798 research outputs found

    Key Issues in Understanding the Economic and Health Security of Current and Future Generations of Seniors

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    Examines key issues seniors face in ensuring economic and health security and the role that Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security play in ensuring seniors' financial security, including concerns about medical debt and disparities by race/ethnicity

    Resource Review: Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

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    “Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics” (Hill, C., Corbett, C., Rose, A., 2010) reports on an extensive study of women’s underrepresentation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics professions. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the project was conducted by American Association of University Women. The resource includes findings from eight research studies which examined social and environmental factors which contribute to women’s underrepresentation in STEM fields as well as helpful tables, charts and bibliography resources. The 110 page resource will be particularly helpful for scholars working in program design to advance STEM opportunities for women

    Institutional Repositories, Open Access and Copyright: What Are the Practices and Implications?

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    A number of factors are driving open access to full-text journals: constantly rising prices of journal and database subscriptions, granting agencies requirements for recipients to submit their research publications into open access repositories, and pressure on libraries to create Institutional Repositories (IR) to promote the institutions’ reputations. Research proves that open access promotes the dissemination and use of scholarly works and citations for authors. This article examines the interactions among open access, institutional repositories, and copyright management. The research described herein investigates how institutional repositories are managing copyright and licensing issues that can interfere with open access

    Institutional Repositories, Open Access and Copyright: What Are the Practices and Implications?

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    A number of factors are driving open access to full-text journals: constantly rising prices of journal and database subscriptions, granting agencies requirements for recipients to submit their research publications into open access repositories, and pressure on libraries to create Institutional Repositories (IR) to promote the institutions’ reputations. Research proves that open access promotes the dissemination and use of scholarly works and citations for authors. This article examines the interactions among open access, institutional repositories, and copyright management. The research described herein investigates how institutional repositories are managing copyright and licensing issues that can interfere with open access

    The Pendleton Community Garden Project--More Than Just Planting Seeds

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    The Pendleton Community Garden Project is more than just planting seeds. It is about planting ideas, growing skills, and nurturing leadership and self-esteem in participants. Extension Family and Community Development, 4-H, and Agriculture faculty provided leadership in bringing together 22 local agencies to work with at-risk youth and senior volunteers. Thirty-five at-risk youth and over 100 seniors and community volunteers turned a vacant lot into a community garden that supplied fresh produce to local food bank recipients and homebound seniors. Both seniors and youth benefited from this intergenerational partnership, thus strengthening Extension\u27s leadership role in forging partnerships for sustainable communities

    Resource Review: The Annie E. Casey Foundation 2010 KIDS COUNT Data Book: State Profiles of Child Well-Being

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    The 2010 KIDS COUNT Data Book: State Profiles of Child Well-Being is an excellent resource for youth development professionals. The Data Book, prepared by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, provides national as well as state-by-state information on the conditions of America’s children and families. Ten key indicators of child well-being are utilized for the state rankings. In addition, the book includes an Appendix highlighting 10 years of state-by-state rankings using key indicators of child well-being

    Achieving the Anchor Promise: Improving Outcomes for Children, Families and Communities ~ A Resource Review

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    Achieving the Anchor Promise offers insight into ways anchor community institutions such as hospitals or universities can measure the impact or key areas where they can play an effective role in bettering the welfare of their communities. Funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, this research report highlights more than 75 in-depth interviews with individuals from a broad range of institutions including non-profit leaders, community activists, hospital and university administrators and federal officials. “Best Practices” as well as challenges are reviewed with the goal aimed at helping Anchor Institutions to move from programs to impact and ultimately to delivering benefits to low-income families and communitie

    The Weapon of Dress: Identity and Innovation in Cherokee Clothing, 1794-1838

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    In the decades leading up to Removal, Cherokees underwent a variety of sartorial changes. This thesis examines these changes, the resulting tensions, and the use of clothing as a weapon of resistance against Removal. Rather than acculturation or selective adoption, these sartorial changes represent indigenous cultural innovation. Cherokees reinforced their culture not through static adherence to “traditional” dress, but through innovation. These changes were indigenous and the result of an internal struggle over sartorial identity. Through narratives of sartorial transformation, Cherokees presented themselves as sufficiently acculturated and “civilized,” thus using dress as part of the identity process and as a means of presenting a different identity that emphasized “civilization” and affinity to Euro-American culture. Cherokees used sartorial innovation as acts of identity and as a weapon of resistance against Euro-American encroachment

    Hispanics and Health Care in the United States: Access, Information and Knowledge

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    The Hispanic population is the largest growing minority group in the United States. A helpful resource to assist in designing programs and interventions aimed at Hispanic communities was recently completed by the Pew Hispanic Center and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Over 4,000 Hispanic adults were included in the study which highlights how the diverse characteristics of the Hispanic population affect their health care needs and their comprehension of health care resources
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