8 research outputs found

    Protein export through the bacterial Sec pathway

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    The general secretory (Sec) pathway comprises an essential, ubiquitous and universal export machinery for most proteins that integrate into, or translocate through, the plasma membrane. Sec exportome polypeptides are synthesized as pre-proteins that have cleavable signal peptides fused to the exported mature domains. Recent advances have re-evaluated the interaction networks of pre-proteins with chaperones that are involved in pre-protein targeting from the ribosome to the SecYEG channel and have identified conformational signals as checkpoints for high-fidelity targeting and translocation. The recent structural and mechanistic insights into the channel and its ATPase motor SecA are important steps towards the elucidation of the allosteric crosstalk that mediates secretion. In this Review, we discuss recent biochemical, structural and mechanistic insights into the consecutive steps of the Sec pathway - sorting and targeting, translocation and release - in both co-translational and post-translational modes of export. The architecture and conformational dynamics of the SecYEG channel and its regulation by ribosomes, SecA and pre-proteins are highlighted. Moreover, we present conceptual models of the mechanisms and energetics of the Sec-pathway dependent secretion process in bacteria.status: publishe

    Protein folding in the cell envelope of Escherichia coli

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    While the entire proteome is synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes, almost half associates with, localizes in or crosses the bacterial cell envelope. In Escherichia coli a variety of mechanisms are important for taking these polypeptides into or across the plasma membrane, maintaining them in soluble form, trafficking them to their correct cell envelope locations and then folding them into the right structures. The fidelity of these processes must be maintained under various environmental conditions including during stress; if this fails, proteases are called in to degrade mislocalized or aggregated proteins. Various soluble, diffusible chaperones (acting as holdases, foldases or pilotins) and folding catalysts are also utilized to restore proteostasis. These responses can be general, dealing with multiple polypeptides, with functional overlaps and operating within redundant networks. Other chaperones are specialized factors, dealing only with a few exported proteins. Several complex machineries have evolved to deal with binding to, integration in and crossing of the outer membrane. This complex protein network is responsible for fundamental cellular processes such as cell wall biogenesis; cell division; the export, uptake and degradation of molecules; and resistance against exogenous toxic factors. The underlying processes, contributing to our fundamental understanding of proteostasis, are a treasure trove for the development of novel antibiotics, biopharmaceuticals and vaccines.status: publishe

    Trigger factor is a bona fide secretory pathway chaperone that interacts with SecB and the translocase

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    Bacterial secretory preproteins are translocated across the inner membrane post-translationally by the SecYEG-SecA translocase. Mature domain features and signal peptides maintain preproteins in kinetically trapped, largely soluble, folding intermediates. Some aggregation-prone preproteins require chaperones, like trigger factor (TF) and SecB, for solubility and/or targeting. TF antagonizes the contribution of SecB to secretion by an unknown molecular mechanism. We reconstituted this interaction in vitro and studied targeting and secretion of the model preprotein pro-OmpA. TF and SecB display distinct, unsuspected roles in secretion. Tightly associating TF:pro-OmpA targets the translocase at SecA, but TF prevents pro-OmpA secretion. In solution, SecB binds TF:pro-OmpA with high affinity. At the membrane, when bound to the SecA C-tail, SecB increases TF and TF:pro-OmpA affinities for the translocase and allows pro-OmpA to resume translocation. Our data reveal that TF, a main cytoplasmic folding pathway chaperone, is also a bona fide post-translational secretory chaperone that directly interacts with both SecB and the translocase to mediate regulated protein secretion. Thus, TF links the cytoplasmic folding and secretion chaperone networks.status: publishe

    Effective Small Molecule Antibacterials from a Novel Anti-Protein Secretion Screen

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    The increasing problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics underscores the urgent need for new antibacterials. Protein export pathways are attractive potential targets. The Sec pathway is essential for bacterial viability and includes components that are absent from eukaryotes. Here, we used a new high-throughput in vivo screen based on the secretion and activity of alkaline phosphatase (PhoA), a Sec-dependent secreted enzyme that becomes active in the periplasm. The assay was optimized for a luminescence-based substrate and was used to screen a ~240K small molecule compound library. After hit confirmation and analoging, 14 HTS secretion inhibitors (HSI), belonging to eight structural classes, were identified with IC50 < 60 µM. The inhibitors were evaluated as antibacterials against 19 Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial species (including those from the WHO’s top pathogens list). Seven of them—HSI#6, 9; HSI#1, 5, 10; and HSI#12, 14—representing three structural families, were bacteriocidal. HSI#6 was the most potent hit against 13 species of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria with IC50 of 0.4 to 8.7 μM. HSI#1, 5, 9 and 10 inhibited the viability of Gram-positive bacteria with IC50 ~6.9–77.8 μM. HSI#9, 12, and 14 inhibited the viability of E. coli strains with IC50 < 65 μM. Moreover, HSI#1, 5 and 10 inhibited the viability of an E. coli strain missing TolC to improve permeability with IC50 4 to 14 μM, indicating their inability to penetrate the outer membrane. The antimicrobial activity was not related to the inhibition of the SecA component of the translocase in vitro, and hence, HSI molecules may target new unknown components that directly or indirectly affect protein secretion. The results provided proof of the principle that the new broad HTS approach can yield attractive nanomolar inhibitors that have potential as new starting compounds for optimization to derive potential antibiotics

    Long-Lived Folding Intermediates Predominate the Targeting-Competent Secretome

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    Secretory preproteins carry signal peptides fused amino-terminally to mature domains. They are post-translationally targeted to cross the plasma membrane in non-folded states with the help of translocases, and fold only at their final destinations. The mechanism of this process of postponed folding is unknown, but is generally attributed to signal peptides and chaperones. We herein demonstrate that, during targeting, most mature domains maintain loosely packed folding intermediates. These largely soluble states are signal peptide independent and essential for translocase recognition. These intermediates are promoted by mature domain features: residue composition, elevated disorder, and reduced hydrophobicity. Consequently, a mature domain folds slower than its cytoplasmic structural homolog. Some mature domains could not evolve stable, loose intermediates, and hence depend on signal peptides for slow folding to the detriment of solubility. These unique features of secretory proteins impact our understanding of protein trafficking, folding, and aggregation, and thus place them in a distinct class.status: publishe

    Structural Basis of the Subcellular Topology Landscape of Escherichia coli

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    Cellular proteomes are distributed in multiple compartments: on DNA, ribosomes, on and inside membranes, or they become secreted. Structural properties that allow polypeptides to occupy subcellular niches, particularly to after crossing membranes, remain unclear. We compared intrinsic and extrinsic features in cytoplasmic and secreted polypeptides of the Escherichia coli K-12 proteome. Structural features between the cytoplasmome and secretome are sharply distinct, such that a signal peptide-agnostic machine learning tool distinguishes cytoplasmic from secreted proteins with 95.5% success. Cytoplasmic polypeptides are enriched in aliphatic, aromatic, charged and hydrophobic residues, unique folds and higher early folding propensities. Secretory polypeptides are enriched in polar/small amino acids, β folds, have higher backbone dynamics, higher disorder and contact order and are more often intrinsically disordered. These non-random distributions and experimental evidence imply that evolutionary pressure selected enhanced secretome flexibility, slow folding and looser structures, placing the secretome in a distinct protein class. These adaptations protect the secretome from premature folding during its cytoplasmic transit, optimize its lipid bilayer crossing and allowed it to acquire cell envelope specific chemistries. The latter may favor promiscuous multi-ligand binding, sensing of stress and cell envelope structure changes. In conclusion, enhanced flexibility, slow folding, looser structures and unique folds differentiate the secretome from the cytoplasmome. These findings have wide implications on the structural diversity and evolution of modern proteomes and the protein folding problem.status: publishe

    Structural basis of the subcellular topology landscape of Escherichia coli

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    Cellular proteomes are distributed in multiple compartments: on DNA, ribosomes, on and inside membranes, or they become secreted. Structural properties that allow polypeptides to occupy subcellular niches, particularly to after crossing membranes, remain unclear. We compared intrinsic and extrinsic features in cytoplasmic and secreted polypeptides of the Escherichia coli K-12 proteome. Structural features between the cytoplasmome and secretome are sharply distinct, such that a signal peptide-agnostic machine learning tool distinguishes cytoplasmic from secreted proteins with 95.5% success. Cytoplasmic polypeptides are enriched in aliphatic, aromatic, charged and hydrophobic residues, unique folds and higher early folding propensities. Secretory polypeptides are enriched in polar/small amino acids, β folds, have higher backbone dynamics, higher disorder and contact order and are more often intrinsically disordered. These non-random distributions and experimental evidence imply that evolutionary pressure selected enhanced secretome flexibility, slow folding and looser structures, placing the secretome in a distinct protein class. These adaptations protect the secretome from premature folding during its cytoplasmic transit, optimize its lipid bilayer crossing and allowed it to acquire cell envelope specific chemistries. The latter may favor promiscuous multi-ligand binding, sensing of stress and cell envelope structure changes. In conclusion, enhanced flexibility, slow folding, looser structures and unique folds differentiate the secretome from the cytoplasmome. These findings have wide implications on the structural diversity and evolution of modern proteomes and the protein folding problem.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Protein export through the bacterial Sec pathway

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