische delen van de bufferzones hebben verworven, moeten provincies publiek-private samenwerking opzetten om de geplande groengebieden te realiseren. Trefwoorden: ruimtelijke ordening, randstadgroen, rijksbufferzone, recreati

    Setting up a freight transportation model for Java in Indonesia

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    The project consisted of the development of a freight transportation model for the island Java in Indonesia. A literature study concerning freight modelling has been performed to formulate an appropriate framework of such a model for the given situation. Different data sources have been identified, analyzed and combined to be used as input for the model. The framewook has been demonstrated by a 'proof of concept' model that has been build in OmniTRANS. Two applications of the model have been demonstrated. The contributions of this study are the feasibility study for a freight transportation model for Java and recommendations how to improve the 'proof of concept' model in a full working model.Transport & PlanningCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Critical care nephrology: could it be a model of multidisciplinarity in ICU nowadays for other sub-specialities – the jury is out

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    Patrick M Honoré,1 Rita Jacobs,1 Olivier Joannes-Boyau,2 Elisabeth De Waele,1 Jouke De Regt,1 Viola Van Gorp,1 Herbert D Spapen1 1ICU Department, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium; 2ICU Department, Haut Leveque University Hospital of Bordeaux, University of Bordeaux 2, Pessac, France Abstract: Emergency and critical care medicine have grown into robust self-supporting disciplines with an increasing demand for dedicated highly-skilled physicians. In the past, “core” specialists were asked to offer bedside advice in acute care wards. In the same regard, critical care medicine and nephrology have been fighting but finally emerged altogether with the concept of critical care nephrology almost 20 years ago. Indeed, polyvalence is no longer a valid option in modern critical care. Uniting forces between disciplines represents the only way to cope with the increasing complexity and cumulating knowledge in the critical care setting. For this reason, the wide array of upcoming acute care sub-specialities must be committed to unrestricted growth and development. This will require competent manpower, a well-designed technical framework, and sufficient financial support. The worldwide success of critical care nephrology proves the feasibility for this concept. Keywords: translational medicine, multidisciplinarity, acute medicine, CRRT, dialysis, critical care nephrolog
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