12 research outputs found

    Pride and Prejudice in South Korea's Foreign Policy

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    On the last frontier of the Cold War, nothing is what it seems any more. On the surface, the old alliances still hold, but underneath a new order is gradually taking shape. This article analyses the various historical processes that have contributed to Seoul’s redefinition of its international role. As the international political and economic context changed following the end of the Cold War in Europe, new challenges and opportunities also appeared on the horizon on the Korean peninsula. These were met by a revitalized Korean nation, where a tainted elite was gradually driven from political and economic power. Proud of its democratic institutions and content with its economic success, Seoul engages the world with dignity, looking towards the future with confidence, but sensitive over historical legacies

    Art as an interface

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    행사명 : International symposium: North/South Interfaces in the Korean Peninsul

    De-bordering Korea. Tangible and Intangible Legacies of the Sunshine Policy

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    International audienceAs tensions remain on the Korean peninsula, this book looks back on the decade of improved inter-Korean relations and engagement between 1998 and 2008, now known as the ‘Sunshine Policy’ era. Moving beyond traditional economic and political perspectives, it explores how this decade of intensified cooperation both affected and reshaped existing physical, social and mental boundaries between the two Koreas, and how this ‘de-bordering’ and ‘re-bordering’ has changed the respective attitudes towards the other.Based around three key themes, ‘Space’, ‘People’, and ‘Representations’, this book looks at the tangible and intangible areas of contact created by North-South engagement during the years of the Sunshine Policy. ‘Space’ focuses on the border regions and discusses how the border reflects the dynamics of multiple types of exchanges and connections between the two Koreas, as well as the new territorial structures these have created. ‘People’ addresses issues in human interactions and social organizations, looking at North Korean defectors in the South, shifting patterns of North-South competition in the ‘Korean’ diaspora of post-Soviet Central Asia, and the actual and physical presence of the Other in various social settings. Finally, ‘Representations’ analyses the image of the other Korea as it is produced, circulated, altered/falsified and received (or not) on either side of the Korean border.The contributors to this volume draw on a broad spectrum of disciplines ranging from geography, anthropology and archaeology, to media studies, history and sociology, in order to show how the division between North and South Korea functions as an essential matrix for geographical, social and psychological structures on both sides of the border. As such, this book will appeal to students and scholars from numerous fields of study, including Korean studies, Korean culture and society, and international relations more broadly. Table of contents:Introduction. Part I: Places. 1. Life on the lines: people and places of the Korean border (V. Gelézeau). 2. Crossing the border: South Korean tourism to Mount Kŭmgang (Ch. Park). 3. Heritage management in the Kaesŏng Special Economic Zone (E. Chabanol). 4. Swinging borders: the Sino-Korean border during the Sunshine Policy (S. Colin). Part II: People. 5. North Korean defector activism and South Korean politics (D. Chubb). 6. The hard life of North Korean migrants in South Korean society (E. Bidet). 7. Confronting Korean identities in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan (E. Yim). Part III: Representations. 8. Facts or acts: Korean news agencies reporting on inter-Korean relations (P. Fruchart-Ramond). 9. South Korea’s encounter with North Korean art: between barbershop painting and true art (K. De Ceuster). 10. Sleeping with the (Northern) enemy: South Korean cinema and the autistic interface (B. Joinau). 11. The end of Romanticism? Teaching the ‘other’ Korea in the Sunshine era (A. Delissen). Postscript: debordering, rebordering, unbordering (Ch. Armstrong)

    "Interfaces et reconfigurations de la question Nord/Sud en Corée."

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    International audienceS'appuyant sur un travail pluridisciplinaire de la notion d'interface, l'article propose de nouvelles perspectives d'analyse de la question Nord/Sud en Corée en considérant la partition entre Corée du Nord et Corée du Sud non plus comme un simple contexte géopolitique mais comme une matrice structurante des deux sociétés. Trois grands types d'interfaces entre les deux Corées sont identifiées et analysées à travers plusieurs études de cas : les interfaces spatiales (la frontière inter-coréenne, la frontière sino-nord-coréenne, ou encore les enclaves économiques développées au Nord par la Corée du Sud), les interfaces sociales (la communauté des Nord-Coréens au Sud, les élites sud-coréennes originaires du Nord, ou les échanges culturels nés de l'introduction au Sud de la peinture nord-coréenne), les interfaces narratives renvoyant aux discours que chaque Corée construit sur l'Autre, que ce soient les discours officiels (manuels scolaires, agences de presse) ou ceux de la fiction (cinéma). Prolongeant le travail des géographes sur la notion, l'article s'efforce de mieux décrire la géométrie du système que constitue une interface (multiplicité des plans et des niveaux de contacts, jeu des synapses et des interstices, prégnance des enclaves non seulement sur le plan spatial, mais aussi sur les plans social et narratif) et de reconsidérer l'extraordinaire complexité de la culture coréenne contemporaine. Malgré les divergences de vues sur l'existence même d'une interface entre les deux Corées, l'article conclut que l'usage de ce concept a contribué à mettre en évidence la prégnance de cette division au cœur des deux Corées, à tous les niveaux de la sphère sociale et jusque dans le discours des études coréennes. En exposant les frontières divisant les discours et les savoirs sur la péninsule selon un paradigme bipolaire, le concept d'interfaces a pu permettre de reconfigurer la lecture de la question Nord/Sud dans la péninsule." 인터페이스 " 개념을 통해 본 한반도/조선반도 내 남북/북남 문제의 재고 본 논문은 " 인터페이스 " (interface) 개념에 대해 다양한 분야의 전문가들이 시도한 연구에 기초하여 한국(대한민국)/조선(조선민주주의인민공화국)의 남북/북남 문제를 분석하는 새로운 시각을 제안한다. 남북/북남의 분리를 단순히 지정학적 차원에서만 보는 것이 아니라 두 사회를 구성하는 모태로 간주하는 것이다. 남북/북남 두 국가 간의 인터페이스는 다양한 사례 연구를 통해 다음과 같은 세 가지 유형으로 정의되고 분석된다 : 1) 공간적 인터페이스 (북조선-남한 간 경계지역, 북조선-중국간 경계지역 또는 남한에 의한 북조선내 경제 개발 지구) ; 2) 사회적 인터페이스 (남한 내 탈북자들, 북쪽 출신의 남쪽 엘리트,조선화의 남한 내 전시 등 문화적 교류) ; 3) 내러티브 인터페이스 (남북/북남이 서로에 대해 공식적(교과서, 언론) 혹은 허구적(영화)으로 서술하는 것). 본 프로젝트는 지리학자의 인터페이스 연구를 확장해 하나의 인터페이스(접촉 차원과 양상의 다양성, 접촉의 신경회로(synapses)와 그 틈새(interstices)들의 작용, 공간적 측면뿐 아니라 사회적, 내러티브 측면에서의 앙클라브 (enclave)의 함축성를 구성하는 체계로서의 지형을 더욱 잘 기술할 수 있었다. 또한 현대 한국/조선 문화의 매우 복잡한 성격을 재고하게 하였다. 두 한국/조선 간 인터페이스에 대한 다양한 시각이었음에도 불구하고, 본 논문은 이 인터페이스의 개념이 한국학/조선학 논의를 비롯해 사회적 영역 전반에 걸쳐 한국/조선의 심장부의 분리가 지니는 의미를 조명하는 데에 유용하다는 결론을 얻었다. 인터페이스 개념은 양극적 패러다임에 따라 한반도/조선반도에 대한 지식과 담론들을 나누는 경계들을 드러내면서 남북/북남 문제를 새롭게 읽는 것을 가능하게 한다