17,408 research outputs found

    Inversion symmetry in the spin-Peierls compound NaV2O5

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    At room-temperature NaV2O5 was found to have the centrosymmetric space group Pmmn. This space group implies the presence of only one kind of V site in contrast with previous reports of the non-centrosymmetric counterpart P21mn. This indicates a non-integer valence state of vanadium. Furthermore, this symmetry has consequences for the interpretation of the transition at 34 K, which was ascribed to a spin-Peierls transition of one dimensional chains of V4+.Comment: Revtex, 3 pages, 2 postscript pictures embedded in the text. Corrected a mistake in one pictur

    High-pressure study of the non-Fermi liquid material U_2Pt_2In

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    The effect of hydrostatic pressure (p<= 1.8 GPa) on the non-Fermi liquid state of U_2Pt_2In is investigated by electrical resistivity measurements in the temperature interval 0.3-300 K. The experiments were carried out on single-crystals with the current along (I||c) and perpendicular (I||a) to the tetragonal axis. The pressure effect is strongly current-direction dependent. For I||a we observe a rapid recovery of the Fermi-liquid T^2-term with pressure. The low-temperature resistivity can be analysed satisfactorily within the magnetotransport theory of Rosch, which provides strong evidence for the location of U_2Pt_2In at an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point. For I||c the resistivity increases under pressure, indicating the enhancement of an additional scattering mechanism. In addition, we have measured the pressure dependence of the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature (T_N= 37.6 K) of the related compound U_2Pd_2In. A simple Doniach-type diagram for U_2Pt_2In and U_2Pd_2In under pressure is presented.Comment: 21 pages (including 5 figures); pdf forma

    More than fear induction: Toward an understanding of people's motivation to be well-prepared for emergencies in flood prone areas

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    This article examines the extent and manner to which evaluations of flood-related precautions are affected by an individual's motivation and perception of context. It argues that the relationship between risk perception and flood risk preparedness can be fruitfully specified in terms of vulnerability and efficacy if these concepts are put into the perspective of prevention-focused motivation. This relationship was empirically examined in a risk communication experiment in a delta area of the Netherlands (n = 1,887). Prevention-focused motivation was induced by contextualized risk information. The results showed that prevention-focused individuals were more sensitive to the relevance of potential precautions for satisfying their needs in the context they found themselves in. The needs included, but were not limited to, fear reduction. Due to the heterogeneity of the residents, the evaluations reflected individual differences in the intensity and the selectivity of precautionary processes. Four types of persons could be distinguished according to their evaluation of precautionary measures: a high-scoring minority, two more selective types, and a low-scoring minority. For policymakers and risk communicators it is vital to consider the nature of prevention motivation and the context in which it is likely to be high

    Soil biological quality of grassland fertilized with adjusted cattle manure slurries in comparison with organic and inorganic fertilizers

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    We studied the effect of five fertilizers (including two adjusted manure slurries) and an untreated control on soil biota and explored the effect on the ecosystem services they provided. Our results suggest that the available N (NO3- and NH4+) in the soil plays a central role in the effect of fertilizers on nematodes and microorganisms. Microorganisms are affected directly through nutrient availability and indirectly through grass root mass. Nematodes are affected indirectly through microbial biomass and grass root mass. A lower amount of available N in the treatment with inorganic fertilizer was linked to a higher root mass and a higher abundance and proportion of herbivorous nematodes. A higher amount of available N in the organic fertilizer treatments resulted in a twofold higher bacterial activity (measured as bacterial growth rate, viz. thymidine incorporation), a higher proportion of bacterivorous nematodes, a 30% higher potential N mineralization (aerobic incubation), and 25–50% more potentially mineralizable N (anaerobic incubation). Compared to inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilization increased the C total, the N total, the activity of decomposers, and the supply of nutrients via the soil food web. Within the group of organic fertilizers, there was no significant difference in C total, abundances of soil biota, and the potential N mineralization rate. There were no indications that farmyard manure or the adjusted manure slurries provided the ecosystem service “supply of nutrients” better than normal manure slurry. Normal manure slurry provided the highest bacterial activity and the highest amount of mineralizable N and it was the only fertilizer resulting in a positive trend in grass yield over the years 2000–2005. The number of earthworm burrows was higher in the treatments with organic fertilizers compared to the one with the inorganic fertilizer, which suggests that organic fertilizers stimulate the ecosystem service of water regulation more than inorganic fertilizer. The trend towards higher epigeic earthworm numbers with application of farmyard manure and one of the adjusted manure slurries, combined with the negative relation between epigeic earthworms and bulk density and a significantly lower penetration resistance in the same fertilizer types, is preliminary evidence that these two organic fertilizer types contribute more to the service of soil structure maintenance than inorganic fertilize

    Comparison of quantification methods for the analysis of polychlorinated alkanes using electron capture negative ionization mass spectrometry.

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    Four quantification methods for short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) or polychlorinated alkanes (PCAs) using gas chromatography electron capture negative ionisation low resolution mass spectrometry (GC-ECNI-LRMS) were investigated. The method based on visual comparison of congener group patterns of external standards used for quantification and fish samples was very sensitive for the choice of the quantification standard. Two other methods used the existing relation of the response factors with the chlorine content of SCCP mixtures for quantification. Results from the three methods above deviated from nominal values less than 20%. This was ~50% when individual PCA standards were applied for quantification of SCCPs. The deviation is probably caused by the fact that only C10 carbon chain length standards with 5-9 chlorine atoms could be used. However, quantification using individual PCA standards is a promising method provided more standards will become commercially available. The clear advantage is that the standards are defined, which makes quantification comparable between different laboratories. Application of all four quantification methods to the analysis of four different fish samples gave results that agreed with the median values within ±40
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