14,153 research outputs found

    Sphaleron-Bisphaleron bifurcations in a custodial-symmetric two-doublets model

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    The standard electroweak model is extended by means of a second Brout-Englert-Higgs-doublet. The symmetry breaking potential is chosen is such a way that (i) the Lagrangian possesses a custodial symmetry, (ii) a static, spherically symmetric ansatz of the bosonic fields consistently reduces the Euler-Lagrange equations to a set of differential equations. The potential involves, in particular, products of fields of the two doublets, with a coupling constant λ3\lambda_3.Static, finite energy solutions of the classical equations are constructed. The regular, non-trivial solutions having the lowest classical energy can be of two types: sphaleron or bisphaleron, according to the coupling constants. A special emphasis is put to the bifurcation between these two types of solutions which is analyzed in function of the different constants of the model,namely of λ3\lambda_3.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of SUSY-QCD in hadronic Higgs production at next-to-next-to-leading order

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    An estimate of the NNLO supersymmetric QCD effects for Higgs production at hadron colliders is given. Assuming an effective gluon-Higgs interaction, these corrections enter only in terms of process-independent, factorizable terms. We argue that the current knowledge of these terms up to NLO is sufficient to derive the NNLO hadronic cross section within the limitations of the standard theoretical uncertainties arising mainly from renormalization and factorization scale variations. The SUSY contributions are small with respect to the QCD effects, which means that the NNLO corrections to Higgs production are very similar in the Standard Model and the MSSM.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, 3 embedded PostScript figure

    Chronic GLP-1 receptor activation by exendin-4 induces expansion of pancreatic duct glands in rats and accelerates formation of dysplastic lesions and chronic pancreatitis in the Kras(G12D) mouse model.

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    Pancreatic duct glands (PDGs) have been hypothesized to give rise to pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN). Treatment with the glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 analog, exendin-4, for 12 weeks induced the expansion of PDGs with mucinous metaplasia and columnar cell atypia resembling low-grade PanIN in rats. In the pancreata of Pdx1-Cre; LSL-Kras(G12D) mice, exendin-4 led to acceleration of the disruption of exocrine architecture and chronic pancreatitis with mucinous metaplasia and increased formation of murine PanIN lesions. PDGs and PanIN lesions in rodent and human pancreata express the GLP-1 receptor. Exendin-4 induced proproliferative signaling pathways in human pancreatic duct cells, cAMP-protein kinase A and mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation of cAMP-responsive element-binding protein, and increased cyclin D1 expression. These GLP-1 effects were more pronounced in the presence of an activating mutation of Kras and were inhibited by metformin. These data reveal that GLP-1 mimetic therapy may induce focal proliferation in the exocrine pancreas and, in the context of exocrine dysplasia, may accelerate formation of neoplastic PanIN lesions and exacerbate chronic pancreatitis

    The SONYC survey: Towards a complete census of brown dwarfs in star forming regions

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    SONYC, short for "Substellar Objects in Nearby Young Clusters", is a survey program to provide a census of the substellar population in nearby star forming regions. We have conducted deep optical and near-infrared photometry in five young regions (NGC1333, rho Ophiuchi, Chamaeleon-I, Upper Sco, and Lupus-3), combined with proper motions, and followed by extensive spectroscopic campaigns with Subaru and VLT, in which we have obtained more than 700 spectra of candidate low-mass objects. We have identified and characterized more than 60 new substellar objects, among them a handful of objects with masses close to, or below the Deuterium burning limit. Through SONYC and surveys by other groups, the substellar IMF is now well characterized down to ~ 5 - 10 MJup, and we find that the ratio of the number of stars with respect to brown dwarfs lies between 2 and 6. A comprehensive survey of NGC 1333 reveals that, down to ~5MJup, free-floating objects with planetary masses are 20-50 times less numerous than stars, i.e. their total contribution to the mass budget of the clusters can be neglected.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of the conference 'Brown dwarfs come of age', May 20-24 2013, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italian

    Three Dimensional Relativistic Electromagnetic Sub-cycle Solitons

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    Three dimensional (3D) relativistic electromagnetic sub-cycle solitons were observed in 3D Particle-in-Cell simulations of an intense short laser pulse propagation in an underdense plasma. Their structure resembles that of an oscillating electric dipole with a poloidal electric field and a toroidal magnetic field that oscillate in-phase with the electron density with frequency below the Langmuir frequency. On the ion time scale the soliton undergoes a Coulomb explosion of its core, resulting in ion acceleration, and then evolves into a slowly expanding quasi-neutral cavity.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures; http://www.ile.osaka-u.ac.jp/research/TSI/Timur/soliton/index.htm

    Determining the Sign of the Z-Penguin Amplitude

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    We point out that the precision measurements of the pseudo observables R_b^0, A_b, and A_FB^0,b performed at LEP and SLC suggest that in models with minimal-flavor-violation the sign of the Z-penguin amplitude is identical to the one present in the standard model. We determine the allowed range for the non-standard contribution to the Inami-Lim function C and show by analyzing possible scenarios with positive and negative interference of standard model and new physics contributions, that the derived bound holds in each given case. Finally, we derive lower and upper limits for the branching ratios of K^+ -> pi^+ nu nubar, K_L -> pi^0 nu nubar, K_L -> mu^+ mu^-, B -> X_d,s nu nubar, and B_d,s -> mu^+ mu^- within constrained minimal-flavor-violation making use of the wealth of available data collected at the Z-pole.Comment: 20 pages, 5 pdf figures, 5 tables, uses pdflatex; further typos corrected, matches PRD versio

    Phase Mixing of Nonlinear Plasma Oscillations in an Arbitrary Mass Ratio Cold Plasma

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    Nonlinear plasma oscillations in an arbitrary mass ratio cold plasma have been studied using 1-D particle-in-cell simulation. In contrast to earlier work for infinitely massive ion plasmas it has been found that the oscillations phase mix away at any amplitude and that the rate at which phase mixing occurs, depends on the mass ratio (Δ=m/m+\Delta = m_{-}/m_{+}) and the amplitude. A perturbation theoretic calculation carried upto third order predicts that the normalized phase mixing time ωptmix\omega_{p-} t_{mix} depends on the amplitude AA and the mass ratio Δ\Delta as [(A2/24)(Δ/1+Δ)]1/3\sim [(A^{2}/24)(\Delta/\sqrt{1 + \Delta})]^{-1/3}. We have confirmed this scaling in our simulations and conclude that stable non-linear oscillations which never phase mix, exist only for the ideal case with Δ=0.0\Delta = 0.0 and A<0.5A < 0.5. These cold plasma results may have direct relevance to recent experiments on superintense laser beam plasma interactions with applications to particle acceleration, fast ignitor concept etc.Comment: pp 10 and two figures in PS forma

    The Impact of Left Hemisphere Stroke on Force Control with Familiar and Novel Objects: Neuroanatomic Substrates and Relationship to Apraxia

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    Fingertip force scaling for lifting objects frequently occurs in anticipation of finger contact. An ongoing question concerns the types of memories that are used to inform predictive control. Object-specific information such as weight may be stored and retrieved when previously encountered objects are lifted again. Alternatively, visual size and shape cues may provide estimates of object density each time objects are encountered. We reasoned that differences in performance with familiar versus novel objects would provide support for the former possibility. Anticipatory force production with both familiar and novel objects was assessed in six left hemisphere stroke patients, two of whom exhibited deficient actions with familiar objects (ideomotor apraxia; IMA), along with five control subjects. In contrast to healthy controls and stroke participants without IMA, participants with IMA displayed poor anticipatory scaling with familiar objects. However, like the other groups, IMA participants learned to differentiate fingertip forces with repeated lifts of both familiar and novel objects. Finally, there was a significant correlation between damage to the inferior parietal and superior and middle temporal lobes and impaired anticipatory control for familiar objects. These data support the hypotheses that anticipatory control during lifts of familiar objects in IMA patients are based on object-specific memories and that the ventro-dorsal stream is involved in the long-term storage of internal models used for anticipatory scaling during object manipulation