3,742 research outputs found

    Poverty effects of higher food prices : a global perspective

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    The spike in food prices between 2005 and the first half of 2008 has highlighted the vulnerabilities of poor consumers to higher prices of agricultural goods and generated calls for massive policy action. This paper provides a formal assessment of the direct and indirect impacts of higher prices on global poverty using a representative sample of 63 to 93 percent of the population of the developing world. To assess the direct effects, the paper uses domestic food consumer price data between January 2005 and December 2007--when the relative price of food rose by an average of 5.6 percent --to find that the implied increase in the extreme poverty headcount at the global level is 1.7 percentage points, with significant regional variation. To take the second-order effects into account, the paper links household survey data with a global general equilibrium model, finding that a 5.5 percent increase in agricultural prices (due to rising demand for first-generation biofuels) could raise global poverty in 2010 by 0.6 percentage points at the extreme poverty line and 0.9 percentage points at the moderate poverty line. Poverty increases at the regional level vary substantially, with nearly all of the increase in extreme poverty occurring in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.Rural Poverty Reduction,Food&Beverage Industry,Poverty Lines,Emerging Markets

    Economic performance under NAFTA : a firm-level analysis of the trade-productivity linkages

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    Did the North American Free Trade Agreement make Mexican firms more productive? If so, through which channels? This paper addresses these questions by deploying an innovative microeconometric approach that disentangles the various channels through which integration with the global markets (via international trade) can affect firm-level productivity. The results show that the North American Free Trade Agreement stimulated the productivity of Mexican plants via: (1) an increase in import competition and (2) a positive effect on access to imported intermediate inputs. However, the impact of trade reforms was not identical for all integrated firms, with fully integrated firms (i.e. firms simultaneously exporting and importing) benefiting more than other integrated firms. Contrary to previous results, once self-selection problems are solved, the analysis finds a rather weak relationship between exports and productivity growth.Economic Theory&Research,Free Trade,Labor Policies,Knowledge for Development,Microfinance


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    The principal objective of this project is to summarize the characteristics that define urban sustainability in Mexican cities; its basic principles and the advantages of their application in the development of future cities, as well as the description of the indicators of urban sustainability that directly affect the development of communities, from households, colonies or neighbourhoods to cities or regions. The project’s method is based on the analysis of bibliographical information and the revision of some practical cases that refer to the development of sustainable indicators in urban environment.Indicators, sustainability, urbanism, development, cities.

    The impact of food inflation on urban poverty and its monetary cost : some back-of-the-envelope calculations

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    This paper uses a sample of 73 developing countries to estimate the change in the cost of alleviating urban poverty brought about by the recent increase in food prices. This cost is approximated by the change in the poverty deficit, that is, the variation in financial resources required to eliminate poverty under perfect targeting. The results show that, for most countries, the cost represents less than 0.1 percent of gross domestic product. However, in the most severely affected, it may exceed 3 percent. In all countries, the change in the poverty deficit is mostly due to the negative real income effect of those households that were poor before the price shock, while the cost attributable to new households falling into poverty is negligible. Thus, in countries where transfer mechanisms with effective targeting already exist, the most cost-effective strategy would be to scale up such programs rather than designing tools to identify the new poor.Rural Poverty Reduction,Population Policies,Food&Beverage Industry,Debt Markets

    Arquitectura bioclimática y energía solar : energía solar sus usos

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    1 archivo PDF (16 páginas)"Solemos hablar de energía solar como una "nueva" fuente energética que todavía está lejos de ser aprovechada cabalmente; que requiere todavía de mucha investigación para poder ser considerada práctica. Sin embargo la energía solar ha tenido varios usos desde la antigua Grecia hasta nuestros días, por ello Tocaremos brevemente a manera de recordatorio, algunos hitos históricos acerca del uso directo de la energía solar por el hombre, señalando los casos más significativos y mejor documentados y que tengan una relación más directa con la problemática actual"

    Distributional effects of the Panama Canal expansion

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    This paper uses a dynamic macro-micro framework to evaluate the potential distributional effects of the expansion of the Panama Canal. The results show that large macroeconomic effects are only likely during the operations phase (2014 and onward), and income gains are likely to be concentrated at the top of the income distribution. The additional foreign exchange inflows during the construction and operations phases result in the loss of competitiveness of non-Canal sectors (Dutch disease) and in higher domestic prices, which hurt the poorest consumers. In addition, the construction and operation activities increase demand for more educated non-farm formal workers. Although these changes encourage additional labor movement out of agriculture and from the informal to the formal sector, much of the impact is manifested in growing wage disparities and widening income inequality. Using the additional revenues of the Canal expansion in a targeted cash transfer program such as"Red de Oportunidades", the Government of Panama could offset the adverse distributional effects and eradicate extreme poverty.Economic Theory&Research,Labor Policies,Markets and Market Access,Labor Markets,Emerging Markets

    La ocupación Inca en el Valle del Cajón

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    Fil: De Hoyos, María. Universidad de Buenos Aire

    Can Maquila Booms Reduce Poverty? Evidence from Honduras

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    This paper identifies and estimates the strength of the reduction in poverty linked to improved opportunities for women in the expanding maquila sector. A simulation exercise shows that, at a given point in time, poverty in Honduras would have been 1.5 percentage points higher had the maquila sector not existed. Of this increase in poverty, 0.35 percentage points is attributable to the wage premium paid to maquila workers, 0.1 percentage points to the wage premium received by women in the maquila sector, and 1 percentage point to employment creation. Given that female maquila workers represent only 1.1 percent of the active population in Honduras, this contribution to poverty reduction is significant.Trade liberalization; maquila; poverty; gender wage gap; Honduras