1 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Antiribosomal Activities of 4ā€²ā€‘<i>O</i>ā€‘, 6ā€²ā€‘<i>O</i>ā€‘, 4ā€³ā€‘<i>O</i>ā€‘, 4ā€²,6ā€²ā€‘<i>O</i>- and 4ā€³,6ā€³ā€‘<i>O</i>-Derivatives in the Kanamycin Series Indicate Differing Target Selectivity Patterns between the 4,5- and 4,6-Series of Disubstituted 2ā€‘Deoxystreptamine Aminoglycoside Antibiotics

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    Chemistry for the efficient modification of the kanamycin class of 4,6-aminoglycosides at the 4ā€²-position is presented. In all kanamycins but kanamycin B, 4ā€²-<i>O</i>-alkylation is strongly detrimental to antiribosomal and antibacterial activity. Ethylation of kanamycin B at the 4ā€³-position entails little loss of antiribosomal and antibacterial activity, but no increase of ribosomal selectivity. These results are contrasted with those for the 4,5-aminoglycosides, where 4ā€²-<i>O</i>-alkylation of paromomycin causes only a minimal loss of activity but results in a significant increase in selectivity with a concomitant loss of ototoxicity