330 research outputs found

    Should radioiodine now be first line treatment for Graves' disease?

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    Background Radioiodine represents a cost-effective treatment option for Graves’ disease. In the UK, it is traditionally reserved for patients who relapse after initial thionamide therapy. In a change from current practice, the new guidelines of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that radioiodine should now be first line therapy for Graves’ disease. However, the safety of radioiodine with respect to long-term mortality risk has been the subject of recent debate. This analysis examines evidence from treatment related mortality studies in hyperthyroidism and discusses their implications for future Graves’ disease treatment strategies. Main body Some studies have suggested an excess mortality in radioiodine treated cohorts compared to the background population. In particular, a recent observational study reported a modest increase in cancer-related mortality in hyperthyroid patients exposed to radioiodine. The interpretation of these studies is however constrained by study designs that lacked thionamide control groups or information on thyroid status and so could not distinguish the effect of treatment from disease. Two studies have shown survival advantages of radioiodine over thionamide therapy, but these benefits were only seen when radioiodine was successful in controlling hyperthyroidism. Notably, increased mortality was associated with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism irrespective of therapy modality. Conclusions Early radioiodine treatment will potentially reduce mortality and should be offered to patients with severe disease. However, thionamides are still suitable for patients with milder disease, contraindications to radioiodine, or individuals who choose to avoid permanent hypothyroidism. Ultimately, a patient individualised approach that prioritises early and sustained control of hyperthyroidism will improve long-term outcomes regardless of the therapy modality used

    Distinct Kinin-Induced Functions Are Altered in Circulating Cells of Young Type 1 Diabetic Patients

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    We aimed to understand early alterations in kinin-mediated migration of circulating angio-supportive cells and dysfunction of kinin-sensitive cells in type-1 diabetic (T1D) patients before the onset of cardiovascular disease.Total mononuclear cells (MNC) were isolated from peripheral blood of 28 T1D patients free from cardiovascular complications except mild background retinopathy (age: 34.8+/-1.6 years, HbA(1C): 7.9+/-0.2%) and 28 age- and sex-matched non-diabetic controls (H). We tested expression of kinin receptors by flow cytometry and migratory capacity of circulating monocytes and progenitor cells towards bradykinin (BK) in transwell migration assays. MNC migrating towards BK (BK(mig)) were assessed for capacity to support endothelial cell function in a matrigel assay, as well as generation of nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide (O(2) (-)*) by using the fluorescent probes diaminofluorescein and dihydroethidium.CD14(hi)CD16(neg), CD14(hi)CD16(pos) and CD14(lo)CD16(pos) monocytes and circulating CD34(pos) progenitor cells did not differ between T1D and H subjects in their kinin receptor expression and migration towards BK. T1D BK(mig) failed to generate NO upon BK stimulation and supported endothelial cell network formation less efficiently than H BK(mig). In contrast, O(2) (-)* production was similar between groups. High glucose disturbed BK-induced NO generation by MNC-derived cultured angiogenic cells.Our data point out alterations in kinin-mediated functions of circulating MNC from T1D patients, occurring before manifest macrovascular damage or progressed microvascular disease. Functional defects of MNC recruited to the vessel wall might compromise endothelial maintenance, initially without actively promoting endothelial damage, but rather by lacking supportive contribution to endothelial regeneration and healing

    Antibiotic prescribing in primary care and antimicrobial resistance in patients admitted to hospital with urinary tract infection: a controlled observational pilot study

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    There is growing evidence that primary care prescribed antibiotics lead to antibiotic resistance in bacteria causing minor infections or being carried by asymptomatic adults, but little research to date has investigated links between primary care prescribed antibiotics and resistance among more serious infections requiring hospital care. Knowledge of these effects is likely to have a major influence on public expectations for, and primary care use of, antibiotics. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of recruiting symptomatic adult patients admitted to hospital with urinary infections and to link primary and secondary data information to investigate the relationship between primary care prescribed antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in these patients. A microbiology database search of in patients who had submitted a urine sample identified 740 patients who were potentially eligible to take part in the study. Of these, 262 patients did not meet the eligibility criteria, mainly due to use of a urinary catheter (40%). Two-hundred and forty three patients could not be recruited as the nurse was unable to visit the patients prior to discharge, as they were too unwell. Eighty patients provided complete information. Results indicate that there is evidence that prior antibiotic use is associated with resistant infections in hospital patients. A fully powered study, conducted using routinely collected data is proposed to fully clarify the precision of the association

    A little help from residual β cells has long-lasting clinical benefits

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    Following type 1 diabetes (T1D) diagnosis, declining C-peptide levels reflect deteriorating β cell function. However, the precise C-peptide levels that indicate protection from severe hypoglycemia remain unknown. In this issue of the JCI, Gubitosi-Klug et al. studied participants from the landmark and ongoing Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study that had long-standing (about 35 years) T1D. The authors correlated severe hypoglycemia and other disease outcomes with residual C-peptide levels. While C-peptide secretion failed to associate with hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) or microvascular complications, C-peptide levels greater than 0.03 nmol/L were linked with fewer episodes of severe hypoglycemia. These findings suggest that efforts to preserve finite β cell function early in T1D can have meaningful, long-standing health benefits for patients

    2019 European Thyroid Association Guidelines on the Management of Thyroid Dysfunction following Immune Reconstitution Therapy.

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    Thyroid dysfunction (TD) frequently occurs as an autoimmune complication of immune reconstitution therapy (IRT), especially in individuals with multiple sclerosis treated with alemtuzumab, a pan-lymphocyte depleting drug with subsequent recovery of immune cell numbers. Less frequently, TD is triggered by highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), or patients undergoing bone-marrow/hematopoietic-stem-cell transplantation (BMT/HSCT). In both alemtuzumab-induced TD and HIV/HAART patients, the commonest disorder is Graves' disease (GD), followed by hypothyroidism and thyroiditis; Graves' orbitopathy is observed in some GD patients. On the contrary, GD is rare post-BMT/HSCT, where hypothyroidism predominates probably as a consequence of the associated radiation damage. In alemtuzumab-induced TD, the autoantibodies against the thyrotropin receptor (TRAb) play a major role, and 2 main aspects distinguish this condition from the spontaneous form: (1) up to 20% of GD cases exhibit a fluctuating course, with alternating phases of hyper- and hypothyroidism, due to the coexistence of TRAb with stimulating and blocking function; (2) TRAb are also positive in about 70% of hypothyroid patients, with blocking TRAb responsible for nearly half of the cases. The present guidelines will provide up-to-date recommendations and suggestions dedicated to all phases of IRT-induced TD: (1) screening before IRT (recommendations 1-3); (2) monitoring during/after IRT (recommendations 4-7); (3) management of TD post-IRT (recommendations 8-17). The clinical management of IRT-induced TD, and in particular GD, can be challenging. In these guidelines, we propose a summary algorithm which has particular utility for nonspecialist physicians and which is tailored toward management of alemtuzumab-induced TD. However, we recommend prompt referral to specialist endocrinology services following diagnosis of any IRT-induced TD diagnosis, and in particular for pregnant women and those considering pregnancy

    Type 1 diabetes mellitus and educational attainment in childhood: a systematic review

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    Objectives The primary objective of this systematic review was to evaluate available literature on whether type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) has an impact on educational attainment in individuals undertaking high stakes standardised testing at the end of compulsory schooling. Design A systematic review was undertaken comparing educational attainment for individuals with and without T1DM who have undertaken high stakes testing at the end of compulsory schooling. Data sources A comprehensive search of MEDLINE, MEDLINE (epub ahead of print, in-process and other non-indexed citations), EMBASE, Web of Science, British Education Index, Education Resources Information Center and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature was undertaken on 15 January 2018 and updated on 17 January 2019. Eligibility criteria Included studies fulfilled the following criteria: observational study or randomised controlled trial; included individuals who have undertaken high stakes testing at the end of compulsory schooling; compared the grades obtained by individuals with T1DM with a representative population control. Data extraction and synthesis Two reviewers performed study selection and data extraction independently. Quality and risk of bias in the observational studies included were assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. A detailed narrative synthesis of the included studies was completed. Results 3103 articles were identified from the database search, with two Swedish cohort studies (using the same linked administrative data) meeting final inclusion criteria. A small but statistically significant difference was reported in mean final grades, with children with T1DM found to have lower mean grades than their non-diabetic counterparts (adjusted mean difference 0.07–0.08). Conclusions More contemporary research is required to evaluate the impact of T1DM in childhood on educational attainment in individuals undertaking high stakes standardised testing at the end of compulsory schooling, taking into consideration the substantial advances in management of T1DM in the last decade

    Formulation of hydrophobic peptides for skin delivery via coated microneedles

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    Microneedles (MNs) have been investigated as a minimally-invasive delivery technology for a range of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Various formulations and methods for coating the surface of MNs with therapeutics have been proposed and exemplified, predominantly for hydrophilic drugs and particulates. The development of effective MN delivery formulations for hydrophobic drugs is more challenging with dosing restrictions and the use of organic solvents impacting on both the bioactivity and the kinetics of drug release. In this study we propose a novel formulation that is suitable for MN coating of hydrophobic auto-antigen peptides currently being investigated for antigen specific immunotherapy (ASI) of type 1 diabetes. The formulation, comprising three co-solvents (water, 2-methyl-2-butanol and acetic acid) and polyvinylalcohol 2000 (PVA2000) can dissolve both hydrophilic and hydrophobic peptide auto-antigens at relatively high, and clinically relevant, concentrations (25 mg/ml or 12.5 mg/ml). The drug:excipient ratio is restricted to 10:1 w/w to maximise dose whilst ensuring that the dry-coated payload does not significantly impact on MN skin penetration performance. The coating formulation and process does not adversely affect the biological activity of the peptide. The delivery efficiency of the coated peptide into skin is influenced by a number of parameters. Electropolishing the metal MN surface increases delivery efficiency from 2.0 ± 1.0% to 59.9 ± 6.7%. An increased mass of peptide formulation per needle, from 0.37 μg to 2 μg peptide dose, resulted in a thicker coating and a 20% reduction in the efficiency of skin delivery. Other important performance parameters for coated MNs include the role of excipients in assisting dissolution from the MNs, the intrinsic hydrophobicity of the peptide and the species of skin model used in laboratory studies. This study therefore both exemplifies the potential of a novel formulation for coating hydrophobic and hydrophilic peptides onto MN devices and provides new insight into the factors that influence delivery efficiency from coated MNs. Importantly, the results provide guidance for identifying critical attributes of the formulation, coating process and delivery device, that confer reproducible and effective delivery from coated MNs, and thus contribute to the requirements of the regulators appraising these devices

    The influence of socioeconomic deprivation on outcomes in pancreas transplantation in England; Registry Data Analysis

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    Socioeconomic deprivation is associated with poorer outcomes in chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of socioeconomic deprivation on outcomes following pancreas transplantation among patients transplanted in England. We included all 1270 pancreas recipients transplanted between 2004 and 2012. We used the English Index of Multiple Deprivation (EIMD) score to assess the influence of socioeconomic deprivation on patient and pancreas graft survival. Higher scores mean higher deprivation status. Median EIMD score was 18.8, 17.7 and 18.1 in patients who received SPK, PAK and PTA respectively (p=0.56). Pancreas graft (censored for death) survival was dependent on the donor age (p=0.08), CIT (p=0.0001), the type of pancreas graft (SPK vs. PAK or PTA, p=0.0001), and EIMD score (p=0.02). The 5-year pancreas graft survival of the most deprived patient quartile was 62% compared to 75% among the least deprived (p=0.013), and it was especially evident in the SPK group. EIMD score also correlated with patient survival (p=0.05). Looking at the impact of individual domains of deprivation, ‘Environment’ (p=0.037) and ‘Health and Disability’ (p=0.035) domains had significant impact on pancreas graft survival. Socioeconomic deprivation, as expressed by the EIMD is an independent factor for pancreas graft and patient survival

    Excess all-cause mortality before age 30 in childhood onset type 1 diabetes: data from the Brecon Group Cohort in Wales

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    Background Long-term outcomes in young people with type 1 diabetes continue to be of interest, and may help evaluate the effects of changes to the clinical care of children that have occurred in recent decades. Aims To identify mortality and its causes before age 30 years in patients developing type 1 diabetes before age 15 years. Methods Since 1995, paediatricians in Wales have compiled a prospective register of incident cases of type 1 diabetes occurring before age 15 years in Wales (the Brecon Cohort). Their subsequent mortality rates were compared with mortality in the general populations of Wales and England using the patient-years exposure method. Causes of death were ascertained from death certificates and from clinicians. Results The standardised mortality ratio for young people with type 1 diabetes in Wales was 2.91 with no clear evidence of improvement or worsening of mortality risk over time. Most deaths occurred between ages 15 and 30 years although at a slightly younger age than in the general population. There were more deaths with increasing age at diagnosis of diabetes. Ketoacidosis remains the most common cause of death before age 30 years. Hypoglycaemia was difficult to ascertain with certainty but also caused some deaths. In this age group, chronic complications of diabetes were not a cause of mortality. Conclusions Despite the developments in clinical care in recent years, the mortality risk for people developing type 1 diabetes in childhood remains high in young adult life before the onset of chronic complications

    Natural desiccated thyroid for the treatment of hypothyroidism?

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    Primary hypothyroidism affects about 3% of the general population in Europe. Early treatments in the late 19th Century involved subcutaneous as well as oral administration of thyroid extract. Until the early 1970s, the majority of people across the world with hypothyroidism were treated with natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) (derived from pig thyroid glands) in various formulations, with the majority of people since then being treated with levothyroxine (L-thyroxine). There is emerging evidence that may account for the efficacy of liothyronine (NDT contains a mixture of levothyroxine and liothyronine) in people who are symptomatically unresponsive to levothyroxine. While this is a highly selected group of people, the severity and chronicity of their symptoms and the fact that many patients have found their symptoms to be alleviated, can be viewed as valid evidence for the potential benefit of NDT when given after careful consideration of other differential diagnoses and other treatment options
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