95 research outputs found

    Neurological manifestations of oculodentodigital dysplasia: a Cx43 channelopathy of the central nervous system?

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    The coordination of tissue function is mediated by gap junctions (GJs) that enable direct cell–cell transfer of metabolic and electric signals. GJs are formed by connexins of which Cx43 is most widespread in the human body. In the brain, Cx43 GJs are mostly found in astroglia where they coordinate the propagation of Ca2+ waves, spatial K+ buffering, and distribution of glucose. Beyond its role in direct intercellular communication, Cx43 also forms unapposed, non-junctional hemichannels in the plasma membrane of glial cells. These allow the passage of several neuro- and gliotransmitters that may, combined with downstream paracrine signaling, complement direct GJ communication among glial cells and sustain glial-neuronal signaling. Mutations in the GJA1 gene encoding Cx43 have been identified in a rare, mostly autosomal dominant syndrome called oculodentodigital dysplasia (ODDD). ODDD patients display a pleiotropic phenotype reflected by eye, hand, teeth, and foot abnormalities, as well as craniofacial and bone malformations. Remarkably, neurological symptoms such as dysarthria, neurogenic bladder (manifested as urinary incontinence), spasticity or muscle weakness, ataxia, and epilepsy are other prominent features observed in ODDD patients. Over 10 mutations detected in patients diagnosed with neurological disorders are associated with altered functionality of Cx43 GJs/hemichannels, but the link between ODDD-related abnormal channel activities and neurologic phenotype is still elusive. Here, we present an overview on the nature of the mutants conveying structural and functional changes of Cx43 channels and discuss available evidence for aberrant Cx43 GJ and hemichannel function. In a final step, we examine the possibilities of how channel dysfunction may lead to some of the neurological manifestations of ODDD

    Fluoxetine suppresses calcium signaling in human T lymphocytes through depletion of intracellular calcium stores

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    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as fluoxetine, have recently been shown to exert anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. Although the effects on cytokine secretion, proliferation and viability of T lymphocytes have been extensively characterized, little is known about the mechanism behind these effects. It is well known that Ca2+ signaling is an important step in the signaling transduction pathway following T cell receptor activation. Therefore, we investigated if fluoxetine interferes with Ca2+ signaling in Jurkat T lymphocytes. Fluoxetine was found to suppress Ca2+ signaling in response to T cell receptor activation. Moreover, fluoxetine was found to deplete intracellular Ca2+ stores, thereby leaving less Ca2+ available for release upon IP3- and ryanodine-receptor activation. The Ca2+-modifying effects of fluoxetine are not related to its capability to block the serotonin transporter, as even a large excess of 5HT did not abolish the effects. In conclusion, these data show that fluoxetine decreases IP3- and ryanodine-receptor mediated Ca2+ release in Jurkat T lymphocytes, an effect likely to be at the basis of the observed immunosuppression

    Calcium, a pivotal player in photodynamic therapy?

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    Photodynamic therapy combines three non-toxic components: light, oxygen and a photosensitizer to generate singlet oxygen and/or other ROS molecules in order to target destruction of cancer cells. The damage induced in the targeted cells can furthermore propagate to non-exposed bystander cells thereby exacerbating the damage. Ca2+ signaling is strongly intertwined with ROS signaling and both play crucial roles in cell death. In this review we aimed to review current knowledge on the role of Ca2+ and ROS signaling, their effect on cell-cell propagation via connexin-linked mechanisms and the outcome in terms of cell death. In general, photodynamic therapy results in an increased cytosolic Ca2+ concentration originating from Ca2+ entry or Ca2+ release from internal stores. While photodynamic therapy can certainly induce cell death, the outcome depends on the cell type and the photosensitizer used. Connexin channels propagating the Ca2+ signal, and presumably regenerating ROS at distance, may play a role in spreading the effect to neighboring non-exposed bystander cells. Given the various cell types and photosensitizers used, there is currently no unified signaling scheme to explain the role of Ca2+ and connexins in the responses following photodynamic therapy

    The connexin43 mimetic peptide Gap19 inhibits hemichannels without altering gap junctional communication in astrocytes

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    In the brain, astrocytes represent the cellular population that expresses the highest amount of connexins (Cxs). This family of membrane proteins is the molecular constituent of gap junction channels and hemichannels that provide pathways for direct cytoplasm-to-cytoplasm and inside-out exchange, respectively. Both types of Cx channels are permeable to ions and small signaling molecules allowing astrocytes to establish dynamic interactions with neurons. So far, most pharmacological approaches currently available do not distinguish between these two channel functions, stressing the need to develop new specific molecular tools. In astrocytes two major Cxs are expressed, Cx43 and Cx30, and there is now evidence indicating that at least Cx43 operates as a gap junction channel as well as a hemichannel in these cells. Based on studies in primary cultures as well as in acute hippocampal slices, we report here that Gap 19, a nonapeptide derived from the cytoplasmic loop of Cx43, inhibits astroglial Cx43 hemichannels in a dose-dependent manner, without affecting gap junction channels. This peptide, which not only selectively inhibits hemichannels but is also specific for Cx43, can be delivered in vivo in mice as TAT-Gap19, and displays penetration into the brain parenchyma. As a result, Gap 19 combined with other tools opens up new avenues to decipher the role of Cx43 hemichannels in interactions between astrocytes and neurons in physiological as well as pathological situations

    Cx43 channels and signaling via IP3/Ca2+, ATP, and ROS/NO propagate radiation-induced DNA damage to non-irradiated brain microvascular endothelial cells

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    Radiotherapeutic treatment consists of targeted application of radiation beams to a tumor but exposure of surrounding healthy tissue is inevitable. In the brain, ionizing radiation induces breakdown of the blood-brain barrier by effects on brain microvascular endothelial cells. Damage from directly irradiated cells can be transferred to surrounding non-exposed bystander cells, known as the radiation-induced bystander effect. We investigated involvement of connexin channels and paracrine signaling in radiation-induced bystander DNA damage in brain microvascular endothelial cells exposed to focused X-rays. Irradiation caused DNA damage in the directly exposed area, which propagated over several millimeters in the bystander area. DNA damage was significantly reduced by the connexin channel-targeting peptide Gap26 and the Cx43 hemichannel blocker TAT-Gap19. ATP release, dye uptake, and patch clamp experiments showed that hemichannels opened within 5 min post irradiation in both irradiated and bystander areas. Bystander signaling involved cellular Ca2+ dynamics and IP3, ATP, ROS, and NO signaling, with Ca2+, IP3, and ROS as crucial propagators of DNA damage. We conclude that bystander effects are communicated by a concerted cascade involving connexin channels, and IP3/Ca2+, ATP, ROS, and NO as major contributors of regenerative signal expansion

    Targeting MAPK phosphorylation of Connexin43 provides neuroprotection in stroke

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    Connexin43 (Cx43) function is influenced by kinases that phosphorylate specific serine sites located near its C-terminus. Stroke is a powerful inducer of kinase activity, but its effect on Cx43 is unknown. We investigated the impact of wild-type (WT) and knock-in Cx43 with serine to alanine mutations at the protein kinase C (PKC) site Cx43(S368A), the casein kinase 1 (CK1) sites Cx43(S325A/328Y/330A), and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) sites Cx43(S255/262/279/282A) (MK4) on a permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (pMCAO) stroke model. We demonstrate that MK4 transgenic animals exhibit a significant decrease in infarct volume that was associated with improvement in behavioral performance. An increase in astrocyte reactivity with a concomitant decrease in microglial reactivity was observed in MK4 mice. In contrast to WT, MK4 astrocytes displayed reduced Cx43 hemichannel activity. Pharmacological blockade of Cx43 hemichannels with TAT-Gap19 also significantly decreased infarct volume in WT animals. This study provides novel molecular insights and charts new avenues for therapeutic intervention associated with Cx43 function

    Exposure to low-dose radiation and the risk of breast cancer among women with a familial or genetic predisposition:a meta-analysis

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    Women with familial or genetic aggregation of breast cancer are offered screening outside the population screening programme. However, the possible benefit of mammography screening could be reduced due to the risk of radiation-induced tumours. A systematic search was conducted addressing the question of how low-dose radiation exposure affects breast cancer risk among high-risk women. A systematic search was conducted for articles addressing breast cancer, mammography screening, radiation and high-risk women. Effects of low-dose radiation on breast cancer risk were presented in terms of pooled odds ratios (OR). Of 127 articles found, 7 were selected for the meta-analysis. Pooled OR revealed an increased risk of breast cancer among high-risk women due to low-dose radiation exposure (OR = 1.3, 95% CI: 0.9- 1.8). Exposure before age 20 (OR = 2.0, 95% CI: 1.3-3.1) or a mean of a parts per thousand yen5 exposures (OR = 1.8, 95% CI: 1.1-3.0) was significantly associated with a higher radiation-induced breast cancer risk. Low-dose radiation increases breast cancer risk among high-risk women. When using low-dose radiation among high-risk women, a careful approach is needed, by means of reducing repeated exposure, avoidance of exposure at a younger age and using non-ionising screening techniques

    Neural oscillations during cognitive processes in an <i>App</i> knock-in mouse model of Alzheimer's disease pathology

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    Multiple animal models have been created to gain insight into Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. Among the most commonly used models are transgenic mice overexpressing human amyloid precursor protein (APP) with mutations linked to familial AD, resulting in the formation of amyloid beta plaques, one of the pathological hallmarks observed in AD patients. However, recent evidence suggests that the overexpression of APP by itself can confound some of the reported observations. Therefore, we investigated in the present study the App(NL-G-F)model, an App knock-in (App-KI) mouse model that develops amyloidosis in the absence of APP-overexpression. Our findings at the behavioral, electrophysiological, and histopathological level confirmed an age-dependent increase in A beta 1-42 levels and plaque deposition in these mice in accordance with previous reports. This had apparently no consequences on cognitive performance in a visual discrimination (VD) task, which was largely unaffected in App(NL-G-F) mice at the ages tested. Additionally, we investigated neurophysiological functioning of several brain areas by phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) analysis, a measure associated with adequate cognitive functioning, during the VD task (starting at 4.5 months) and the exploration of home environment (at 5 and 8 months of age). While we did not detect age-dependent changes in PAC during home environment exploration for both the wild-type and the App(NL-G-F) mice, we did observe subtle changes in PAC in the wild-type mice that were not present in the App(NL-G-F) mice

    Long-term outcome of high-grade serous carcinoma established in risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy specimens in asymptomatic <i>BRCA1/2</i> germline pathogenic variant carriers

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the long-term outcome of asymptomatic BRCA1/2 germline pathogenic variant (GPV) carriers with high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) in their risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) specimen. Methods: In a previously described cohort of asymptomatic BRCA1/2 GPV carriers derived from the Hereditary Breast and Ovarian cancer in the Netherlands (HEBON) study, women with HGSC at RRSO were identified. Main outcome was ten-year disease-free survival (DFS). Secondary outcomes were time to recurrence, ten-year disease-specific survival (DSS), ten-year overall survival (OS). Patient, disease and treatment characteristics associated with recurrence were described. Results: The 28 included women with HGSC at RRSO were diagnosed at a median age of 55.3 years (range: 33.5–74.3). After staging, eighteen women had (FIGO) stage I, three stage II and five had stage III disease. Two women did not undergo surgical staging and were classified as unknown stage. After a median follow-up of 13.5 years (range: 9.1–24.7), six women with stage I (33%), one woman with stage II (33%), two women with stage III (40%) and none of the women with unknown stage developed a recurrence. Median time to recurrence was 6.9 years (range: 0.8–9.2 years). Ten-year DFS was 68%, ten-year DSS was 88% and ten-year OS was 82%. Conclusion: Most asymptomatic BRCA1/2 GPV carriers with HGSC at RRSO were diagnosed at an early stage. Nevertheless, after a median follow-up of 13.5 years, nine of the 28 women with HGSC at RRSO developed a recurrence after a median of 6.9 years.</p
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