21,405 research outputs found

    Horizontal-axis tidal turbine blade loading for multi-frequency oscillatory motion

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    This paper presents results from an experimental study which analysed the hydrodynamic response of the out-of-plane blade root bending moment for a horizontal-axis turbine exposed to multi-frequency oscillatory motion. Estimates of the amplitude and phase agree well with those for single frequency oscillatory motion, which suggests that a model based on the principles of linear superposition is applicable. When minor flow separation is experienced, linear superposition is likely to offer conservative estimates. The findings are likely to be of interest to designers of turbines deployed in tidal streams, rivers or canals, and who are seeking low computational approaches for assessing the dynamic blade loads

    San Marco D/L solar array system design and performance

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    The design and performance of the solar array system for the San Marco D/L spacecraft is described in detail. The solar array system design is shown to be suitable for spacecraft which have elastically sensitized outer surfaces to measure aerodynamic forces. However, the performance of this solar array system is shown to be at least 30 percent less efficient than conventional spacecraft solar array designs. An on-board experiment to compare the in-flight performances of Si and GaAs solar cell panels is also described. Preflight performance data show that at beginning-of-life, air mass zero solar illumination, 28 C and peak power output the Si panels are at last 20 percent less efficient than the GaAs panels

    Benchmark ultra-cool dwarfs in widely separated binary systems

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    Ultra-cool dwarfs as wide companions to subgiants, giants, white dwarfs and main sequence stars can be very good benchmark objects, for which we can infer physical properties with minimal reference to theoretical models, through association with the primary stars. We have searched for benchmark ultra-cool dwarfs in widely separated binary systems using SDSS, UKIDSS, and 2MASS. We then estimate spectral types using SDSS spectroscopy and multi-band colors, place constraints on distance, and perform proper motions calculations for all candidates which have sufficient epoch baseline coverage. Analysis of the proper motion and distance constraints show that eight of our ultra-cool dwarfs are members of widely separated binary systems. Another L3.5 dwarf, SDSS 0832, is shown to be a companion to the bright K3 giant Eta Cancri. Such primaries can provide age and metallicity constraints for any companion objects, yielding excellent benchmark objects. This is the first wide ultra-cool dwarf + giant binary system identified.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference, "New Technologies for Probing the Diversity of Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets", oral tal

    Fermi-surface topology and the effects of intrinsic disorder in a class of charge-transfer salts containing magnetic ions: β" — (BEDT — TTF)₄ [(H₃O)M(C₂O₄)₃]Υ (M = Ga, Cr, Fr; Υ = C₅H₅N)

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    We report high-field magnetotransport measurements on β" — (BEDT — TTF)₄ [(H₃O)M(C₂O₄)₃]Υ, where M =Ga, Cr and Fe and Υ = C₅H₅N. We observe similar Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations in all compounds, attributable to four quasi-two-dimensional Fermi-surface pockets, the largest of which corresponds to a cross-sectional area ≈ 8.5% of the Brillouin zone. The cross-sectional areas of the pockets are in agreement with the expectations for a compensated semimetal, and the corresponding effective masses are ∼mₑ, rather small compared to those of other BEDT-TTF salts. Apart from the case of the smallest Fermi-surface pocket, varying the M ion seems to have little effect on the overall Fermi-surface topology or on the effective masses. Despite the fact that all samples show quantum oscillations at low temperatures, indicative of Fermi liquid behavior, the sample and temperature dependence of the interlayer resistivity suggest that these systems are intrinsically inhomogeneous. It is thought that intrinsic tendency to disorder in the anions and/or the ethylene groups of the BEDT-TTF molecules leads to the coexistence of insulating and metallic states at low temperatures. A notional phase diagram is given for the general family of β" — (BEDT — TTF)₄ [(H₃O)M(C₂O₄)₃]Υ salts

    Gender discourse, awareness, and alternative responses for men in everyday living

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    In this paper, the authors use examples from their experiences to explore the nuances and complexities of contemporary gender practices. They draw on discourse and positioning theories to identify the ways in which culturally dominant, and difficult to notice, gender constructions help shape everyday experiences. In addition, the authors share their view that there are benefits in developing skills in noticing contemporary practices made available by dominant gender constructions. Such noticing expands possibilities for ways of responding and relating that might produce outcomes for men and women that fit with their hopes for living

    A fiber-optic current sensor for aerospace applications

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    A robust, accurate, broad-band, alternating current sensor using fiber optics is being developed for space applications at power frequencies as high as 20 kHz. It can also be used in low and high voltage 60 Hz terrestrial power systems and in 400 Hz aircraft systems. It is intrinsically electromagnetic interference (EMI) immune and has the added benefit of excellent isolation. The sensor uses the Faraday effect in optical fiber and standard polarimetric measurements to sense electrical current. The primary component of the sensor is a specially treated coil of single-mode optical fiber, through which the current carrying conductor passes. Improved precision is accomplished by temperature compensation by means of signals from a novel fiber-optic temperature sensor embedded in the sensing head. The technology contained in the sensor is examined and the results of precision tests conducted at various temperatures within the wide operating range are given. The results of early EMI tests are also given

    Fiber-optic sensors for aerospace electrical measurements: An update

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    Fiber-optic sensors are being developed for electrical current, voltage, and power measurements in aerospace applications. These sensors are presently designed to cover ac frequencies from 60 Hz to 20 kHz. The current sensor, based on the Faraday effect in optical fiber, is in advanced development after some initial testing. Concentration is on packaging methods and ways to maintain consistent sensitivity with changes in temperature. The voltage sensor, utilizing the Pockels effect in a crystal, has excelled in temperature tests. This paper reports on the development of these sensors, the results of evaluation, improvements now in progress, and the future direction of the work

    Multiplexable Kinetic Inductance Detectors

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    We are starting to investigate a novel multiplexable readout method that can be applied to a large class of superconducting pair-breaking detectors. This readout method is completely different from those currently used with STJ and TES detectors, and in principle could deliver large pixel counts, high sensitivity, and Fano-limited spectral resolution. The readout is based on the fact that the kinetic surface inductance L_s of a superconductor is a function of the density of quasiparticles n, even at temperatures far below T_c. An efficient way to measure changes in the kinetic inductance is to monitor the transmission phase of a resonant circuit. By working at microwave frequencies and using thin films, the kinetic inductance can be a significant part of the total inductance L, and the volume of the inductor can be made quite small, on the order of 1 µm^3. As is done with other superconducting detectors, trapping could be used to concentrate the quasiparticles into the small volume of the inductor. However, the most intriguing aspect of the concept is that passive frequency multiplexing could be used to read out ~10^3 detectors with a single HEMT amplifier