174 research outputs found

    Analysis of thermal field within an urban canyon with variable thermophysical characteristics of the building's walls.

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    In a typical urban configuration, a microclimatic analysis has been carried out. Using a CFD method, a N-S oriented urban street canyon, with a given H/W ratio, has been examined. The standard k–ε turbulence model has been used to simulate a three-dimensional flow field and to calculate the thermo-fluid dynamics parameters that characterize the street canyon. In this study has been analyzed the thermal flow field when the walls of the building change the properties of solar radiation absorption, in particular for α=0.2 and α=0.8. Solar radiation considered is that of 21/07 in Milan in two different hours: at 11:00 a.m. and at 02:00 p.m. The study shows the importance of the thermophysical properties of a wall, in the development of the thermal field and flow field. This is a very important topic, in terms of improvement of well-being and the quality of the air within the cities, through the choice of materials and colors of the facades of buildings.

    Case study on economic return on investments for safety and emergency lighting in road tunnels

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    While planning a double-hole road tunnel with a length higher than one km, it is important to pay attention to the safety factor if an accident occurs. If there is a power outage, in order to avoid critical situations that could jeopardize the safety of the people present (facilitating the stream coming out from the tunnel and the arrival of the emergency personnel), it is really important to guarantee uninterrupted lighting of roadways, mandatory emergency lay-bys, and ways of escape. Uninterrupted service of the lighting systems supply must be guaranteed, in accordance with the current regulations, through the exertion of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) and power units. During tunnel construction, such devices represent a cost that must be amortized. In this case study, which takes into consideration a section of a road tunnel characterized by emergency lay-bys and ways of escape, emergency and security lighting were planned and installation and management costs were evaluated. The goal of this research was the creation of a cash flow thanks to the energy generated by photovoltaic panels, in a way that the service life of the system (25 years) coincided with the amortization of the costs of the backup electrical equipment installation (complying with the regulations). The possibility of over-dimensioning the UPS and providing it with a proper photovoltaic panel surface (235 kWp) to generate and exchange electric energy with the grid was taken into consideration

    On the impact of urban micro climate on the energy consumption of buildings

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    The energy consumption of urban buildings is affected by the surrounding microclimate which differs from standard weather data and by mutual obstructions between buildings, which decrease sunlight and wind potentials for internal solar gains and passive cooling. The building construction itself affects both outdoor and indoor microclimate. This research addresses these interdependences in respect with energy performance. An urban structures are investigated with a fixed value of H/W and solar orientation. The numerical method used is the building energy model (TRNSYS), for simulating building energetic and thermal responses to external and internal settings and the Sombrero software to evaluate the to evaluate the shading of surrounding buildings

    Energy and thermodynamical study of a small innovative compressed air energy storage system (micro-CAES)

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    There is a growing interest in the electrical energy storage system, due to the high penetration of the energy produced by renewable sources, the possibility of leveling the absorption peak of the electric network (peak shaving) and the advantage of separating the production phase from the exertion phase (time shift). Compressed air energy storage systems (CAES) are one of the most promising technologies of this field, because they are characterized by a high reliability, low environmental impact and a remarkable energy density. The main disadvantage of big systems is that they depend on geological formations which are necessary to the storage. The micro-CAES system, with a rigid storage vessel, guarantees a high portability of the system and a higher adaptability even with distributed or stand-alone energy productions. This article carries out a thermodynamical and energy analysis of the micro-CAES system, a result of the mathematical model created in a Matlab/Simulink® environment. New ideas will be discussed, as the one concerning the quasi-isothermal compression/expansion, through the exertion of a biphasic mixture, that will increase the total system efficiency and enable a combined production of electric, thermal and refrigeration energies. This is something promising for the development of an experimental devic

    A methodological comparison between energy and environmental performance evaluation

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    The European Union is working on strategies in order to increase the energy efficiency of buildings. A useful solution is to identify the energy performance of buildings through the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), as it provides information for the comparison of buildings with different architectural typology, shape, design technology and geographic location. However, this tool does not assess the real energy consumption of the building and does not always take into account its impact on the environment. In this work, two different types of analysis were carried out: one based only on the energy efficiency and the other one based on the environmental impact. Those analyses were applied on a standard building, set in three different Italian locations, with the purpose of obtaining cross-related information. After the evaluation of the results, interventions on some parameters (walls insulation, windows frame, filler gas in the insulated glazing) have been identified in order to improve the energy behavior of the building with an acceptable environmental impact. The aim of this paper is to propose a methodology that integrates the EPC with green building rating systems, leading to a more conscious choice of retrofit interventions as a compromise between energy performances and environmental impact

    A Method to Evaluate the Stimulation of a Real World Field of View by Means of a Spectroradiometric Analysis

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    Stimulation elicited by a real world field of view is related to the color, the intensity and the direction of the information reaching the eye: different spectral power distributions of light trigger different responses. An evaluation of the stimulation provided by the field of view can be performed by measuring the spectral radiance with a spectroradiometer and weighting this data with an efficiency curve. Different weights (physical, physiological and psychological) can lead to different analyses and consequently to different results. The proposed method allows an overall and simplified evaluation of the field of view based on spectral and luminance measures and a script that processes the luminous information. The final aim of this approach is to provide further information about the light stimulation reaching the retina and to supply a qualitative evaluation of the field of view, allowing to know how much stimulation is coming from a certain area within the visual field depending on the type of surface, basing on spectral and directional information. This approach can have practical implications, allowing technicians and designers to take into consideration the possible visual fields, in order to properly shape the features of stimulation throughout the day, hence following a field of view-based dynamic design

    A Method to Evaluate the Stimulation of a Real World Field of View by Means of a Spectroradiometric Analysis

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    Stimulation elicited by a real world field of view is related to the color, the intensity and the direction of the information reaching the eye: different spectral power distributions of light trigger different responses. An evaluation of the stimulation provided by the field of view can be performed by measuring the spectral radiance with a spectroradiometer and weighting this data with an efficiency curve. Different weights (physical, physiological and psychological) can lead to different analyses and consequently to different results. The proposed method allows an overall and simplified evaluation of the field of view based on spectral and luminance measures and a script that processes the luminous information. The final aim of this approach is to provide further information about the light stimulation reaching the retina and to supply a qualitative evaluation of the field of view, allowing to know how much stimulation is coming from a certain area within the visual field depending on the type of surface, basing on spectral and directional information. This approach can have practical implications, allowing technicians and designers to take into consideration the possible visual fields, in order to properly shape the features of stimulation throughout the day, hence following a field of view-based dynamic design

    Urban lighting project for a small town: comparing citizens and authority benefits

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    The smart and resilient city evolves by slow procedures of mutation without radical changes, increasing the livability of its territory. The value of the city center in a Smart City can increase through urban lighting systems: its elements on the territory can collect and convey data to increase services to city users; the electrical system becomes the so-called Smart Grid. This paper presents a study of smart lighting for a small town, a touristic location inside a nature reserve on the Italian coast. Three different approaches have been proposed, from minimal to more invasive interventions, and their effect on the territory has been investigated. Based on street typology and its surroundings, the work analyzes the opportunity to introduce smart and useful services for the citizens starting from a retrofitting intervention. Smart city capabilities are examined, showing how it is possible to provide new services to the cities through ICT (Information and Communication Technology) without deep changes and simplifying the control of basic city functions. The results evidence an important impact on annual energy costs, suggesting smart grid planning not only for metropolis applications, but also in smaller towns, such as the examined one

    Thermal comfort in the historical urban canyon: the effect of innovative materials

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    Urban heat island (UHI) can considerably affect the thermal quality of the urban environment, especially within urban canyons, that have typically low sky view factor and limited surface heat re-emission capability. A huge research effort has been registered to develop mitigation solutions for UHI, such as cool materials and greenery. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to apply such strategies in historical urban environments due to constrains for the preservation of their cultural value that do not allow to modify the exterior architectural appearance of heritage buildings. In this scenario, the present paper deals with the analysis of the potential of innovative cool materials characterized by the same appearance of historical ones in mitigating the UHI occurring in the context of a historical urban canyon located in central Italy selected as pilot case study. To this purpose, a preliminary experimental characterization of such innovative highly reflective materials has been performed. Afterwards, an experimental continuous monitoring campaign of the main outdoor microclimate parameters and a numerical modelling of the canyon have been carried out to evaluate the local mitigation capability of such materials when applied over the vertical and horizontal surfaces of the historical canyon. The results show the huge potential of the proposed innovative cool materials in mitigating the local microclimate of the historical urban canyon. In fact, a MOCI reduction up to 0.15 and 0.30 is detected by applying cool red envelope materials and cool red envelope materials plus cool grey paving materials, respectively, on the canyon surfaces

    A case study of technical and economic comparison among energy production systems in a complex of historic buildings in Rome

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    Recently, great attention has been given to the transition from centralized to distributed generation energy production systems. There is a growing potential regarding the use of trigeneration systems in the residential sector because they have the ability to produce thermal energy and electricity from a single source of fuel. This study has the goal to determine the best systems able to satisfy the demand for electricity and thermal energy for a complex of historic buildings in Rome. Such analysis has been conducted using a specific tool conceived for energetic and financial analysis: the RETScreen software. © 2013 The Authors
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