237 research outputs found

    Loimologically significant pinniped helminths in Chukotka

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    The purpose of the research is study of pinniped helminth fauna in Chukotka, and the analysis of the fish of the main commercial families infected with pathogens of helminthozoonoses based on modern literature.Materials and methods. The helminths were collected in autumn of 2019 from pinnipeds caught in the Mechigmenskaya Guba of the Bering Sea in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug by the method of partial helminthological dissection per Skryabin (gastrointestinal tract). Samples were examined from 6 walruses and 26 seals (13 spotted seals and 13 ringed seals). The helminths found were fixed in 70% alcohol. The helminth species were identified at the Department of Parasitology and Veterinary and Sanitary Examination of the MVA named after K. I. Skryabin using reference literature.Results and discussion. All pinnipeds were infected with nematodes of the family Anisakidae. Mature Pseudoterranova desipiens were found in the walrus (Infection Prevalence = 16.7% with Infection Intensity = 3 specimens/animal), mature Ps. desipiens, as well as Contracoecum osculatum and Anisakis simplex larvae (IP = 30.8% with II from 5 to 57 specimens) were found in the spotted seal, and Ps. desipiens larvae and mature Ps. desipiens were found in the ringed seal (IP = 15.4% with II from 1 to 4 specimens). Thus, only Ps. desipiens were represented by mature stages (females and males), and two other species of anisakids, C. osculatum and A. simplex, were found in the seals in the larval stage

    Formation of luminescent coatings with the tse of low melting glasse

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    The aim of the present research is to develop compounds and technologies for applying the luminous vitrocrystalline compounds to smooth and ribbed glass substrates in LED lamp structure with a remote photoconverter that contains oxide low melting glass as the base and nanostructuredcerium-doped yttrium-aluminum garnet powder as the luminophore. The luminescent coatings basedon nanostructured cerium doped yttrium-aluminum garnet powder and low melting glass of composition Ba()-Bi,0 rB/J rKH)-SiO2 where prepared. YAG.Ce31 powder was synthesized by the method of thermochemical reaction. Silica glass powder was introduced into the composition as diffuse scattering component, improving the lighting characteristics. Spectral-luminescent characteristics of coatings were studied.Целью настоящего исследования является разработка составов и процесса нанесения люминофорной стеклокристаллической композиции на стеклянные подложки в конструкции светодиодного светильника с удаленным фотопреобразователем, содержащей в качестве основы оксидное легкоплавкое стекло, а в качестве люминофора - наноструктурированный порошок иттрий-алюминиевого граната, активированный ионами церия. Изготовлены люминесцентные покрытия на основе нанострук- турированного порошка иттрий-алюминиевого граната, допированного ионами церия и легкоплавкого стекла на основе ситсте- мы Ba0-Bi:03-B,0rKfD-SiO2. Порошок YAG.Ce* синтезирован методом термохимической реакции. Для улучшения световых и спектрально-люминесцентных характеристик покрытий в состав вводили диффузно-рассеиваюищй компонент - порошок кварцевого стекла. Изучены спектрально-люминесцентные характеристики покрытий

    Lymphocyte apoptosis and immune response in patients with drug-resistant fibro-cavernous tuberculosis with different prevalence of destructive changes in the lungs

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    Disturbances of programmed cell death are at the heart of many immunopathological processes in tuberculosis. The relationship between activity of apoptosis and severity of immune response is of particular interest in the patients with fibrous-cavernous drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis at different extent of the process. The paper concerns features of apoptosis, proliferative activity of lymphocytes, cytokine’s production and subpopulation composition of peripheral blood lymphocytes in the patients with uni- and bilateral fibrous-cavernous drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis. It was shown that apoptotic rates in the examined patients is closely related to extent of pathological process. Extent of early and late apoptosis and, accordingly, the number of living cells reflected the progression degree of destructive process in the lungs affected by fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis. The possibility of predicting the extent of destructive changes in affected lungs based on expression of apoptosis markers is presumed. Index of activity for early apoptosis of T lymphocytes, exceeding normal values by 25% and higher were clinically significant. A clear relationship between the immune response and apoptosis level was revealed. Ambiguous changes of immunological parameters were shown with increasing apoptosis associated with the severity of destructive changes. Increased apoptotic cell death in all patients with fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis, regardless of extent of the process, was associated with inhibition of antigen-specific proliferative response, decrease in CD25+ lymphocytes, increased numbers of B cells, along with decreased production of IFNγ, IL-8, and increased IL-2 response to PPD. In cases of unilateral destruction, increased apoptotic rates were accompanied by a decrease in the CD95+ cell numbers, and a decrease in TNFα production. On the contrary, in patients with bilateral destruction it was characterized by a high content of CD95+ lymphocytes, increased production of TNFα and IL-10. An index of extremely unfavorable course of the process is a combination of high apoptosis levels and low antigen-specific response with low expression of CD25+ cells, increased number of CD19+ and CD95+ lymphocytes, decreased production of IFNγ, IL-8 and increased production of IL-2, TNFα, IL-10. The relationships found in the work indicate that the combined assessment of apoptosis indexes, together with immunological parameters, has a higher informative value when assessing the state of immunocompetent cells, the origin of the process and trends for its development. Detecting the features of programmed lymphocyte death, in conjunction with immune parameters, allows to evaluate the role of apoptosis in each single case and to predict the course of the process, with subsequent justification of immunotherapy administration

    Гельминтофауна хищных птиц (Strigiformes: Strigidae, Tytonidae) на территории Нечерноземной зоны РФ

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    The purpose of the research is studying helminths of carnivorous birds of the order of owls (Strigiformes) found in the Non-Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation.Materials and methods. From 2015 to 2020, complete helminthological dissections were carried out by the Skryabin method for 72 birds of the order of owls after their spontaneous death: 8 specimens of the short-eared owl Asio flammeus, 6 specimens of the Ural owl Strix uralensis, 4 specimens of the little owl Athene noctua, 9 specimens of the barn owl Tyto alba, 19 specimens of the tawny owl S. aluco, and 26 specimens of the long-eared owl A. otus. The study material was provided by rehabilitation centers and veterinary clinics in Moscow City and the Moscow, Tula and Kaluga regions. The helminths were fixed according to generally accepted methods; the species was identified taking into account specific morphological characters.Results and discussion. Total infection rate in owls was 89.9%. All studied birds were found to have mixed infections with two or more types of helminths. We identified 15 helminth species including 3 species of trematodes (Neodiplostomum attenuatum, Strigea falconis, S. strigis), 2 species of cestodes (Cladotaenia globifera, Paruterina candelabraria), 9 species of nematodes (Syngamus trachea, Cyrnea leptoptera, Microtetrameres inermis, Synhimantus laticeps, Porrocaecum depressum, P. spirale, Capillaria tenuissima, Baruscapillaria falconis, and Capillaria sp.) and 1 acanthocephalian species (Centrorhynchus aluconis). For the first time, new hosts were identified for the following helminth species: the barn owl, short-eared owl and little owl for the trematode N. attenuatum, the Ural owl and little owl for S. falconis, the long-eared owl for the nematode S. trachea, the short-eared owl and tawny owl for C. leptoptera, and the tawny owl for M. inermis.Цель исследований – изучение гельминтов хищных птиц отряда совообразные (Strigiformes), встречающихся на территории Нечерноземной зоны РФ.Материалы и методы. В период с 2015 по 2020 гг. проведены полные гельминтологические вскрытия по методу Скрябина 72 птиц отряда совообразные после их спонтанной гибели: болотная сова Asio flammeus – 8 экз., длиннохвостая неясыть Strix uralensis – 6, домовой сыч Athene noctua – 4, обыкновенная сипуха Tyto alba – 9, серая неясыть S.aluco – 19, ушастая сова A. otus – 26 экз. Материал для исследования был предоставлен реабилитационными центрами и ветеринарными клиниками Москвы и Московской, Тульской и Калужской областей. Обнаруженных гельминтов фиксировали согласно общепринятым методикам; вид определяли с учетом характерных морфологических признаков.Результаты и обсуждение. Общая зараженность совообразных птиц составила 89,9%. У всех исследуемых птиц обнаружены миксинвазии двумя и более видами гельминтов. Идентифицировано 15 видов гельминтов, включая 3 вида трематод (Neodiplostomum attenuatum, Strigea falconis, S. strigis), 2 вида цестод (Cladotaenia globifera, Paruterina candelabraria), 9 видов нематод (Syngamus trachea, Cyrnea leptoptera, Microtetrameres inermis, Synhimantus laticeps, Porrocaecum depressum, P. spirale, Capillaria tenuissima, Baruscapillaria falconis, Capillaria sp.) и 1 вид акантоцефалов (Centrorhynchus aluconis). Впервые отмечены новые хозяева для следующих видов гельминтов: у трематоды N. attenuatum – обыкновенная сипуха, болотная сова и домовой сыч, у S. falconis – длиннохвостая неясыть и домовой сыч), у нематоды S. trachea – ушастая сова, у C. leptoptera – болотная сова и серая неясыть и у M. inermis – серая неясыть

    Biodegradable composite materials on base of cellulose acetate

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    Regularities of fracture pattern formation in alumina ceramics subjected to dynamic indentation

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    In this paper the process of dynamic indentation, causing deformation and fracture of alumina ceramics, is investigated. The dynamic indentation experiments were carried out on the original setup based on the split Hopkinson bar technique. The regularities of structure evolution caused by indenter penetration are studied using the computer tomography data of the samples subjected to different loads. The investigation revealed the existence of comminuted area in the vicinity of the indenter and the formation of multiple cracks in the zone lying below. It was found that the higher is the applied indentation load, the denser is the crack pattern and larger are the cracks. A similarity of such a mechanical behavior between the examined material and dentin taken as a biocomposite is discussed

    Regularities of fracture pattern formation in alumina ceramics subjected to dynamic indentation

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    In this paper the process of dynamic indentation, causing deformation and fracture of alumina ceramics, is investigated. The dynamic indentation experiments were carried out on the original setup based on the split Hopkinson bar technique. The regularities of structure evolution caused by indenter penetration are studied using the computer tomography data of the samples subjected to different loads. The investigation revealed the existence of comminuted area in the vicinity of the indenter and the formation of multiple cracks in the zone lying below. It was found that the higher is the applied indentation load, the denser is the crack pattern and larger are the cracks. A similarity of such a mechanical behavior between the examined material and dentin taken as a biocomposite is discussed