4 research outputs found

    Tomato: a crop species amenable to improvement by cellular and molecular methods

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    Tomato is a crop plant with a relatively small DNA content per haploid genome and a well developed genetics. Plant regeneration from explants and protoplasts is feasable which led to the development of efficient transformation procedures. In view of the current data, the isolation of useful mutants at the cellular level probably will be of limited value in the genetic improvement of tomato. Protoplast fusion may lead to novel combinations of organelle and nuclear DNA (cybrids), whereas this technique also provides a means of introducing genetic information from alien species into tomato. Important developments have come from molecular approaches. Following the construction of an RFLP map, these RFLP markers can be used in tomato to tag quantitative traits bred in from related species. Both RFLP's and transposons are in the process of being used to clone desired genes for which no gene products are known. Cloned genes can be introduced and potentially improve specific properties of tomato especially those controlled by single genes. Recent results suggest that, in principle, phenotypic mutants can be created for cloned and characterized genes and will prove their value in further improving the cultivated tomato.

    Isolation of the spinach nitrite reductase gene promoter which confers nitrate inducibility on GUS gene expression in transgenic tobacco.

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    Nitrite reductase is the second enzyme in the nitrate assimilatory pathway. The transcription of this gene is regulated by nitrate as well as a variety of other environmental and developmental factors. Genomic clones containing the entire nitrite reductase gene have been isolated from a spinach genomic library and sequenced. The sequence is identical in the transcribed region to a previously isolated spinach NiR cDNA clone (Back et al., 1988) except for the presence of three introns. The analysis of the genomic clones and DNA blot hybridization demonstrates that there is a single NiR gene per haploid genome in spinach. This is in contrast to what has been found for other plant species. The transcription initiation site has been determined by S1 mapping and the 5′ upstream region has been used to regulate the GUS reporter gene in transgenic tobacco plants. This gene was found to be regulated by the addition of nitrate in the transgenic plants