41,716 research outputs found
Transmission coefficient and two-fold degenerate discrete spectrum of spin-1 bosons in a double-step potential
The scattering of spin-1 bosons in a nonminimal vector double-step potential
is described in terms of eigenstates of the helicity operator and it is shown
that the transmission coefficient is insensitive to the choice of the
polarization of the incident beam. Poles of the transmission amplitude reveal
the existence of a two-fold degenerate spectrum. The results are interpreted in
terms of solutions of two coupled effective Schr\"{o}dinger equations for a
finite square well with additional -functions situated at the borders.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1203.119
Chaos and a Resonance Mechanism for Structure Formation in Inflationary Models
We exhibit a resonance mechanism of amplification of density perturbations in
inflationary mo-dels, using a minimal set of ingredients (an effective
cosmological constant, a scalar field minimally coupled to the gravitational
field and matter), common to most models in the literature of inflation. This
mechanism is based on the structure of homoclinic cylinders, emanating from an
unstable periodic orbit in the neighborhood of a saddle-center critical point,
present in the phase space of the model. The cylindrical structure induces
oscillatory motions of the scales of the universe whenever the orbit visits the
neighborhood of the saddle-center, before the universe enters a period of
exponential expansion. The oscillations of the scale functions produce, by a
resonance mechanism, the amplification of a selected wave number spectrum of
density perturbations, and can explain the hierarchy of scales observed in the
actual universe. The transversal crossings of the homoclinic cylinders induce
chaos in the dynamics of the model, a fact intimately connected to the
resonance mechanism occuring immediately before the exit to inflation.Comment: 4 pages. This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity
Research Foundation, 1998-Ed. To appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.
Corrections to Finite Size Scaling in Percolation
A 1/L-expansion for percolation problems is proposed, where L is the lattice
finite length. The square lattice with 27 different sizes L = 18, 22 ... 1594
is considered. Certain spanning probabilities were determined by Monte Carlo
simulations, as continuous functions of the site occupation probability p. We
estimate the critical threshold pc by applying the quoted expansion to these
data. Also, the universal spanning probability at pc for an annulus with aspect
ratio r=1/2 is estimated as C = 0.876657(45)
Monte Carlo Simulations of Some Dynamical Aspects of Drop Formation
In this work we present some results from computer simulations of dynamical
aspects of drop formation in a leaky faucet. Our results, which agree very well
with the experiments, suggest that only a few elements, at the microscopic
level, would be necessary to describe the most important features of the
system. We were able to set all parameters of the model in terms of real ones.
This is an additional advantage with respect to previous theoretical works.Comment: 7 pages (Latex), 6 figures (PS) Accepted to publication in Int. J.
Mod. Phys. C Source Codes at http://www.if.uff.br/~arlim
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