30 research outputs found

    Integrated genomic and metabolomic profiling of ISC1, an emerging Leishmania donovani population in the Indian subcontinent.

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    Leishmania donovani is the responsible agent for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the Indian subcontinent (ISC). The disease is lethal without treatment and causes 0.2 to 0.4 million cases each year. Recently, reports of VL in Nepalese hilly districts have increased as well as VL cases caused by L. donovani from the ISC1 genetic group, a new and emerging genotype. In this study, we perform for the first time an integrated, untargeted genomics and metabolomics approach to characterize ISC1, in comparison with the Core Group (CG), main population that drove the most recent outbreak of VL in the ISC. We show that the ISC1 population is very different from the CG, both at genome and metabolome levels. The genomic differences include SNPs, CNV and small indels in genes coding for known virulence factors, immunogens and surface proteins. Both genomic and metabolic approaches highlighted dissimilarities related to membrane lipids, the nucleotide salvage pathway and the urea cycle in ISC1 versus CG. Many of these pathways and molecules are important for the interaction with the host/extracellular environment. Altogether, our data predict major functional differences in ISC1 versus CG parasites, including virulence. Therefore, particular attention is required to monitor the fate of this emerging ISC1 population in the ISC, especially in a post-VL elimination context

    Caractérisation d'une chaîne lourde de kinésine et de son rôle immunomodulateur chez Trypanosoma brucei

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    Le Trypanosome africain, dont Trypanosoma brucei est le prototype, est un parasite sévissant en Afrique sub-tropicale. Il est responsable de la maladie du sommeil chez l’Homme et de diverses affections chez les animaux tant sauvages que domestiques.T. brucei est un parasite extracellulaire qui se développe dans le sang de son hôte mammifère. Il est donc confronté en permanence au système immunitaire de l’hôte et a en conséquence, afin de générer un environnement plus favorable à sa croissance, établit différents mécanismes d’échappement tels que la variation antigénique ou l’immunomodulation. Dans ce contexte, il a été montré que T.brucei libère des facteurs capables d’induire la voie arginase des macrophages. Cette induction peut favoriser la croissance des trypanosomes dans le sang de leur hôte de diverses manières. Premièrement, l’arginase participe à la synthèse de composés tels que les polyamines ou la trypanothione, facteurs de croissance des cellules. Deuxièmement, l’arginase partage le même substrat que la NO synthase inductible (iNOS), ces deux enzymes sont donc en compétition et l’activation de l’arginase pourrait contribuer à diminuer la quantité de NO, composé cytostatique et cytotoxique, produit par les macrophages en limitant le substrat disponible pour l’iNOS. Troisièmement, la déplétion du milieu en arginine suite à l’activation de l’arginase inhibe la prolifération de cellules du système immunitaire dont les lymphocytes T.Nous avons identifié une chaîne lourde de kinésine chez T.brucei, TbKHC1 (Trypanosoma brucei Kinesin Heavy Chain 1), appartenant à la superfamille des kinésines, comme un candidat potentiellement capable d’induire la voie arginase des macrophages. TbKHC1 est principalement exprimée au stade sanguicole du parasite et est localisée au niveau de la région endo-exocytaire. Dans un modèle d’infection murin, une invalidation de l’expression de TbKHC1 (par ARN interférence ou par knock-out) conduit à une diminution du premier pic de parasitémie et à une prolongation de la survie des souris infectées. Nous avons montré que TbKHC1 joue un rôle dans l’interaction hôte/parasite à deux niveaux indépendants :premièrement, l’induction de la voie arginase des macrophages par TbKHC1 en début d’infection favorise la croissance du parasite et son établissement au sein de son hôte. Deuxièmement, elle joue un rôle dans l’induction de la pathologie liée à l’infection. Doctorat en Sciencesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    G418, phleomycin and hygromycin selection of recombinant Trypanosoma brucei parasites refractory to long-term in vitro culture.

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    Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Leishmania major protein disulfide isomerase as a drug target : Enzymatic and functional characterization.

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    International audienceLeishmaniasis is a major health problem worldwide and tools available for their control are limited. Effective vaccines are still lacking, drugs are toxic and expensive, and parasites develop resistance to chemotherapy. In this context, new antimicrobials are urgently needed to control the disease in both human and animal. Here, we report the enzymatic and functional characterization of a Leishmania virulence factor, Leishmania major Protein disulfide isomerase (LmPDI) that could constitute a potential drug target. LmPDI possesses domain structure organization similar to other PDI family members (a, a', b, b' and c domains), and it displays the three enzymatic and functional activities specific of PDI family members: isomerase, reductase and chaperone. These results suggest that LmPDI plays a key role in assisting Leishmania protein folding via its capacity to catalyze formation, breakage, and rearrangement of disulfide bonds in nascent polypeptides. Moreover, Bacitracin, a reductase activity inhibitor, and Ribostamycin, a chaperone activity inhibitor, were tested in LmPDI enzymatic assays and versus Leishmania promastigote in vitro cultures and Leishmania amastigote multiplication inside infected THP-1-derived macrophages. Bacitracin inhibited both isomerase and reductase activities, while Ribostamycin had no effect on the chaperone activity. Interestingly, Bacitracin blocked in vitro promastigote growth as well as amastigote multiplication inside macrophages with EC(50) values of 39 μM. These results suggest that LmPDI may constitute an interesting target for the development of new anti-Leishmania drugs

    Naloxonazine, an Amastigote-Specific Compound, Affects Leishmania Parasites through Modulation of Host-Encoded Functions.

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    Host-directed therapies (HDTs) constitute promising alternatives to traditional therapy that directly targets the pathogen but is often hampered by pathogen resistance. HDT could represent a new treatment strategy for leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease caused by the obligate intracellular parasite Leishmania. This protozoan develops exclusively within phagocytic cells, where infection relies on a complex molecular interplay potentially exploitable for drug targets. We previously identified naloxonazine, a compound specifically active against intracellular but not axenic Leishmania donovani. We evaluated here whether this compound could present a host cell-dependent mechanism of action. Microarray profiling of THP-1 macrophages treated with naloxonazine showed upregulation of vATPases, which was further linked to an increased volume of intracellular acidic vacuoles. Treatment of Leishmania-infected macrophages with the vATPase inhibitor concanamycin A abolished naloxonazine effects, functionally demonstrating that naloxonazine affects Leishmania amastigotes indirectly, through host cell vacuolar remodeling. These results validate amastigote-specific screening approaches as a powerful way to identify alternative host-encoded targets. Although the therapeutic value of naloxonazine itself is unproven, our results further demonstrate the importance of intracellular acidic compartments for host defense against Leishmania, highlighting the possibility of targeting this host cell compartment for anti-leishmanial therapy.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    A high-throughput turbidometric assay for screening inhibitors of Leishmania major protein disulfide isomerase.

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    International audienceThe use of a high-throughput technique to perform a pilot screen for Leishmania major protein disulfide isomerase (LmPDI) inhibitors identification is reported. In eukaryotic cells, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) plays a crucial role in protein folding by catalyzing the rearrangement of disulfide bonds in substrate proteins following their synthesis. LmPDI displays similar domain structure organization and functional properties to other PDI family members and is involved in Leishmania virulence. The authors used a method based on the enzyme-catalyzed reduction of insulin in the presence of dithiothreitol. The screen of a small library of 1920 compounds was performed in a 384-well format and led to the identification of 27 compounds with inhibitory activity against LmPDI. The authors further tested the cytotoxicity of these compounds using Jurkat cells as well as their effect on Leishmania donovani amastigotes using high-content analysis. Results show hexachlorophene and a mixture of theaflavin monogallates inhibit Leishmania multiplication in infected macrophages derived from THP-1 cells, although the inhibitory effect on LmPDI enzymatic activity does not necessarily correlate with the antileishmanial activity