138 research outputs found

    The dimensionality of the general work stress scale: a hierarchical exploratory factor analysis.

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    This study examined the dimensionality or factor structure of the General Work Stress Scale (GWSS), which is a brief measure of subjectively experienced or felt work stress. The responses of two independent groups of adult workers were subjected to maximum likelihood factor analysis. In both groups a three factor solution provided the best fit with the data. A higher order factor analysis with an orthogonal Schmid-Leiman transformation showed that in both groups, responses to the items are dominated by a general factor, which might be labelled General Work Stress. Three minor group factors were identified: a motivational factor reflected by a desire to leave the organisation, an affective factor reflected by a tendency to worry, and a cognitive factor reflected by concentration and attentional difficulties. Overall, the results provide support for the construct validity of the GWSS as a measure of subjectively experienced work stress

    Examining the cheats: the role of conscientiousness and excitement seeking in academic dishonesty.

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    This study examines the relationships of the personality traits of conscientiousness and excitement seeking with self-reported frequency of premeditated cheating in tests and exams among university students. The results show that the two traits combine to account for a statistically and practically significant proportion of variance in academic cheating. It appears that a lack of effort and a need for high excitement seeking may serve as predisposing traits with regard to academic cheating. A model of the role that the two traits may play in explaining academic cheating is presented

    Problems with the factor analysis of items: solutions based on item response theory and item parcelling.

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    The factor analysis of items often produces spurious results in the sense that unidimensional scales appear multi-dimensional. This may be ascribed to failure in meeting the assumptions of linearity and normality on which factor analysis is based. Item response theory is explicitly designed for the modelling of the non-linear relations between ordinal variables and provides a strong alternative to the factor analysis of items. Items may also be combined in parcels that are more likely to satisfy the assumptions of factor analysis than do the items. The use of the Rasch rating scale model and the factor analysis of parcels is illustrated with data obtained with the Locus of Control Inventory. The results of these analyses are compared with the results obtained through the factor analysis of items. It is shown that the Rasch rating scale model and the factoring of parcels produce superior results to the factor analysis of items. Recommendations for the analysis of scales are made

    Construct validity of the career resilience questionnaire.

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    The construct validity of the Career Resilience Questionnaire (Fourie & Van Vuuren, 1998) was investigated by means of an oblique multiple groups factor analysis. The highest factor structure coefficients of several of the items did not coincide with the respective factors that the items were postulated to measure. In addition, the correlations among the factors cast doubt on the independence of some of the constructs. The conclusion is drawn that a measure of career resilience should be based on an explicit theoretical measurement model rather than on an empirically derived measurement model. It is further recommended that the test items should have high face validity and content-saturation

    Development of the sources of work stress inventory.

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    This article describes the development of the Sources of Work Stress Inventory (SWSI). Factor analyses of the generated items produced (a) a General Work Stress Scale and (b) eight Sources of Work Stress scales, namely Bureaucracy/Autonomy, Relationships, Tools and Equipment, Workload, Role Ambiguity, Work/Home Interface, Job Security and Career Advancement. Rasch rating scale analyses supported the construct validity and reliability of the scales. A multiple regression analysis confirmed the expected strong relationship between the different sources of work stress and the experience of stress in the workplace. It is concluded that the SWSI shows promise as a measure of work stress in the South African context

    The unemployed mid-career adult: stressors and support.

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    The high rate of unemployment in South Africa is of national concern yet the experience of being unemployed is little understood; not enough is known about the unemployed condition in South Africa. In this study eight unemployed mid-career adults who had been out of work for longer than six months were interviewed in order to explore their lived experience. A qualitative methodology was used and from the extensive interview data, using qualitative content analysis, themes relating to the unemployed condition emerged. Results support, to a large degree, the existing literature and studies on the stressors impacting on the unemployed. This study offers additional insight into the support structures available for the unemployed adult

    The structural validity of Holland's R-I-A-S-E-C model of vocational personality types for young black South African men and women.

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    This study examined the validity of Holland’s circular order model of vocational personality types for young black South African men and women. The validity of the model was investigated for four groups, namely men and women from the Eastern Cape Province, and men and women from the North West Province. The randomization test of hypothesized order relations and the accompanying correspondence index suggested that the data of all four groups fit the circular order model poorly. The results of multidimensional scaling analyses also suggested poor fit. These results indicate that the circular order model may not be valid for black South African youths. Reasons for the unsatisfactory fit between the model and the observed data are discussed

    Moderne Politische Ă–konomie

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